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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Jameela Jamil, the Tide Pod Zombie, demonstrates precicely why the Elon Musk takeover of Twitter was inevitable

Main story: Daily Wire

By now, most are familiar with the expression "Get Woke, Go Broke."

For those who don't understand the joke about "Tide Zombies," please read the explanation here.

The need for Christ in the land has never been more obvious. Given the recent buyout, many conservatives now think that Elon Musk buying Twitter makes him some sort of savior. That's dangerously naive. However, it's still a breath of fresh air from hearing the mad delusions of the blue checkmark mafia that just lost their favorite platform to become petty tyrants on.

Now, we have yet another Tide Zombie in the form of Jameela Jamil. Her theory on the Musk takeover? It's the end of the world!

Her ilk consider anything that so much as questions the particulars of whatever they say to be the same thing as literally resurrecting the KKK, or Hitler. Their lack of ownership of mirrors is noteworthy indeed!

These types are mentally not well in the slightest. They, are the reasons why Florida had a thing a few years ago, called the Baker Act!

Let's rewind the clock to 2021, and the reason Dozerfleet is now on Miraheze for a wiki platform. The brand was kicked off of, mainly for liking a video by Jeremy of The Quartering. Love or hate Jeremy, when he says something and the proof is in the pudding, then true is true.

Relations with Fandom soured earlier than that, however. In March, Fandom threatened Dozerfleet staff. Why? Because the brand refused to use let its wiki be hijacked by trans activists to witch hunt and abuse those who don't share the woke cult's exact views.

To have allowed the wiki to become about this, and to be entirely one-sided, so only once side could speak its mind or defend itself or attack, and the other had zero rights, is a total betrayal of the very concept of fairness that Fandom once claimed to believe in!

Moreover, such an action would have betrayed and derailed the Dozerfleet Database from its core purpose: documenting Dozerfleet project history and progress. Letting trans movement activists use the database as their personal launchpad to act as secret police against Dozerfleet fans over their personal beliefs would be a total betrayal of content creator and fan ethics!

That is to say nothing of how Mr. Woodhouse's expectations are a total betrayal of truth and reality, a betrayal of the Orders of Creation, and a total betrayal of everything Dozerfleet stands for!

In spite everything else sick and wrong that the brand was being ordered to ignore / play nice with, that was a hard line in the sand that was not to be crossed. The pro-kid-diddlers' responses? "Give the Prolapse Mafia everything it demands, or you're a 'transphobe,' and you'll be punished for not giving us what we want!" They went further, saying it was "disgusting" to object to them engaging in such heavy-handed extortion! (Yet, their flagrant extortion was somehow *not* 500 times as disgusting??????????)

Dozerfleet was not only suppressed for this, but threatened with "further action, restrictions, etc.," for expressing having a problem with Woodhouse's heavy-handedness! Hence, a mad quest to relocate everything wiki-related to another platform, before everything was erased!

What's so wrong with having a fine line in the sand that shouldn't be crossed? Especially when it involves the greater farm asking one venue operating on that farm to violate the trust of its own base? Is that not basic human decency? Well, that's just it: Wokes lust for power and blood. They don't care about decency!

It was a line in the sand that limited these lunatics' cutthroat lust for unlimited power over others. Therefore, it was "hate speech," and "unforgivable," for Dozerfleet to draw a line. But all their own bloodlust and vitriol? All their extreme heterophobia??? "Okay..." when they do it! If not for double standards, wokes and Democrats wouldn't have standards.

Now, back to 2022, and Twitter. Elon isn't saving the world. In fact, if he doesnt' guard his tech more jealously, he's just about given the Biden regime all the tools it needs to become Hyrdra. Worse than this real-life Iron Man creating Ultron; he's just about given Klaus Schwab the means to lobotomize the entire planet! That's some next-level Injustice timeline Superman crap! And in the end, "free speech" returning to Twitter will be meaningless, unless the BlackRock cutthroats are served God's justice! It's going to take more than tweets to pull that off! And anyone still banking on Trump doing their part in this for them, is beyond hopelessly lost in idolatry!

So what good is Elon accomplishing here, even if the benefits are only temporary? All Elon is doing, is putting a stop to the Tide Zombies' tyranny over one platform.

These thorazine-needing cuckoo birds' capacity to act like petty little tyrants over total strangers' entire lives and thoughts, has just been dealt a temporary blow. So why the temper tantrums, from the likes of Jameela? Simple. He won't let them be the oppressors! Therefore, they now bitch and whine and sob and moan, as if they were being "oppressed"! Because to them, there's no such thing as a setup where no one is oppressing anyone! There MUST be an oppressor somewhere! And if it isn't them, then it's wrong! Because it's only okay when they do it!

Such all-or-nothing, zero sum thinking demonstrates that they are truly, completely out of their minds. And if their demonic neo-Bolshevik delusions are all they have to go on, they deserve to lose everything to Musk.

Monday, April 25, 2022

How Blood Over Water Classic missed its deadline for IMDB

Clips for the miniseries can now be viewed here. The photocomic can be downloaded here.

