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Friday, January 27, 2023

Uncovering lost wiki treasures Pt 12 - Gray Champion suit evolution

The following may be integrated back into the wiki at some point. An old "talk" page discussed the evolution of Gray Champion suits.

John's Outfits

Old Englishman

Debut: Of Angels and Icicles

There is little noteworthy anything to say of this. This was John's civilian outfit, around the time he found himself on his way to a new life in Lynn, as the Order of the Oraphim was founded, and the monarchy in England had no use for him.

In real life, this look for John was first drafted in 2017, for purposes of his backstory.

Man of Lynn

Debut: Of Angels and Icicles

The Man of Lynn outfit was John's default appearance during his life in Colonial Massachusets. There is little else about it that is noteworthy.

In real life, this look for John was first drafted in 2013, for purposes of his backstory.

Professor Mike Edwards

Debut: Freedom's Apparition

John was able to hide himself briefly, by becoming a tour guide for Hea's museum. Knowing firsthand about history and literature of the 17th century, only the vocal and beard similarities to John Domeck betrayed eventually to anyone that "Professor Mike Edwards" wasn't quite who he said he was. John's secret identity as a modern history professor had a short-lived tenure.

In real life, this look for John was first drafted in 2011.

Confederate Hybrid

Debut: Freedom's Apparition

John of course begins his journey in 2012 in his old outfit from the 17th century. After Hea Pang and Kyle Medsor's family assist him, he gets a high-tech black body glove to wear that augments his new abilities. This gets covered up by gray pants, a gray overcoat, a black-and-blue cape, some Puritan-era belt and scabbord for his sword Fishkiller, dark blue gloves and boots, a gray Pilgrim hat, and his signature black face mask with the yellow square "Eyes of Judgment" on it, with a slit to let his beard through.

This look comes to be his default superhero outfit, the Confederate Hybrid. This is because it is a fusion of Puritan and Confederate soldier styles into a single costume, created by Hea kitbashing together the look. It's slightly modified, and more practical, than the de-facto true 17th-century fashion he once sported. However, the evolution of his suit is still possible, given Hea's guiding principle in having John adopt the Gray Champion mantle: the words of Hawthorne himself on the matter:

But none could make reply. The fathers of the people, those of four-score years and upwards, were disturbed, deeming it strange that they should forget one of such evident authority, whom they must have known in their early days, the associate of Winthrop and all the old Councillors, giving laws, and making prayers, and leading them against the savage.

The elderly men ought to have remembered him, too, with locks as gray in their youth, as their own were now. And the young! How could he have passed so utterly from their memories--that hoary sire, the relic of long departed times, whose awful benediction had surely been bestowed on their uncovered heads, in childhood? [1]

Long story short, the Gray Champion's newest mantle, during the fourth turning of his calling, will always appear with fashion sense that's at minimum a few decades behind the population he arrives in. The general benchmark is 80 years, in keeping with Strauss-Howe generational theory.

However, John was plucked from the 17th century. Merging his Puritan fashion sense with that of a Confederate soldier, when the parts were spare parts from a history museum, was the most reasonable compromise.

Variants of Confederate Hybrid not only helped John deal with Eric Andro, and with Eqquibus; but were there for him in dealing with Blackveil, Chillingworth, Brackett, Hibbins, Korsicht and minions, and all of Terry Beliah and Halal Affadidah's goons sent after John. He also utilized this after joining the Sodality Western Militia. The Confederate Hybrid suit is the one most associated with John.

Confederate Hybrid is the Gray Champion suit that has been associated with John Domeck since September of 2001 in real life.

Homeless Militant

Debut: Shaken Dust

This "hobo" outfit was kitbashed together by John during the events of Shaken Dust. His Confederate Hybrid outfit was in storage, along with Fishkiller, as Hea was getting ready to move to Arkansas.

Being the most modern of John's hero outfits, Homeless Militant bears only the mask and body glove in common with the Confederate Hybrid. The outer garments are modern gray jackets and jeans, allowing him to appear like a homeless vagrant bearing the same spirit as the Confederate-Puritan Hybrid, but sporting a different look. This outfit also forced John to practice his shooting range gun training, as opposed to trying to rely entirely on Fishkiller to solve his problems.

Once out of bullets, John had to improvise some new sword weapons. However, he also had to learn to rely less on his electric field manipulation, as the power grid became sparse in Boston after Brackett and Hibbins aided Affadidah. Easy teleportation became difficult without a consistent electrical grid to fall back on, forcing John to have to scout his way about Boston the old fashioned way. He still had his enhanced strength and healing, levitation, invisibility, intangibility, and other phantomimicry powers. But without lightning bolts and fast travel, John found being a Gray Chmpion to Bostonians harder than ever.

John passed the test, however, in freeing Hea and Tina. Once in Jonesboro, however, he had to revert to his Confederate Hybrid and Fishkiller arrangement to defeat Brackett.

In real life, this look for John was first drafted in 2017. It was known he'd need an outfit modification as early as December of 2015; but this design didn't arrive until two years later.

Scandium Phantom

Debut: Sodality: Vindication

The Scandium Phantom was an upgrade made by Malestrom Industries, which sought to allow John to have improved resistance to "Tug" tech. It wouldn't have been able to help him against the one that the Chrome Kite eventually put around Arkansas; but it ensured that lesser Tug devices wouldn't be able to trap him while he went to Italy to thwart Rappaccini's evil plans, along with the rest of Team Spaghetti Liberation.

Anticipating that her being a political hot item would complicate matters, Dolly saw writing on the wall for her continued tenure of being able to be the Earwig full time. She knew that the time would come that she'd be too preoccupied with other business to be active in duty as the Earwig, so she bestowed partial Earwig tech on the two she trusted most with it: Candi and John.

Therefore, Candi was permitted an upgrade from Ciem to the Vanadium Centipede, although Candi only got to use the Vanadium Centipede armors a handful of times. John was given the Scandium Phantom outfit, though it was eventually destroyed in the Second Great Battle for Dephinapolis. This resulted in John reverting to the Confederate Hybrid once more.

In real life, this look for John was first drafted in 2015.

Roy's outfits

Roy Bernald arrived some time shortly after Arkansas was captured by the Chrome Kite. It wasn't long before John took Roy under his wing, seeing it as a sign from God that Roy was destined to eventually be John's replacement as official bearer of the Gray Champion mantle.

Gray Doughboy

Having come from the fields of WWI, Roy was destined to be a very different sort of Gray Champion. He tried to adapt his combat experience at first, as the Gray Doughboy. However, that name was no longer taken seriously in the 21st century, as the term "doughboy" had become too closely associated with the Pillsbury Doughboy. Roy's love of horses - particularly his steed Fellertooth (named after John and Orenda's long-deceased pet wolf Fellerfang) - resulted in Roy abandoning the Doughboy outfit.

Gray Rancher

The Sodality Western Militia had to scout the western territories reconquered from Netheel, in order to minimize Hebbleskin revivalist and Chrome Kite agent activity. They had a variety of safehouses set up for them in a network, and found the safest way to travel was often on horseback - reverting to 19th-century methods of doing almost everything.

Roy modified his attire accordingly, and his Gray Champion variant reflected more of a "wild west cowboy" influence as a result. The "Gray Rancher" identity was born.


  1. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. "The Gray Champion." ''Twice-Told Tales''. 1837.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Uncovering Lost Wiki Treasures Pt. 11 - The Evolution of John Domeck

Somewhat unnecessary now, the following is an old list of versions of the John Domeck Gray Champion's various incarnations throughout the history of the Gerosha Multiverse, detailing how the character evolved as a concept over time, departing from who he was in Earth-G0.


Unlike in Earth-G0, Earth-G1 John was made still-living, and bonded with the Marlquaan, instead of a spirit trapped in it. This came as the result of a need to:

  1. Make the character more vulnerable and
  2. Make the Marlquaan's nature more universal and applicable to other characters.

A lot of this change was necessitated by a decision to merge John's story into the greater budding Gerosha mythos, where it needed to share space with the Meshalutian Trilogy and and eventually with Ciem mythos. However, he would remain largely under-developed at the time, due to greater emphasis in the fall of 2002 on 90 Has No Secant, which was in-turn inspired by The Ring.

The decision to replace Verdabbin with Eqquibus came after the Dozerfleet founder watched 2002's Spider-Man in theaters. Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin became the inspiration for a newer, more fleshed-out and more personable villain. From there, pictures of horses and one of an incubus that featured on Google Images inspired the idea of a man who was merged with a horse and an incubus.


John was to be a canon figure, along with other cast members of his continuity family, in Earth-G2. However, very little was changed apart from what were already included in Earth-G1's changes. Emphasis was placed in this version on the Rintels and the Flippos.


Test Gerosha, had it taken off, would have eventually tried to merge the Gray Champion's continuity together with that of Stan and Shalia Flippo. Instead, all it accomplished was to define Marissa Hood better - as well as much-reduce the size of Shalia's original family. Her brothers were erased from the timeline this time, making Shalia an only child.


Immediately following Test Gerosha, Gerosha "Prime" (first proper Gerosha universe) became the first-ever attempt at telling The Battle for Gerosha. This cemented both the continuity family's title and the Flippo family's central importance to greater mythos. However, emphasis on defining Ciem through an early Candi Levens meant that pursuit of a reconciliation of Gray Champion and Ciem continuity was delayed. Further delay came in the form of side projects in disconnected universes, such as When Bikes Argue.

However, Ciem's story being spread out over three webcomics provided some fixed timeline for Gray to connect with.


One more time, Gray Champion continuity development was sidelined, this time to build a better Ciem continuity. This first attempt was doomed, partially by software and hardware issues. However, the problems with 2006's Ciem webcomic led to better things a year later. It was first in 2006, however, that sketches were attempted of Eqquibus, officially having him replace Verdabbin as Gray's initial adversary in Freedom's Apparition.


