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Thursday, January 28, 2021

How the Devil rewards Covidist true believers


And so the culling of the human livestock on Globalist Farm has begun.


Sons of Liberty: The arrest of Dr. Simone solely for proving the DC riots were staged, proves the FBI and Covid are a massive scam!


It used to be, you didn't have to have an official press pass recognized as part of corporate media to be a journalist. It also used to be a guarantee that you could show a staged riot for staged, and be rewarded for showing that the Democrats who staged it are the real terrorists - not have your home raided by 21 bloodthirsty thugs with badges in open violation of the 4th Amendment, be carted off like an animal, and be labeled a "terrorist" yourself!

You were also free to ask why the death numbers for 2020 are average for any other year; without fear of being abducted and labeled a "terrorist" in the same vein as bin Laden!

But when the real terrorists have taken over media, government, entertainment, academia, and corporations; and all serve a foreign master or several, then lies and disorder reign supreme. And any who'd tell the truth, or even ask questions, are immediately punished!

These enemy insurgents have gone for the throat of the Republic Under God of the United States of America. With a hunting knife! Like an ISIS operative, ready to behead his next target! They are trying to replace it with the International Corporation of the United States. In it, only a handful have any real rights or power - contingent on their satanic foreign masters. The rest, are not even to be treated as human! They are but livestock in the eyes of these devil worshipers. The American everyman, is no different in their eyes from a bull. The average everywoman, no different than a cow.

Forget "You Have Two Cows" jokes! When they presume the "right" to be the farmers, under this new diabolical system, YOU ARE the cows! And bovine matter can be turned into almost anything. #MakeSoylentGreenFictionAgain

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Is it time for Peter's Omninova?

Under The Cover Of DC WWE Inauguration, This Communist Agenda Moves Forward from The Sons Of Liberty Radio LIVE on Vimeo.


It would seem that commie sh*tbags got the video pulled from Vimeo, for telling too much truth. The channel also appears to have been pulled, for having too much to think.

May Apophis fall on Yellowstone. May 2 Peter 3:10 come to pass.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Blackout rumors

Following this post on the Labs blog, there are concerns about what's happening at the world stage level. This post seeks to address this. What we know so far:

  • With the help of thugs like the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, and other corrupt agencies, Whitmer and other ne'er-do-well tyrannical governors have made it not only near-impossible to peacefully recall or remove them from office for their abuses; but they have successfully teamed up with China, the Vatican, global pedophile networks, etc., to steal the election for Joe Biden.
  • Trump has fled into exile in Texas, to avoid being assassinated.
  • Demoncraps are plotting the demise of him and his followers, even before the inauguration of Biden - who will be an illegitimate president, because the Supreme Court is corrupt and refused to hear the case on fraud, even when they were forced to by law after refilings.
  • Big Tech is already circling the wagons, and already criminally conspiring to assassinate conservative media outlets.
  • America is headed toward civil war.
  • China is trying to buy Jamaica and the Bahamas.
  • Blackouts in the Vatican, and the pope going dark. Rumors of arrests, child porn, child trafficking, etc. out of the Vatican.
  • Rumors of pending US blackouts.

The doomsday scenario playing out in real life is somehow worse than that in the Cataclysmic Gerosha timeline! And required no Yellowstone eruption, no volcanic destruction of Louisville, no Pele or Kritchobol assaults on Europe, etc., to get that way! And the communists seizing control don't even have the decency of the Chrome Kite to rebuild infrastructure well!

In lieu of these facts, the pending threats of US blackouts means that Google could go down at any time. Until there's a DuckDuckGo translate, or something superior to Google arises, Dozerfleet is terminally dependent on Google and other sites about foreign language slang and idioms to piece together the best possible way to make translations for works like Purge-Flare, Volkonir 2008, etc. If these sites go down, then foreign translation work at Dozerfleet ceases until these resources resume. If total power failure occurs, nearly all Dozerfleet work ceases until electricity is resumed.

I'd say stay tuned; but that requires electricity. So...pray.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Purge-Flare now available in Ivorian French!

A translation to French now enables the story of Chris' daring escapade to be read by any French-speaking nation, with Cote d'Ivore as the primary target audience. This means that about half of Africa can now join in the fun!

This leaves only two more translations on the horizon: Korean and Russian.