The question becomes: if Oughties Big Rapids Living Stuff can qualify for an IMDB page, then why not Blood Over Water? Well, it's technical; but it mostly comes down to nit picks regarding IMDB's specific rules.

  1. Most new IMDB entries prefer that the film still exist, in its original format, verifiably, with verifiable information ready for its time of original release.
  2. If the film (or miniseries) has been banned from public view for any particular reason, then IMDB wants evidence that it was available once upon a time.
  3. Moreover, an additional clause in IMDB's rules states that the deceased work had to have been originally intended for release to the box office, a major commercial TV station or cable network, a major streaming platform (like YouTube or Vimeo), or some other venue that is widely publicly available.
  4. If that isn't the case, then the work must still exist on a public venue in a form recognizable to its original medium / format at the time the entry to IMDB is made.
  5. If the entry is to be made posthumously, then the work must have been originally intended for public broadcast, verifiably.

The specificity of these clauses in site rules, unfortunately, disqualify Blood Over Water from receiving an entry. And for two big reasons:

  1. The work was removed from YouTube before an IMDB entry could be made, partially due to Chris' irrationality and TDS on Facebook, and partially due to a copyright dispute over the soundtrack. Therefore, it was defunct as a video online before an entry to IMDB could be submitted.
  2. YouTube was not its original intended destination.

Nor was it ever intended in its original form for a box office release, nor to Fox, NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, nor any of their affiliates. Rather, the miniseries' original target audience was Bulldog Television, the educational access cable channel connected to that is specific to Ferris students on campus.

IMDB rules state that PEG channel programming "doesn't count" for its platform. So without a version of the videos still on YouTube, IMDB's official stance is that it "doesn't exist, never happened."

Here at Dozerfleet, we know better. But just because it no longer qualifies for an IMDB page, doesn't mean that information on the old miniseries is lost forever. Because of the photocomic, it now qualifies for a listing on ICDB! And even if somehow failing that, it still has entries on All the Tropes, and of course, the Dozerfleet Database on Miraheze.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

A Doge badge?

Much confusion? Great puzzlement? Fear not!

As cryptocurrencies grow, so does the need for users to maintain their value. Meme-based coins are a definitive example, and Dogecoin is one of the most popular grassroots movements.

Dozerfleet has a badge flaunting Dogecoin, in the hopes of growing its value. Just click the badge, and see if you can do your part to increase its value.

New navigation underway

Dozerfleet Comics (and eventually, Literature too) are getting some fixes to their navigation, to keep up with industry standards for online book catalogs. The Gerosha and Eccentriaverse comic sections have nearly been overhauled completely, with Dromedeverse and miscellaneous work navigation pending.

Once Dozerfleet Comics has been given its much-deserved overhaul, plans are underway to similarly revamp navigation for Dozerfleet Literature.

For the time being, no significant changes are planned for the Records, Labs, and Studios divisions.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Can't get enough of comics that aren't from bigger-name firms? Check out ICDB today!

Purge-Flare: Stickin' It to Pencil has been out for a while. But now, it has an official listing on Tiina Vilu's growing Independent Comics Database. In spite the name similarity, ICDB is not affiliated with IMDB. So what is ICDB?

Tiina's most basic stated goal with the site is one that Dozerfleet seems to agree with: giving creators with online comic works they'd love to get out into the world, to influence readers with for purposes of exchange of thought and discourse; a means of listing their work in a place that will both grant some additional legitimacy to the work's existence and provide visitors of the site with a go-to reference.

Genre categories are limited, and the perversion mafia seems to have had their way with defining some of the top categories. Other creative minds will simply need to write more and better material, and make their submissions, to turn the tide in the culture / spiritual war. But with some TLC from creators like you, Tiina's experiment in providing all indie creators a platform for their ideas can genuinely take off.

Purge-Flare is currently listed under the "assassin" genre, as it seemed the most fitting for this dark antihero. The tale is the first machinomic to be featured on ICDB, the first hybrid comic-storybook to reference in any respect the world of GTA 5 to this capacity, as well as one of the few entries to be in ten different languages on the site! (For comparison, Hyunseok Yun's DICE is listed as being in nine different languages.)

Have a work similar to Purge-Flare that you'd love to share on ICDB? Check it out today, and see if it's the right listing for your work!

OBRL now listed on IMDB

You read that right! The Sims 4: Oughties Big Rapids Living Stuff is now officially listed on IMDB! This makes it the first time a Dozerfleet Productions item has ever been given such a listing.

Original post...

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Classic Blood Over Water now available as a photocomic

While the original miniseries in video format may no longer be redistributable outside of Ivan's Vault; this new photocomic compilation of salvaged and polished-up screenshots from the original Kyle Mayer Cut is the next best thing!

If you're nostalgic for the original story, as opposed to the machinomic remake set in the Cataclysmic Gerosha (Earth-G7) timeline, then you can re-live your favorite moments by downloading this compilation.

To know even more about this original, plus the machinomic, and behind the scenes of both, don't forget to also read Blood Over Water: Dirty Laundry! Now available from Dozerfleet Literature.

Even more information is available about the project at the Dozerfleet Database.