In Classic Gerosha, there was an attempt to make the Gerosha universe even more inclusive, which resulted in Volkonir and Grillitan Diner Easter eggs in Ciem. There were even plans, ultimately rejected, to fuse the Bison and his mythology into Classic Gerosha. Instead, all that was done about that was a movie poster Easter egg near Miriam's bed featuring the Bison.

Since then, the events surrounding Volkonir and the Bison were moved into a universe of their own. The Grillitan Diner was moved to being canon to the same universe as The Trapezoid Kids and Camelorum Adventures.

John's battle with Eqquibus was moved in setting from Grand Rapids to Boston, but few other changes were made to his role.

Ciem was released to Mod the Sims, with chapters being published from 2008-2009. There were plans to immediately follow it up with Ciem 2, but this was canceled due to health and college activity reasons.

Blood Over Water was made instead, which would become a starting point for a complete revamp of continuity. Life in the dorms at Ferris inspired the Dozerfleet founder further to consider making Sorbet a story. The inability to get by on mere free webcomics alone came to the desire to pursue more commercial and profitable novels, which would require much more planning before being written. This would give way to the entire Classic Gerosha timeline being abandoned in favor of Comprehensive Gerosha.


In Comprehensive Gerosha, John's mythology would be refined further. "Heeshwa Pwong" became Hea Pang, and her unnamed mother was named Dae Pang. Eqquibus would become slightly more clever, and use cheap lines less often. Gray's first superhero tale was going to simply be called Gray Champion, after the Hawthorne story. However, it soon became obvious that a more distinct title was needed.

That added distinction came on September 28th of 2011, when the Dozerfleet founder watched a YouTube video featuring footage from the trailer for Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance. It suddenly became obvious that a subtitle on that order was needed. Since the novel adaptation of Ciem became Ciem: Vigilante Centipede, Gray's first story in Dozerfleet was renamed The Gray Champion: Freedom's Apparition.

More work was done to expand his family background too, including to Orenda "Kicked Deer" Domeck being his wife, and Marge "Mapacha" Domeck-Ramirez being his daughter. Plans existed back in Earth-G1 for Mapacha, but were never pursued until G6.


Comprehensive Gerosha plans for the Gray Champion trilogy were only slightly revised for Cataclysmic Gerosha. Gray's role in Abolition was rewritten slightly to make it conform to the season 4 plot for Sodality.

In late 2015, real-life news events inspired Shaken Dust. The desire to make John Domeck have his own Gerosha-continuity-building trilogy also arrived as a result of reimagining the character some more. Comments on DeviantArt that he was basically "Puritan Thor" have led to a desire to pursue playing up the similarities.

Shaken Dust was to be the final part of John's adventures in modern Boston, in much the way that Thor: Ragnarok was to be the final movie in the MCU's Thor saga (that is, until Love and Thunder was greenlit.)

From there, John would go on to play a role in Augmentation, Vindication, Battle for Metheel, and even have some significance to Centipede + 49. After meeting Roy Bernald, he quickly concluded that the latter would one day be a worthy replacement for himself. He would continue to play roles in the background during Swappernetters, though Tabitha Pang would take center stage by that time as the new main character.

The Society of the Icy Finger became much more significant this time around, quickly gaining power after Eqquibus' stunts to rise up as a formidable global threat on par with and even exceeding that of the Hebbleskin Gang. Their brief alliance meant that John would have to cross paths with characters from Ciem mythos even before the two factions were joined in the Sodality of Gerosha years later.

Events in Chillingworth's Revenge would inspire the Hebbleskins and Icy Finger to recruit Drop-In and Eric Korsicht as liaison mercenaries, as well as competing with the Kerpher Gang's leader Victor Nanale by taking on Clyde Spendelworth of Gleeful-N'-Young, at one point the regional manager of Sleet Mountain Lower Northern. However, that also meant that the Purge-Flare would leap from the pages of Blood Over Water and join in with the not-yet-officially-formed proto-Sodality to take on these common threats, inspired in costume by Extirpon.

More so, Eqquibus' experiment that brought John into the year 2012 is also credited with creating Extirpon, Slip-Sadie, Cocklebur, Extirwraith, Nematode, Spoliat, and more. Events in Ciem: Inferno would therefore inspire events in Shaken Dust to happen, which would in turn inspire events in Ciem: Ash Cloud and Ciem: Caldera. And those events would in turn lead to a young Tabitha's hero-worship of Ciem.

Not only did the Ciem and Gray Champion myth arcs get to finally connect, they actually indirectly affected each other's immediate successive progressions.


In Sodality: Battle for Metheel, John Domeck returns. He, Hea Pang, Tabitha Pang, and a few others are captured by King Morzhuk's invading forces on Earth. However, the ship transporting him is intercepted by Phaelite warriors.

John is rescued amidst the ordeal, but is stranded on Phaeleel. He and his friends defend a scientist named Desulon, while Hea travels back in time to destroy the Grand Ultimate's Ruby with the help of Kicked Deer and Hester Prynne. John gets to battle a new villain named Bosom-Serpent, named after a different short story by Hawthorne. He later joins Extirpon and other Sodalists on Metheel to bring about the overthrow of Morzhuk and establishment of restored freedom to Metheel.

The only major difference between this version and his Cataclysmic Gerosha counterpart in the same exact story, is the exact choices of actions taken during the fight to bring about the outcome. What specifically he does would depend on the player's decisions, as opposed to their minutiae being author-dictated. More or less, however, G7.2.0 continuity attempts to adhere as strictly as possible to G7.0 continuity.



Percolation marks the first explicit appearance of the John Domeck version of the Gray Champion in a form of media not canon to any prior Gerosha continuity.

This fanfic for Marvel: Avengers Alliance explains how it would be possible for Extirpon to be temporarily exported to that game's version of the Marvel universe, where he'd partially lose his powers and be forced to become a SHIELD agent operating under the moniker of "Agent Opendi."

Jubilee and the Danny Ketch version of Ghost Rider find themselves switching universes with Extirpon and Anarteq temporarily. SHIELD and SCALLOP would eventually find a way to establish contact with each other, and negotiate how to get Extirpon and Anarteq home.

However, the two displaced Marvel heroes initially arrive in Boston. They are attacked by Janet Phillips, the Icy Finger, the Crooked Rainbow, and Boston police. Hea Pang and the Gray Champion intervene to save them. Hea contacts Darius, and has the displaced heroes sent to SCALLOP headquarters until something can be done about their predicament. From there, she and Gray further monitor activity related to their new friends, as SCALLOP agents request them to. This story takes place a short time after the events in Extirpon and Freedom's Apparition, happening roughly in early 2013 right as Hea first discovers she is pregnant with Tabitha. This was also, according to some players, the moment when Avengers Alliance reached its peak of popularity on Facebook. However, Percolation as a story wasn't a significant deal in Dozerfleet continuity until late 2013, when the founder of Dozerfleet started playing Avengers Alliance and needed to name his in-game agent.

John's clone in the MAA fanfic universe was elaborately described and laid out in the hopes that Marvel would take interest and want to integrate him as an actual character for Avengers Alliance on Facebook, along with many other heroes. However, the Dozerfleet-to-Marvel project was abandoned in 2016 when it was announced that Playdom was going to take Avengers Alliance offline. In addition to John, Candi got an entry. Several members of the Camelry were also given entries, including Lemon Witch and Maddening Rod. There were even plans to include the Knights of Cortascius and the 20s Altered Judo Iguanas.

Percolation: Legends

This story documents how John and others became cloned into being long-term parts of Earth-12131-F. It was essentially a tie-in for ''Avengers Alliance Tactics''. However, its further pursuit was dropped when that game and the original Avengers Alliance were taken down by Playdom. The short-lived mobile app of Avengers Alliance 2 also failed to justify a return of the Gray Champion to pursuit within Marvel.

Camelorum Adventures

John is recruited to the Percolation Warriors by a joint effort with Lex Philippine, Fred Hanom, and Stan Woudean to save the entire multiverse from the Triumvirate. He finds himself initially working with Emeraldon, Pablo, Anna, Ion Boy, Lightning Hobo, the Judo Iguanas, most of the Knights of Cortascius, and Extirpon to deal with certain pocket dimensions that are endangered by Triumvirate activity. Also joining him are Roy, Tobias, and Sarah. Hea and Tabitha are sent to the other unit: Team "F-Pod." They work with Ciem, Sniperbadger, Maddening Rod, Semaphore, Lemon Witch, and Kayla Tarington to resolve the other issues.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Uncovering lost wiki treasures Pt 10 - Becka Rangers: Dory Charge

Becka Rangers: Dory Charge was an internet parody of Power Rangers: Dino Charge and Finding Dory, set in the same world and serving as a sequel to Becka Rangers: Nemo Thunder.

As told on DeviantArt, it described how Dr. Cendo must stop a new threat inspired by the old one, by getting his old team to recruit members for a new team - this time, with Ranger suits themed off of characters from Finding Dory.


When Barracudron's evil clone arrives to pick up where the original left off, Cendo is forced to call the Nemo Thunder Rangers out of retirement. But with busy adult lives and the clock ticking, the team realizes they're gonna need young replacements - and soon.

The team sets to work finding worthy successors. After watching Finding Dory, Dr. Cendo uses his discovery of the Gems of Charlie - said to be even more powerful than the Gems of Coral - as a way to make new Australagems and create the next generation of Nemo Rangers: Dory Charge.


Dory Charge Rangers

Ranger Designation Avatar
Becka Tangle Regal Tang Ranger Dory
Rob Eber Octo Ranger Hank
Terry Thent Grammafish Ranger Gurgle
Gordon Rittaru Beluga Ranger Bailey
Brett Fline Seal Ranger Fluke
Juan Ricardo Shrimp Ranger Jacques


  • Dr. Cendo, the kind mentor that was there for the Nemo Rangers, now with a lot more experience.

Nemo Thunder Rangers

Ranger Avatar Description
Becka Saline Nemo The veteran Clownfish Ranger, who finds Becka Tangle.
Emiley Violet Pearl The veteran Octopus Ranger, who finds Terry.
Scott Slate Bruce The veteran Shark Ranger, who finds Brett.
Mike Bruin Nigel The veteran Pelican Ranger, who finds Gordon.
Dillon Jade Crush The veteran Turtle Ranger, who finds Rob.
Kyle Tentac Jellyfish The veteran Jellyfish Ranger, who locates Juan.


  • Barracutrox, the evil clone of Barracudron, set to pick up where the original left off, but nastier.
  • Sabichubs, seaweed-haired advanced Chubblers.
  • Various monsters


  • Whalespeaker Hand Cannon, Beck Tangle's new sonic hand cannon, based on the "Speak Whale" gag from Finding Nemo. Has similar damage effects to Beck Saline's Lucky Fin Missile Launcher.
  • Octo Multi Whip, a multi-purpose, multi-tentacled tool in Rob's possession.
  • Sonar Saw, a buzz saw that can emit damaging amounts of sonar on enemies as well. In the possession of Gordon, and based on Bailey's issues with his sonar in Finding Dory.
  • Cleaner Scythe, Juan's weapon, which can inflict massive amounts of damage similar to the Jelly Staff. It can shoot energy projectiles as well as be used as a traditional scythe. It is named after Jacques' obsession with cleaning things in Finding Nemo.
  • Scum Zapper Baton, Terry's signature weapon. Inspired by Gurgle's hatred of the AquaScum 2003 in Finding Nemo.
  • Jagged Tooth Blaster, Brett's blaster, which can shoot out globs in one mode that eat into an enemy's flesh and then harden quickly to take the form of seal teeth.

Morph call

"Dory Charge, Just Keep Swimming!"


As with Nemo Thunder, the zords are based on character avatars. Dory combines with Hank to form the head and chest of the Aquarium Megazord. Bailey forms the legs, and Fluke the arms. Gurgle becomes chest armor. Jacques has his own Megazord form.

Theme song

Becka Rangers! Becka Rangers!

With the ocean at bay;
A new team finds a way!

Gotta keep land and sea alive!

A new generation;
The same war will come!

Hold on, it's Dory's time to thrive!

Go Go Becka Rangers!

Flowing to the top;

Go Go Becka Rangers!

Sea monsters on land flop!

Oceans surrender!
(Dory Charge!)

Now or never!
[Becka Rangers!] x 4

Becka Rangers: Dory Charge!


Uncovering lost wiki treasures Pt 9 - Becka Rangers: Nemo Thunder

Becka Rangers: Nemo Thunder was a 2008 loose parody of Power Rangers: Dino Thunder, reimagining the actress who portrayed Katie Averes in The Blue Face Film Strips and some of her high school friends as Power Rangers - with powers modeled after characters from Finding Nemo.

The joke became a running gag on her MySpace page. While the project was sent to Ivan's Vault, it was later revived in March of 2016 on DeviantArt, after a poll showed interest.


To buy himself some more time in the treasure hunt for "the Gems of Coral," Dr. Cendo decides to keep the evil Baracuddron from conquering land. To do this, he equips five high schoolers with powers made to resemble characters from Cendo's favorite movie: Finding Nemo.

They become the Nemo Thunder Rangers. Throughout their adventures, they begin to develop a close bond. However, when Jessie rebels, it becomes necessary for Cendo to erase from her memory any trace of being on the team. She and Beck's closeness becomes strained, as she no longer remembers what it is that Beck is hiding from her. Jessie is replaced by Emiley as the Octopus Ranger.

However, as the location of the Gems of Coral are about to be revealed, Sebastrodd attacks. None of the Nemo Rangers seem to be able to beat him.

However, they encounter another problem in the form of Beck's distant acquaintance Kyle, who has accidentally stumbled upon a half-completed sixth Nemofier. Not in complete control as the effects alter his personality when morphed, Kyle becomes the anti-social Jellyfish Ranger, unable to know the difference between friend and foe.

With some convincing, and a combination of Beck's Nemo suit and Lucky Fin missile launcher with Dillon's Crush Turtle Shell Armor, they get the jump on Kyle. Unmorphed, he forgets why he attacked them. They take him to Cendo, who fixes the glitches. He then joins the team as the virtually unstoppable Jellyfish Ranger, frustrating Baracuddron's plans and buying Cendo some time.


Nemo Rangers

Ranger Designation Avatar Description
Becka Saline Clownfish Ranger Nemo Beck tends to be shy and doesn't understand why Cendo made her the leader of anything. Ticklish, she denies it.
Jessie Schlenner Octopus Ranger Pearl At first a loyal member of the team, she quits just before the Jellyfish Ranger arrives.
Emiley Violet Octopus Ranger (replacement for Jessie) Pearl Beck and Emiley easily get along.
Dillon Jade Turtle Ranger Crush Dillon loves soccer, and Beck thinks more highly of him than he can understand.
Scott Slate Shark Ranger Bruce Scott and Mike are the comic relief.
Mike Bruin Pelican Ranger Nigel Mike and Scott are the comic relief.
Kyle Tentac Jellyfish Ranger Jellyfish Kyle is friendly-by-normal, but when his Jellyfish mode has a glitch, can sometimes experience temporary changes in personality.


Dr. Cendo is the clever scientist and treasure hunter with Finding Nemo memorabilia all over his house who creates the Nemofiers after finding the Australagems. He's the one who allows the Nemofiers to tap the Australagems to the Morphing Grid. He is the mentor to the team, and alerts them when missions are afoot.

Knights of Coral

The Nemo Rangers get their powers by combining the Australagems with the Morphing Grid via their Nemofiers. The Knights of Coral are created when Gems of Coral are combined with Nemofiers, creating links to the Morphing Grid that result in Knights which are even more powerful than Rangers.

When Barracudron captures Mike, Scott, Kyle, and Emiley, Beck and Dillon are required to employ Samantha to aid them in recovering one of the Gems of Coral. They do so, but Samantha without Cendo's prior knowledge has acquired access to the Dory Nemofier. After putting her blue gem into the Nemofier, she becomes the Regal Tang Knight. While occasionally aiding the Nemo Rangers, her primary mission becomes to hunt for the Gems of Coral. This frees up the Nemo Rangers to focus more on fighting monsters.

Knight Designation Avatar Description
Samantha Azure Regal Tang Knight Dory Samantha is a classmate of Beck and her friends, who discovers that they are Nemo Rangers and follows them back to their base. She later becomes the Regal Tang Knight to aid the Rangers in finding the remaining Gems of Coral.
JC Clay Balloonfish Knight Bloat JC discovers that Samantha is the Regal Tang Knight, and learns about the Nemo Rangers. He stows away on a boat, and Samantha is forced to take him with her. They recover a gem and mix it with the Bloat Nemofier to form the Baloonfish Knight.
Stacey Rose Starfish Knight Peach Stacey is hired by Dr. Cendo to join Samantha and JC in hunting for the next Gem of Coral. The Rangers are sent to guard the surface while the Knights explore underneath. Stacy combines her gem with the Peach avatar and becomes the Starfish Knight.


Baracuddron, is the boss villain, created by accident in a lab. This horrific creature, much like the barracuda at the beginning of Finding Nemo, thirsts to gain power by beating the marine professor and UMG specialist Dr. Cendo to what both have dubbed "the Gems of Coral."

His evil agenda is to use the powers of the Gems of Coral to level the mountain tops and valleys of Earth to create a second [[Wikipedia:Noah's Ark|Noahic deluge]]. If successful in his goal, he will wipe out the human race and create instead a world where fish rule the Earth. Being in many ways a large barracuda, he can then prey on the fish that rule the Earth and devour them as his appetite demands.

The Chubblers are anthropomorphic sea chub minions that blindly serve Barracudron, and attack at random moments.


  • Sebastrodd, a creature created by Baracuddron that resembles Sebastian from The Little Mermaid, is one of many monsters the Nemo Rangers face, but cannot be beaten until they acquire an ally in the form of the Jellyfish Ranger.
  • Fishonista is a monster that loves fashion. She is created after Samantha becomes the Regal Tang Knight, and her job is to capture Samantha and deliver her Gem of Coral to Barracudron. Fishonista also wants the Australagems for herself. She manages to capture Samantha and all the Nemo Rangers save for Mike, turning them into button pins to wear on her jacket. Mike successfully frees Samantha and Beck before he himself is captured. She loses the Rangers after Beck and Samantha double-team her with a Regal Blast and the Lucky Fin. She is finally defeated by the Coral Reef Megazord.

Note: ''Fishonista'' the monster is not to be confused with the user "fishonista" at the Ausfish Australian Fishing Forum.


  • Nemofiers, a set of morphers the team possesses, which activate the team's suits. They are small, rectangular plates with spinning, colored disks inside that advertise Finding Nemo on one side and read on the other access to the Universal Morphing Grid.
  • Sting Arm Morpher, a special Nemofier, which shields the Jellyfish Ranger in a static field while morphing takes place. This morpher can double as a whip, in the event that its user is in dire need.
  • Turtle Shell Chestplate Armor, a highly durable piece of armor that is normally worn by the Turtle Ranger, but can be lent temporarily to any member of the team except the Jellyfish Ranger.
  • Jellyfish Plate, a chest armor piece worn by the Jellyfish Ranger. While not nearly as protective to its wearer as the Turtle Shell Armor worn by the Turtle Ranger, the Jellyfish Plate serves a decorative role to further indicate the special designation that the Jellyfish Ranger bears. It is believed that the Jellyfish Ranger doesn't need any more armor, since his offensive maneuvers top those of the rest of his team.
  • Lucky Fin Missile Launcher, a fin-shaped missile launcher that shoots miniature missiles at enemies, often paralyzing them temporarily. It is the Clownfish Ranger's personal weapon. It doubles as a claw device.
  • Octo Arm: This multi-purpose weapon is the personal accessory of the Octopus Ranger. It can squirt an acidic "ink" at enemies or energy blasts, as well as tear into them or become an electromagnet. It has limited vacuum suction capabilities too.
  • Shark Cuffs: The Bruce Shark Ranger's personal weapons are bracelets with razor-sharp shark fin-shaped blades. Underneath these blades lie energy blasters built into the units.
  • Pincher Gloves, which are more defensive than offensive. These gloves are worn by the Turtle Ranger periodically over his regular gloves. They can pinch enemies, or they can pack an energy punch.
  • Pelican Glider, the Pelican Ranger's glider, with blasters attached. This allows for fly-in attacks.
  • Jelly Sting Zapping, a maneuver which the Jellyfish Ranger or anyone combining their energy with his can execute. This allows for powerful jolts to injure enemies.

Morph calls

All the Knights and Rangers, except for the Jellyfish Ranger, adopted the common phrase: "From Down Under, Nemo Thunder!" The Jellyfish Ranger's call phrase is: "Taking on the Jellies!"


  • Coral Reef Megazord, a combination of the five Zords of the core team.
    • Clownfish Zord, the Clownfish Ranger's zord, which looks like a giant version of Nemo. Becomes the head of the Coral Reef Megazord.
    • Octopus Zord, the Octopus Ranger's zord, which looks like a giant version of Pearl. Becomes the left leg of the Coral Reef Megazord.
    • Pelican Zord, the Pelican Ranger's personal zord, which looks like a giant version of Nigel. Becomes the right leg of the Coral Reef Megazord.
    • Bruce the Shark, the Shark Ranger's personal Zord, which looks like a giant version of Bruce. Becomes the arms of the Coral Reef Megazord.
    • Surfer Turtle Zord, the Turtle Ranger's personal zord, which looks like a giant version of Crush. Becomes the main body of the Coral Reef Megazord.
  • Manowarx, official Zord of the Jellyfish Ranger. Can change into a quasi-humanoid form or combine with the Coral Reef Megazord to provide additional arsenal.
  • Anemenox, the carrier Zord for the Nemo Rangers, a giant anemone that can combine with the others to form the Coral Reef Ultrazord.

Theme song

The spoof even got its own theme song, with the tune and lyrics modeled after Dino Thunder.

Becka...Rangers...Swim! /

There's a beach/in the distance; /
Danger's getting closer! /

Now that they found Nemo; /
Time to say goodbye! /
Beck and friends in the fight; /
Protecting us from plight! /

Becka Rangers, more! /
Cleaning up the shore! /

Dressed like things from ''Finding Nemo''! /
(Becka Rangers! / Nemo Thunder! /)

Victory is bound to be right there!/

Young heroes on the beach; /
With victory in reach! /

Becka Rangers Swim! /
Fire that Lucky Fin! /

Send them back to deepest darkness! /
(Becka Rangers! / Nemo Thunder!) /

Nemo Rangers, Swim! /
Reeling evil in! /

Victory is bound to be right there! /
(Becka Rangers! / Nemo Thunder!) /


Several sequels had been proposed, including Tickle Fury, STF (Squeaky Toy Fascination,) and more. However, the one got written in the end was Becka Rangers: Dory Charge.

External links

Uncovering lost wiki treasures Pt 8 - Hobby Lobby in 2012

In many ways, the Biden era just feels like a steroid-pumped version of the insanity of the Obamination's first usurpation. A third usurped term for Obama, the Man of Lawlessness.

Back in 2012, it was a weird time to be alive - but less weird than 2023. At least in 2012, no one was overtly threatening to steal anyone's gas stove, nor make eggs unaffordable!

But before the likes of Hobby Lobby and Chik-fil-a were browbeaten into submission by the Beast of the Sea, by way of its army of diabolical NPC minions that would come to be called the "Woke" movement, there was a time when activists came to the defense of these companies - back before it became far too dangerous for such activists to be seen in public.

In 2012, it was still possible to set up a booth in a public area in support of those being threatened by the mob with cancellation - without fear of being subjected to mob violence, false arrest, false imprisonment, etc. Then, college campuses started perverting justice. Any whose booth didn't kowtow to the woke mob, could be assaulted with impunity. Police were to stand down, while those who didn't kowtow were shown what happens to they who won't conform.

Then, some college campuses went so far as to have police arrest the victims of mob violence, since "this wouldn't have happened if they weren't pushing such unacceptable / 'istophobic' (by Trotsky's definition) rhetoric"! The very spirit of what a university was supposed to be was then brazenly violated, with FIRE suing campuses left and right to no avail. It escalated to thought policing of students who didn't engage in any activism, as well as campuses flat-out denying students permission to set up particular booths unless those booths kowtowed woke ideology. Either spread "the Message," exhaustively, or suffer the consequences! Not even most churches demanded their members publicly display that level of enthusiasm for their message to such an obnoxious degree! Wokeism had become a cult.

Alas, that cult's thirst for power wouldn't be sated on the college campus. It soon spread to the public square, violating even the most basic tenets of freedom: including that the public square belonged to everyone!

This started out slowly at first, with college students being the primary targets for harassment if they didn't convert to the woke cult. However, then the election of Trump happened. This drove the American left into an absolutely insane frenzy, especially when a vindictive Trump decided to break the first rule of Epstein Club: You don't talk about Epstein Club!

This culiminated in 2020 the unwarranted assault and battery by a deputy in Michigan of a constitutional lawyer named Katherine Henry, followed by her being illegally kidnapped, and her child threatened. The message that Tyrant Whitmer and her cronies were sending was painfully obvious: no public dissent of the Democrat Party coup is allowed!

Rewinding the clock a bit

But there was a time in 2012 when small inklings of sanity still prevailed in the public square; when such brazen demonic subhuman reversion to barbaric feudalistic evils as was demonstrated in the abduction of Ms. Henry was not the normally-expected response to be met toward public display booths on public land.

When Chris Rose in Florida did what he did in October of 2020, he wasn't even at the event that the event managers were complaining about. Yet, they reee'd, and had him arrested, because they were butthurt by his sign's message. Police complied, though charges were eventually dropped, dismissed as utter nonsense. In 2012, the whole Chris Rose arrest affair would have been nigh-unthinkable in Florida, to say nothing of Michigan.

On Friday, October 12th of 2012 between 1:15 and 3:30 PM EST in Lansing, the Lansing Chapter of Hobby Lobby Appreciation Day culiminated nearby to a Hobby Lobby store. It was inspired by Matt Baker, who instigated the national operation via Facebook, in an era before Facebook would've banned him for even trying.

The event known as "Hobby Lobby Appreciation Day" was in response to threats by communist lowlifes who supported the Obama regime, who threatened to entice massive boycotts against Hobby Lobby unless they abandoned every last drop of their faith-based principles, and started pushing and even paying for their employees - including male ones - to acquire abortafacients. This included abortafacients that had previously been banned from the market due to the high risk of patient death, but which found new life due to sexual anarchist demon-possessed lunatics going to war to have these killer drugs brought back.

A "buycott" to counter the boycott threats was formed. While not as organized, the mass patron event was conducted so as to mirror the largely successful Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day event of August of that year.

History building up to event

Birth control became mandatory, in a move to destroy the church

It began in January of 2012. Never before in history did a promiscuous woman think it was literally everyone else and their dog's job to pay for the equipment she needed to conduct her deathstyle. That is, not unless she were then subsequently involuntarily committed to a mental institution, as she should have been! Leave it to Democrats, however, to seek to mainstream the spread of mental illness.

The traditional Loose Goose, unless otherwise seriously mentally ill, always understood that she had to pay for birth control out of her own pocket - if at all.

Alas, the demonic neo-Bolshevik neo-feudalist brood of vipers around the world couldn't leave well enough alone. They needed total global bootlicking obedience unto only them, ever. Which meant absolutely no system could be tolerated to exist which brought with it detachment from wordly concern. Not even partial detachment could be tolerated!

Any religious system which had the gall to state that the totalitarian state these globalist devils sought to implement was not the be all and end all of the point to human existence, was therefore deemed a threat. Systems which did demand never-questioning state obedience once the state worked a certain way, like Islam, were given a free pass. But the Fulan Gong in particular was targeted for extinction. Second only to that, was the Invisible Church. Christianity in its purest forms.

Obama and company initially supported ISIS, and for one specific reason: to exterminate the Coptic Syrian Christian Church. They failed, but managed to destroy countless relics and proofs of the validity of ancient Christian teaching. They drove the church deep underground. Next, they sought to wipe out the Russian Orthodox Church. While less pure, it proved a much harder adversary to bury. By then infiltrating the Roman Catholic Church via Francis, the global cabal felt it had sufficiently cut the legs off the traditional church enough to delegitimize American Protestant churches, preventing them from offering credible resistance.

However, there was no Great Idolatry of Trump in 2012. Protestant America wasn't ready to lie down and die, to make way for the Beast of the Sea. So the useful idiots of the Beast were put to work, around the clock, in an effort to murder it.

The Man of Lawlessness knew he had an ally in the Epstein cabal of child-raping spirit drinkers. And that included the Pelosis. They plotted and schemed a fascist means of undermining religious liberty by demanding that the church, moving forward, as required to ask the Devil for permission before obeying God.

Through Obama"care," a provision existed which mandated that businesses - no matter how small or privately-owned - must spend millions of dollars providing "free" birth control to the masses - logistics be damned!

Any business that didn't, or couldn't, was to be fined $1.3M per day for non-compliance, regardless of the reason (being too small to have that kind of money was not an excuse!) Obama further threatened that any business was incapable of throwing away millions of nonexistent dollars on pumping deadly drugs into pregnant women risked being seized by the feds and taken over. Fascism by definition!!!

And that's when Sandra the Flukeworm showed up. At the time, the most selfish woman in the world, possibly second only to Amber Turd or QE2.

Rush Limbaugh at the time correctly identified her as "a slut," though the party line at that time was to hang on her every word. This led to attempts to have Rush canceled, for blaspheming the name of Saint Sandra of Sexual Permissiveness, as evil had to be called good, and good had to be called evil. All who didn't kowtow to the party line would become outcasts, even among old friends, as NPCs of every stripe made posthaste to devote themselves to the doctrines of demons, as predicted in 1 Timothy 4:1.

In reality, what she was calling for was sexual extortion of the masses, which made her a robber! So if anything, Rush wasn't being harsh enough! Alas, the drooling imbeciles in the city of Farmington, MI were among the countless who got on the hate-on-Rush bandwagon, and would hear nothing of how evil Sandra's proposals were - because the party said otherwise! Groupthink won out in eastern Michigan, spreading to the west side of the state gradually, until 2020s Michigan became a total moral cesspool.

Sandra proved to be a useful tool of propaganda for the Man of Lawlessness and his cabinet to push their agenda. In a fake hearing before (only Pelosi,) Sandra falsely testified against her own school, defaming the school and propagating the myth that skanks are entitled to have everyone else pay for their "life"style - no matter how expensive and inefficient a government program for something like that might prove to cost!

Churches were the first to be targeted; as Obama the Man of Lawlessness, mass murderer of the Coptics, had the same wicked heart as the mass murderer Plutarco Calles of Mexico in the late 1910s.

The Catholic Church in particular was told to "drop dead" when it protested the loudest. The WELS remained ambivalent about cooperation, leaning toward siding with Catholics.

The LCMS responded with open defiance to the Man of Lawlessness, and to his act of tyranny. It openly sided with the Catholic Church, realizing that an attack on Catholicism on an issue as fundamental as the propagation of something which inherently spreads sexual anarchy and blood poisoning to every community it is visited upon; is ultimately an attack against all Christendom itself!

But as the Man of Lawlessness did the bidding of the Beast of the Sea, the Beast of the Earth was not far behind. The Church of the Apostates, liberal churches that wear a guise of being Christian but which sell out to godless policies and whims of Secular Humanism at every chance given, came out in force to lay full-scale assault on the Invisible Church that remained faithful to the Divine Jurisdiction.

When the Earthly Jurisdiction had joined the Accursed Usurper, they decided that the two jurisdictions were two "kingdoms," and ruled that this meant it was okay to pretend to serve the Divine Jurisdiction on Sunday; but that it was necessary to subvert it in favor of the Accursed Usurper having violated the Earthly Jurisdiction every other day of the week.

They called this "serving the Two Kingdoms," but it was really them choosing to make the State, in rebellion against God, the "superior" god. They had chosen the Golden Calf. Imbecilicly, these Churches of the Apostates in America had repeated the folly of far too many churches in Nazi Germany, almost verbatim! The literally Satanic irony of it all was completely lost on them!

Ozombies and their Nazi connection

The Church of the Apostates wasted precious little time in helping Secular Humanist / Satanic enemies of the Invisible Church to identify and target any and all opposition to the State and its wicked agenda. Homosexual Marxist radicals, Jihadists, and every other shade of evil imaginable, descended upon said Invisible Church in lawless fury, knowing the State would make excuses for their abuses at every turn. This happened in near-identical fashion to what happened in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, yet happened on American soil. The Brownshirts had returned!

Perverting the Two Governances into the Two "Kingdoms," Hitler employed the word "kingdoms" - far too open to theocratic misinterpretation and therefore a word that Martin Luther refused to use in his writings - and Hitler used it to create his own Church of the Apostates.

The church institutions that sold out to Hitler were merciless, paying lip service to God on Sunday while aiding and abetting the state in exterminating Jews and true Christians on Monday. Obama decided to rekindle some of that spirit with his own minions. One of the only churches in Nazi Germany that refused to capitulate was the Church of the Lutheran Confession, a forgotten and unsung hero of WWII.

After the Marquis de Sade was executed, his disciples decided to employ his propaganda. Anyone who opposed their barbaric cruelty towards their murder and rape victims was accused of being an "irrational bigot" for opposing brutal rape and murder. These followers of de Sade, the Sadeans, became the origin of the terms "sadism" and "sadistic."

The original Sadeans eventually moved from France to Germany, becoming a core component of the Nazi Party. The Pink Swastika consisted of manly gays mostly. They would target more effeminate gays for execution, not only as a way of establishing dominance, but also as a way of eliminating those they felt were Stalin sympathizers. This would later get twisted by American academia as all gays having been "victims" in WWII, so as to fool gullible students into not exploring the real history of militant homosexuals' love of tyranny.

Hitler employed the Pink Swastika for many missions, noting they were willing to deal out to those on Hitler's hit list a brutality that could not be asked of just any Nazi soldier. The Pink Swastika therefore became one of Hitler's personal goon squads, sent out for missions not even the SS and Gestapo dared attempt due to the horrifying nature of given commands.

After WWII, the Pink Swastika invaded the US. In order to take advantage of the myths being propagated by Alfred Kinsey and his diabolical minions, they decided to scrap their true name in favor of more benevolent-sounding names. From there, they'd campaign to give themselves an illusion of cultural legitimacy.

They capitalized on the black civil rights movement, and tried to paint their ruthless aggressors as "victims" of "oppression." After several decades, US media fell for it, and began expanding the myth. The Pink Swastika became two organizations: GLSEN and NAMBLA, only pretending not to be one and the same. From there, they spawned countless satellites and fronts, such as GLAAD, and became the LGBTQPIZON Mafia, or "Crooked Rainbow," that they are today. They later merged with the Woke movement, with the trans-everything mob becoming the most militant wing, as part of a Transhumanist push to erase gender boundaries to achieve "transcendence" of humanity into some demonic delusion of a pagan utopia.

The Crooked Rainbow on Obamacare

Teaming up with Marxists and other Third World evildoers, the Crooked Rainbow went back to their Pink Swastika roots in their instigation of violence against conservative Christians who protested Obama's policies.

On more than one occasion, peaceful protestors in American streets were physically assaulted by rainbow radicals. When blood started being spilled, reports were made to police. And police chiefs who'd sold out to Obama's wicked men decided by-and-large to stand down these assailants who made the Church bleed. It became one dimension of many in which the nation would turn its back on decency, allowing for a sort of homofascist tyranny to develop that could do whatever it pleased, terrifying its opposition and invading the privacy of opponents' homes. Often, without fear of reprisal from the State!

Militant and demonic sodomites, such as activist Jerry Blackburn, went out of their way to join the Church of the Apostates in condemning and threatening any institution that did not 100% comply with the evil and unconstitutional bill known as "Obamacare" - no matter the reason!

On threat of busted kneecaps, Chief (In)justice John Roberts of the "Supreme" Court decided to ignore every provision of the US Constitution that was explicitly violated by Obamacare, claiming contrary to the bill's advocate's own claims that the bill "must" be viewed as a "tax." From there, he made up a provision out of thin air that a president can executive-order a new tax out of thin air as he sees fit.

Calls for Roberts' resignation were immediate, but the Sea Beast and his minions circled the wagons to protect Roberts from any reprisal for his criminal act of sedition against America.

Along came a restaurant

Along came July of 2012. Dan Cathy of Chick-fil-A stated that he saw "nothing wrong" with traditional marriage. While not attacking sodomite desecration false marriage in particular, he merely stated he didn't have a problem with natural marriage. However, the LGBTQPIZON lunatics had been having a field day with extorting businesses into not only endorsing the war on marriage, but in waging a full-scale assault on traditional marriage wherever it could be found!

To hear the CEO of a restaurant chain, on his own time, say anything to the contrary of General Mills and Starbucks' diabolical message about traditional marriage being "bad for business" was simply intolerable to the "tolerance" crowd, so they began forming mobs against Chick-fil-A.

Slander, libel, harassment of patrons, vandalism, arson threats, death threats, etc. "Their feet are swift to shed blood" (Romans 3:15) proved all-too-true. Chick-fil-A was threatened with boycotts the nation over because it dared to have a CEO who didn't openly attack traditional marriage. Mayors at several cities were quick to try to (unconstitutionally) ban the store from doing business in their cities, accusing the entire chain of "mass homophobia."

In response to the madness, groups rose up, under the leadership of Mike Huckabee, to sponsor a "buycott" event to mass-patron Chick-fil-A. Set for August 1st, "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day" became an immediate news sensation. Its success led to convulsions and foaming at the mouth for militant members of the demonic rainbow - who couldn't fathom how their criminal activity could be hindering the cause of "tolerance," such that so many would still be willing to eat at a store they tried so hard to defame into oblivion!

The Muppets then decided to step in it, destroying what little credibility Jim Henson Studios had left. They even went so far as to steal money from Chick-fil-A, and use that stolen money to help GLAAD hire goon squads to terrorize Chick-fil-A stores with! Then, they couldn't fathom why so many angry Americans cheered when Romney "threatened" Big Bird!

Suddenly, Hobby Lobby

Realizing that the Mifepristone Racket mandate risked bankrupting the store chain, as well as it supporting evil, Hobby Lobby corporate decided to sue the federal government over the provision. The Obama regime immediately responded by trying to punt-block the lawsuit, bribing and arm-twisting judges into wanting to dismiss the lawsuit (even though that's illegal.) When the lawsuit went through anyway, Team Obama ordered the store to "drop dead."

If it defied the measure, as several churches had, then Hobby Lobby risked being penalized $1.3M PER DAY for non-compliance, thus leading to risks of a government takeover. Jerry Blackburn and other butt destroyer activists started calling for boycotts, and for acts of terror against the store chain, in an effort to destroy its business and reputation for having the gall to defend its right to exist against Obama's overreach.

They used the word "fascist" inappropriately, accusing the store of being "dominionist" and wanting to stop women from being able to get birth control. Nothing could be further from the truth. Any Hobby Lobby employee is free to, when off the clock, walk across the street to the pharmacy or gas station, and purchase all the birth control she so desires. Still, the dripping-venom-from-the-mouth blood libel against Hobby Lobby, committed by Jerry Blackburn and the Prolapse Mafia, remained impenitent and undeterred by facts.

Where's Huckabee when you need him?

Due to many who saw how wicked the Beast of the Sea's heads (Obama and militant Islam), and how wicked the Beast of the Earth (false prophets, apostate churches, homosexual militants) were, and how horrifying their assault on Hobby Lobby truly was, a grassroots effort formed to defend the store chain from extinction and persecution.

The grassroot members tried to get Mike Huckabee to form a Hobby Lobby Appreciation Day that was similar in nature to Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day. Alas, Huckabee never bothered to get back to anyone about it. He didn't see the point in defending a specialty retail chain store for (mostly) women's decor. This is because Hobby Lobby's market is mostly for feminine wanted items; but not things that will be inherently high in demand. Being a restaurant, Chick-fil-A sells a commodity that is highly-desired, and even needed, to a limited extent. Huckabee didn't care about arts and crafts; but Obama waging war on a part of the food supply was a bridge too far.

Frustrated, the few faithful who still opposed the Beasts decided to take matters into their own hands.

Hobby Lobby Appreciation Day

Facebook planning

Shortly before October, Matt Baker of the Facebook group "Support Hobby Lobby" decided to found an event dubbed "Shop at Hobby Lobby Day," and recruit as many nationwide supporters as possible for encourage a Chick-fil-A -level mass patron event for Hobby Lobby. "Hobby Lobby Appreciation Day" became an alternate name for the event. There was a debate on Matt Baker's site about which day was the day for the event. The Dozerfleet founder chose to set the date at October 1st, since that would correspond with Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day being on August 1st. Some wanted October 3rd to be chosen, to correspond with the debates. Others still said October 12th. That date corresponded with October 10th-12th, which in 1994, was the founding of Way Early Productions, one of the predecessors of Dozerfleet Productions.

Since there was nobody at the national level willing to take on Lansing, the Dozerfleet Blog sponsored the Lansing Chapter; and the Dozerfleet founder became its manager. Unable to make it to the Hobby Lobby just off of Saginaw St. in Lansing on October 1st and 3rd, the Dozerfleet founder went to Hobby Lobby on October 12th.


After days of promoting the event on both the Dozerfleet Blog and Facebook, the Lansing Chapter of Hobby Lobby Appreciation Day contacted Hobby Lobby of Lansing's store manager about where to set up a table for Appreciation Day. Right outside the store at 5801 W. Saginaw Hwy. in the Delta Center mini-mall was determined to be the best location. The card table purchased December of 2007 at Wal-Mart of Big Rapids was set up with some literature, and the event was on. The Dozerfleet founder was there from 1:15 PM EDT on October 12th until 3:00 PM.

The table contained one sheet with URLs, another sheet with QR codes for URLs, and a title card. Other literature mentioned that Hobby Lobby needed the most support possible from patrons to offset the costs of suing the tyrannical HHS mandate. The first 20 pages of Hobby Lobby's lawsuit were also printed out, explaining in graphic detail exactly why the store had a need to sue the government. A clock was set up along with the literature, so as to track how long the event was and determine a good time to shut down the display.


For the first half-hour, most passers-by completely ignored the setup. Lack of a chair for the event led many to assume it was a donation drive, rather than an information table, in spite stating it was an information table. The first lady to pay attention was unaware that Hobby Lobby was entrenched in a lawsuit with the government, and was interested to learn more about that. A second, elderly lady, passed by. The instant she heard that the event was organized on Facebook, she refused to learn anything else; stating that she "doesn't like Facebook."

Around 2:12 PM, two more ladies stopped at the booth. They asked for a copy of one of the URLs written on scrap paper, so they could research the lawsuit for themselves online. Another one stopped and asked for info around 2:19. While not willing to read the literature, a random man showed up around 2:23, curious to know what the event was all about. Once he knew the gist of it, he moved on. A small crowd showed up around 2:25, consisting of all women, but around three or four.

They all showed interest, wanting to copy the URLs to view at home more information on the issue. At 2:39, a man who stopped and asked what the information table was about was dismissive of it, saying "Romney will win and it won't matter." The ignorance of his statement is daunting in hindsight.

Around 2:49, a gal and her boyfriend stopped at the table. They took pictures of things with their camera phones, so that they could go home and do their own investigation. Another curious lady took a picture of the URLs with her phone at 2:54. Another couple at 3:05 PM said they'd be willing to spread the word to everyone they knew about what Hobby Lobby's troubles were.


Around 3:30, the event drew to a close. The Dozerfleet founder drove his grandmother home, as she was one of many who went to Hobby Lobby that day to support it. They watched Atlas Shrugged: Part I on DVD, in preparation for seeing Atlas Shrugged: Part II at NCG Cinemas. The film's similarities to how Obama became known to run things was downright eerie. It didn't take long to understand why the Academy hated those films: they got a little too close to showing the Club Epstein mentality to the entire world for what it was!


While the event was largely ignored by media, individuals who stopped at the information table were generally positive in their reaction to the event.

They wondered why the event didn't get more media coverage. They also wondered why it was that Mike Huckabee didn't get involved. The store manager himself commented on how he wished Mike Huckabee got involved. Turnout helped the store's business, but not by much.

It was in Lansing, with a Democratic Virg Bernero as the mayor, in an Obama economy, in a slow time of year, on a Friday afternoon; when only so much business boost was even possible.

News that the event was happening perked interest as far away as the Philippines, where locals said they would have gone if there were a Hobby Lobby in their country. Even though that country has a lot of birth control in it, Filipinos generally don't like the idea of a government forcing business owners to pay for everyone else's birth control all across the country.

Even with all the corruption in that nation, they are smart enough to know that is a bad idea. They cannot fathom why anyone in the US would be in favor of such an oppressive Statist measure.

The Facebook group "Support Hobby Lobby" grew to over 900 members after the event, continuing operations long after the Appreciation Day ended.


Uncovering lost wiki treasures, Pt 7 - This blog's history

The main blog for Dozerfleet has had several incarnations. It began in February of 2011, on the 11th of that year. It was taken down October 1st of 2011, then given new life on September 8th of 2012 on Tumblr. When Tumblr was abandoned in 2016, this blog returned to Blogger in October of 2020. Its spin-off Labs blog existed fora time before that, beginning in April of 2020.

Before the Labs blog was set up, and DzMD had a proper home, DzMD was known as "Utterly Sims," and existed on Tumblr as well. All of this was an effort to create a sleek, modern interface for sharing Dozerfleet news, and providing download pages for free content for fans. Previously, in the late 2000s, most such things operated out of The Dozerfleet Forum on Proboards. However, the Proboards interface was decidedly in need of a drastic overhaul. The lack of forum members enlisting further ensured that a blog made more sense than a forum.

Other predecessors

In the days before social networking, newsletters were typed up in Microsoft Publisher and physically mailed to someone's home address. During the Cormorant era, this was the only way for the Dozerfleet founder to do such things shy of posting comments to someone else's online forum. Two noteworthy predecessors to the Blog and Forum both would be Yo-Splaz! Newsletter and Dolphinformia, both presses of which were designed specifically with two of the Dozerfleet founder's past love interests in mind.

Carly was the recipient of Yo-Splaz! and Emily of Dolphinformia, though neither one routinely wrote back concerning either publication. Concerning Wilgrace, Facebook contact replaced the traditional system. Political topics were addressed in detail on the Blog, and in short on Facebook and Twitter. As of the 2012 reboot, the blog fell back on dealing with political topics. However, topics were split between ones that the main blog was designed for, and others that were handled by the Dozerfleet founder's personal blog. Following the 2012 elections, the Dozerfleet Database's mention of the Dozerfleet founder's political handlings was designated to be history and archival only.

Wilinski Forest

On Friday, October 26th of 2012, the Dozerfleet founder's personal blog was re-branded as "Wilinski Forest," the place "from which Ivan observes a world in turmoil." These references to names and places and events in ''[[Ride of the Three Bulldozers]]'' allowed for the personal blog to receive a radical facelift. This was done in preparation of Tuesday, November 6th of 2012, at which point Wilinski Forest's content and that of The Dozerfleet Blog would cease their redundancy agreement.

Wilinski Forest, an offshoot project of The Dozerfleet blog and wiki, got to be the location from which the Dozerfleet founder could discuss contents that did not pertain to Dozerfleet operations per se, such as the Stop the Crooked Rainbow Campaign. This new agreement freed up the Dozerfleet Blog to be more clearly and explicitly about project developments.

The benefit of having one blog dedicated to political/social/life commentary and another to project development was not only that it expanded the overall Dozerfleet Web Network significantly; but also that it reduced a lot of burdens on the wiki in terms of trying to remain current. It also created a place for breaking news that eliminated the need for the wiki to have a front page Twitter feed. It was later decommissioned. Partially due to low viewing, and partially due to the logistics of Tumblr.

At present, most content of the sort that would have appeared on Wilinski Forest is now shared on Facebook and / or MeWe, usually in debate groups.

Uncovering lost wiki treasures Pt 6: Dozerfleet's 20th anniversary celebration

The day was October 10th of 2014. The location: Lansing, MI. It had been 20 years to the day that Dozerfleet Productions got its humble official beginning, as an unnamed "collection" back in 1994.

Where it all began

The founder was in the school hallway of Holy Trinity Lutheran School in Wyoming, MI in October of 1994. He was reading The Illyrian Adventure by Lloyd Alexander, following a controversy at the school at the time about whether or not The Giver was appropriate reading material for 5th graders. The dream to create something the likes of Dozerfleet went all the way back to 1987, however, as he was inspired by watching The Empire Strikes Back on VHS. However, starting an actual collection officially of self-created works was a new step. There had been works created before this, such as Defenders of Stick-Man Village and The 2-Headed Turtle in 1993; but there were no serious efforts back then to keep a collection.

The "Collection," now retroactively dubbed "Way Early Comics," quickly grew into "Flamingo Entertainment" by 1996. It was renamed "Cormorant Entertainment" in August of 1997. The inspiration for its current name came in December of 1998, at a skating party in Holt, MI.

Turning 10

However, the brand would not receive its name officially until May 10th of 2006. The brand turned 10 years old on October 10th of 2004, when The Meshalutian Trilogy was still being pursued and Proto Gerosha was on its way to being defined. School busy work compiled with everything else kept the Dozerfleet founder from doing anything serious to celebrate the 10th anniversary, leading to a desire to make up for it with the 20th.

Turning 20

On October 10th of 2014, the 20th Anniversary Celebration commenced. It was only a small celebration, given the work schedule. But a cake was made and enjoyed. Notes were sent to The Dozerfleet Blog of the time, concerning the occasion. Not all news related to the event was good news. Dozerfleet Auto Mk. II, which was a dark blue 1997 Chevrolet Lumina LS, finally became too old and broken to be repaired. It was sent to a scrap yard a few days before the 20th Anniversary Celebration. Around 5:30 PM on October 10th, a farewell to the vehicle was posted on the blog.


The cake used was a Betty Crocker Extra Moist chocolate cake recipe. It was covered with chocolate frosting that contained several gel dyes that created an extremely-dark, not-quite-black appearance. Gold sugar was sprinkled on meticulously to produce the Dozerfleet logo.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Uncovering lost wiki treasures Pt 5 - HtraEartH

Around March of 2012, author Mark Gerke, a friend of the Dozerfleet founder's, attempted to promote and publish his own fantasy novella. It had an article on the Dozerfleet Database on Fandom at that time, though the work is no longer being actively promoted by him.

HtraEartH: The Unseen Purity was illustrated by Mark's other friend of the time, Dirk Matthysse. It was released in hardcover and e-book formats, and published online via Amazon. It totaled 48 pages in length (40 in the Kindle version), and received an ISBN number of 978-0-615-59801-7. When its sales failed to impress Mark, however, he abandoned his plans for a sequel.

Plot synopsis

Htrae is a world generated by the creative powers of the cumulative human consciousness. An ancient mystical being named Gem forewarns all sentient life (the reader in particular) of the implications of Htrae's existence. He then proceeds to allow the story of a native of Htrae, Bodoran, be told.

It is revealed that Htrae is guarded by numerous magical beings named "Dreamweavers." The young Bodoran, a Dreamweaver of skill beyond his years, is alerted that the "Un" is wreaking havoc on his world. The Un is a parasite to all things, which will wither everything out of existence if it is not stopped. The life force of Htrae, called the Essence, is the Un's primary food source. It will take all Bodoran's magical abilities to find and stop it before it succeeds; but he must first find the source of its power.

Bodoran meets a new acquaintance along his quest; but is tricked by dark magical energies to cast a spell improperly at one point. This leads to his new acquaintance being transformed into a Darcrata ("Dark Creature.") The new-created Darcrata is but one of many similar beings, which the Dreamweavers do battle with regularly in their quest to keep Htrae safe. Bodoran learns that the horrible magic he has uncovered, which transformed his friend so tragically, is strung from the Darklord Nimjora, self-proclaimed "Darklord of the Darklands." Nimjora has had his eyes on killing Bodoran for a while, and seizes this moment of weakness as an opportunity to defeat his nemesis once and for all.

The events soon unfolding place Bodoran very near to his death bed, as his magical energy is hijacked to produce a horrifying new reality for Htrae. Bodoran realizes he must muster his strength in his darkest hour, when his own power has been turned against him to make all Hell break loose.


  • Gem, a mystical being of old. He is able to go meta in ways other characters cannot. He sends a message to humanity in general, as an introduction (namely, to the reader,) and informs that the world of Htrae is a mirror of Earth that has been created by "the collective of all human imagination."
  • Bodoran, member of a class of warriors who battle on the plains of the abstract every bit as often as the concrete. He is known as a "Dreamweaver," and has been sent to find the Un, and stop it from draining the Essence (a type of life force) from Htrae.
  • Darklord Nimjora of the Darklands, who is determined to defeat Bodoran, and use the darkest aspects of Bodoran's subconscious to generate a new reality of horror.
  • Darcratas ("Dark Creatures"), Nimjora's minions. They are created by Nimjora intercepting the abilities of Dreamweavers, and polluting their magic through dark shadows. At one point, Bodoran makes a new acquaintance - only to have a spell of his sabotaged by Nimjora; thus turning his new acquaintance into a Darcrata.
  • The Un, a mysterious entity, one which is slowly draining away the Essence of Htrae. It must be stopped, and Bodoran is determined to stop it at its source - even at the expense of his own life.


Mark first wrote the book with the intent to blend together themes from various different genres; including dream fantasy, horror, and realism. He first got his work published in March of 2012 through Ferris State University's services, as a final project to graduate. He and classmate Dirk collaborated on the project, with Dirk agreeing to be in charge of illustrations. Suspecting that Ferris binding the book in hardcover would limit its sales potential, Mark later resolved to publish through Amazon Digital Services. The book was made available for the Kindle Fire as of May of 2012, as a 103 KB download.

On February 12th and 13th of 2012, Mark alerted fans on his HtraEartH Facebook fan page that he suspected the book would be completed in April.[1] Construction of the book folds neared completion on February 18th, with some work being done in Adobe Illustrator on the front cover designs.

Mark discovered on March 5th that a printing press error had slightly aged the pages, giving the book an "old-timey" appearance that he felt ironically worked to the book's benefit. Also on March 5th, Mark and Dirk's front and back cover artwork compilation was uploaded without the titles and fine print to the official Facebook page. For the first time, curious visitors could see what the main character Bodoran looked like, as well as the nefarious Un.

On March 10th, Mark suggested that the version being released was only a first edition. He would not rule out revising the story to make it longer in the future. The book was announced "finished" off the presses on March 22nd of 2012, though Dirk complained that there was a slight flaw in the ink system that slowed down drying times. [2] The book's copyright notices were updated slightly on March 18th, to allow for future series installments. Finally on May 17th, the book was converted to e-book format and uploaded to Amazon.

A link to the Amazon download was added to the Facebook page around 4:17 PM EST on Thursday, May 17th of 2012. The following Saturday around 10:15 AM, Mark updated his Wordpress account to acknowledge the book's availability.[3]

Around February 12th, Mark announced that he intended to produce a sequel to ''Unseen Purity'', stating: "HtraEartH is a series that is continuing. As early as 2013, the next book will be out." He stated at the time that he had yet to decide on a subtitle for the upcoming sequel. However, those plans for a sequel never unfolded.

Connection to Dozerfleet

The book's author, Mark Gerke, is a friend of the Dozerfleet founder. They met through his wife Kat, whom the Dozerfleet founder met while at Ferris State and living in Bond Hall. Having expressed concerns about not having adequate marketing and fan base tools for promoting his new book, Mark addressed the founder. The founder responded in kind by allowing Mark to set up a new wiki on Wikia's services, which came to be dubbed "HtraEartHWiki."

In May of 2012, HtraEartHWiki began coming to form on its own. A lot of its templates were copy-pasted from the Dozerfleet Database of that time. A few of those templates were slightly modified to fit the new site's theme and needs more adequately.


  1. Gerke, Mark. "Work in Progress." (Facebook post). HtraEartH Fan Page. Facebook. Sunday, February 12th, 3:05 PM EST.
  2. Gerke, Mark. "Unfortunately, Dirk found a slight flaw." (Facebook post). HtraEartH Fan Page. Facebook. Thursday, March 22nd, 4:12 PM EST.
  3. 3. Gerke, Mark. "New Author to the Fantasy/Fiction World – M.E.Gerke." ''Wordpress''. May 19th, 2012.


Defining the "Web of Destiny"

The "Web of Destiny," or "Web of Fate" is a metaphysical concept of great importance to characters in the Dozerfleet Megaverse. It is said to be the field at which the Volition Dilemma Paradox (the necessity of temporal allowance of freedom to choose or reject God, in a state of flux,) and Vocational Destiny (your specific intended purpose for existing since before you were born) are reconciled.

The Volition Dilemma Paradox is central to the concept of free will, defining what it is, what it isn't, what it's limits are, and why it must be in the first place. Jewish texts expand on it into the concept of "Tzimtzum," the "contraction of God," to allow for others to have their own agenda. Yet, there is still Volition Dilemma, which relates to the Hebrew concept of "Yiuudh" (יִעוּד).

As such, "fate" is merely the causal relation of differing wills intersecting. To suggest to someone that something is "fate," therefore, is to assert that there is another will working against their own that will always be stronger. There will still be a collision point, but the point of negotiation will result in that stronger will clearly being the overwhelmingly primary beneficiary of the outcome. From there, the proclamation is prone to trial, to determine how much truth there is to its assertion. To be valid for debate, likewise, the assertion must be falsifiable, so that its validation has actual merit.

The general premise of how it works is this:

  1. God has sovereign will. (The Rod of Destiny, ultimate Path of History.)
  2. Volition Dilemma requires lesser beings to have free will, to love and accept or hate and reject, for a time.
  3. Lesser beings asserting this will interact with one another, whether consciously or unconsciously, altering the subdetails of fate around the Rod, yet unable to change the Rod's ultimate destiny for human history.
  4. "Fate" is what happens when wills intersect. Higher fates are defined by superior wills vs. inferior ones.
  5. The intricate interaction of wills intersecting forms a web-like structure of connected intersections.

Hence, fate is a web of free wills, all either attempting to complement one another, or cancel each other out. Yet, Higher History cannot be ruined or destroyed. Only little details of destiny can be changed. The Rod determines the extent to which any of these small changes matter.

The geometry of this relation is often likened to a series of roads that intersect, and to showing cars that crash at intersections versus cars that avoid collision - and the myriad ways they manage to avoid collision. The greater framework of this simulation can thus be compared in structure to a web, hence "Web" of Destiny. This isn't the only causal theory on this concept to exist. Boethius made a similar postulation once, with his "Wheel of Fortune" concept.


  • In Cherinob, still-living humanity is still in the state of flux on will, yet a clear path of history demonstrates itself, regardless the choices that the majority of individuals make in how they conduct their everyday lives. Apthalans and Biroots, however, cannot have an agenda contrary to their alignment. Cherinob cannot act toward humans with anything malicious, unless ordained by God. Hence why she would rather throw herself into the sun than blow up Bucharest when supercharged. Kritchobol, likewise, can only pretend to be nice to further an evil agenda. He cannot lead anyone to God, unless peppered with mischaracterization of God somehow. He cannot tell any truth, unless he wishes to imply a greater lie through twisting of the truth. This is because both Cherinob and Kritchobol are mode-locked.
  • Xylien Society in Stationery Voyagers had a flag which featured a depiction of the Web of Destiny.
  • The Divergency creates divergent timelines to reconcile significant tampering with history by those who exploit the Percolation Wave with dubious intent. Doing so almost always has seriously adverse consequences for the tampering individual. This is similar to the Butterly Effect.
  • The above is demonstrated in one fanfic, where Feathertop invades the world of Mirror's Edge: Catalyst to get Kruger to join the Triumvirate. As a token of goodwill, Feathertop kills Faith Connors. Then, Tabitha Pang reverts to an earlier point in time, and prevents Faith's assassination. As the Divergency seeks to reconcile this, it leads to the droid and camera setup responsible for killing Faith last time suddenly having an exact replica of itself, causing signal interference as central command tries to reconcile how two of the same robot now exist in its framework. This results in Kruger betraying Feathertop, stealing his powers, and killing him, thus becoming the new Feathertop, and going completely insane. The new Kruger-Feathertop hybrid then confronts the Twirlflame Trio, and calls Tabitha Pang out for the dangerous slippery slope of using time travel to perform resurrections. It is considered a great moral evil, even by the Icy Finger's low standards for morality. Tabitha is even accused of being worse than her mother Hea, whose greatest crime against space-time was using time travel to exploit Schrodinger's Cat to deprive King Morzhuk of increasing his power via the Grand Ultimates' Ruby.
  • In Stationery Voyagers, the driver that hit Arnold Rubblindo made choices. Arnold himself made choices to go to town at that exact moment, and that lead to the Xyliens turning him into Pextel. However, God was also involved, ensuring that the influences affecting all the other parties would result in them making the choices they were going to make within the timeframe most needed for God to make Pextel happen when Pextel needed to happen.
  • Even some episode titles in Stationery Voyagers reflect this. "What Must Happen" shows the necessity of Rhodney Antilles joining the Voyager program, even though he was intent on making a similar choice regardless. Meanwhile, "Choice After All" shows that Oceanoe chooses to reject the influence of the reverse-Eros gas that gives him an OCD episode under its toxicity, and he doesn't turn gay. Meanwhile, his abductors made a choice to kidnap him to spread their perversion, and are confronted violently for it, after trying to gaslight the public into believing they "had no choice."

Uncovering lost wiki treasures Pt 4 - If DJ Duckslaughter were an author

In the midst of the madness of making the old Fandom version of the wiki, an example page contained this gold nugget.

If DJ Duckslaughter in the Every Ape and His Brother timeline, who is the fictional madman supposedly behind the songs "The Only Resort," "Meat Cleaver," and "All My Ducks Are Pekins" had also written books about his poultry-killing antics, then his bibliography might read something like the following:

  1. Penguins' Fates Sealed: Recipes Galore for your Antarctic Cuisine
  2. Easy Cures for a Goose's Neck Pain
  3. An Exhaustive Study of Turkeys
  4. Muscovies Must Go to the Log
  5. Cheerfully Chopping Chickens
  6. Pekins Get VERY Stacks!
  7. A Guide to Better Khaki Campbell
  8. Fawnrunners Ainna Run Fast Enough
  9. Are You Game for Guinea Fowl?
  10. Ripping Through Ridiculous Riddles of Rouens

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Uncovering Lost Wiki Treasures Pt 3 - Candi vs Candi

In the late 2000s, there was some confusion by webcomic afficionados about the Candi Flippo-Levens featuring in Ciem. Namely, suspicion that she was somehow based on the titular Candi from Starline Hodge's work. However, in spite superficial similarities, the two Candis were not at all the same, nor inspired by one another. A whole wiki article was created specifically to outline this issue.

Creator comparisons and contrasts

  • Both creators were born in Florida in 1983, and came up with their respective protagonists around 2004-2005. While neither inspired the other, the two did discover one another's work in 2007.
  • However, one was born in Miami in January, while the other was born in Ft. Myers in March.
  • Both have lived in Florida. However, Starline has been Floridian her entire life. The Dozerfleet founder also lived in Wisconsin for a few years, and in Michigan for about 30 years.
  • Starline is right-handed, the other left-handed.
  • While both Candis are college-age protagonists, Starline kept her work's scope to (mostly) probable situations, with a few exceptions involving squirrels. The scenarios in Ciem are more frequently fantastical than most of Starline's work would allow for, since that work was specifically intended to showcase that The Sims 2 could be used to make superhero productions with quasi-original characters, and do a modest job.

Levens vs. Jane

  • Ciem opens with Candi Flippo at age 19, preparing to turn 20. Starline's Candi strip opened with an 18-year-old protagonist.
  • Candi Flippo's two love interests were Denny Levens and Donte McArthur. Candi Jane's were Alex and Jon. But while Candi Flippo marries Denny, and later marries Donte after Denny is murdered by Musaran, Starline at the time stated she had no interest in Candi and Jon ever officially hooking up.
  • Both Denny and Alex were brown-haired men who either had medical degrees or were in pursuit of one. Denny was also selfless, while Alex was selfish to extremes.
  • Denny Levens also took seriously his "till death do you part" vow with Candi, and Musaran unfortunately made sure it played out that way. Alex never made his Candi any such promise, and then was quick to betray her.
  • Candi Flippo grew to be between 5'5" and 5'7" in Classic Gerosha, while her Cataclysmic Gerosha version maxes out in height at 5'4". Starline's Candi is stated to be 5'6".
  • Candi Flippo acquires a friend named Laurie Pegol, based on a real woman named Liz. The other Candi has a friend name Laura, at one point.
  • Candi Flippo dyes her hair firetruck red, while the other Candi allegedly has "natural" pink hair.
  • Candi Flippo battles pyromaniacs, including Don the Psycho. The other one was threatened with fire by a random psycho.
  • When initially given a pregnancy scare, Candi Flippo quickly grows to want a child. Unfortunately, she miscarries. The other Candi is relieved to not be pregnant, due to having no interest in children. But while Candi Flippo-Levens half expected to get pregnant due to unprotected sex with her husband, the other Candi turned out to just be lactose-intolerant.
  • The time periods were different. Classic Gerosha sets the events for Candi's life in 2019 in the opening, and then progresses to her life in 2025. The first season of Candi takes place in 2006, when Candi Flippo would've been about 7 years old! Candi Flippo being born in 1999, coincidentally, is one thing that didn't change when the Earth-G5 and Earth-G6 timelines gave way to the Earth-G7 timeline. Therefore, Candi is between 9 and 10 years of age during the events in Blood Over Water, even if the original miniseries doesn't feature her on screen in any form.
  • Candi Flippo-Levens in Classic Gerosha is shown attending Viron University, which is supposed to be the University of Southern Indiana in Evansville, though its geography and architecture are merged with Ferris State. Starline's Candi unabashedly attends the University of Florida.
  • Candi Flippo inherits a lot of money from her parents, but tries to hide how rich she is. The other Candi is portrayed as perpetually broke.
  • Candi Flippo-Levens needs money and a job only to pretend to be normal, and hide the fact that she's Ciem. The other Candi is portrayed as simply a jobless loser.
  • Candi Flippo-Levens is portrayed as a non-denominational Christian with liturgical leanings, while Starline's character is described as non-practicing Jewish.
  • Candi Levens has an entire gallery of rogues, plus a race of evil aliens that believe she's some prophecied destroyer that they must kill before she kills them. Starline's Candi...just has bad friends.
  • The two Candis even differ in their attitudes on alcohol. The one at Dozerfleet averts bars and rarely enjoys alcohol. Ironically, beer is served at the bowling alley where she does find work. She also later becomes a server at an upscale bar temporarily, and avoids college dive bars. The Starline version has been drunk before, by admission.
  • Erin Flippo ingrains her Candi with an overwhelming sense of responsibility in life, as Ciem and as Candi, and even suggests that having no powers and not being Ciem would make no difference. Candi agonizes over this. By contrast, the only responsibility that Starline's Candi took seriously in early issues was her class homework.
  • Both experience the loss of a lover. In Dozerfleet, Candi's loss is due to a homicidal maniac in a shrew costume, with her home then being destroyed by a suicide bomber. Starline's Candi merely loses her man to ego conflicts and treacherous friends.
  • Starline's Candi has a notorious sweet tooth. By contrast, Candi Flippo appears to be indifferent towards candy.
  • Candi Flippo wants to go into forensic investigation and criminal profiling, while Starline's Candi is a digital artist - like Starline herself.
  • Neither Candi is particularly good at other languages besides English, though Starline's Candi having no ability to speak Spanish at all leads to her being taunted over it. Candi Levens learns just enough Spanish to get Latin Town to cooperate with her.
  • Starline's Candi has done many things; but never worn an orange centipede costume to battle an alien invasion, fight crime, nor stop monsters. She does have a flying pet ferret named Menjou. The nearest equivalent to that in Dozerfleet would be Ferreto, the Everywhere Ferret Cop of Ferretsville, in the Dromedeverse. Earth-G5 Candi and Dromedeverse Ferreto, suffice to say, have never met. Menjou and Ferreto would probably not get along.
  • When it comes to men, Candi Levens looks for character attributes and beliefs compatible with her own. Starline's Candi seems to be more shallow, concerned with genital sizes. The Dozerfleet Candi wants a man who shares her life mission, and can help her maintain her masquerade. Starline's Candi is more prone to exploitation by men that just want her for the bedroom benefits.
  • Both Candis have a tan, but that tan implies different things. Candi Flippo-Levens is Indo-Persian Mulatto in Earth-G5, and this description has carried over into latter incarnations. Starline's Candi, by contrast, is "Jewish-Dutch-Caribbean."
  • Differing art styles also convey a difference in artist agenda. Earth-G5 Candi was initially created in The Sims 2. This was to showcase to the Sims community that Sims storytelling can tell more complex stories and mythologies, and shouldn't be used merely to make knockoffs of Teen Mom. The other Candi was hand-drawn, by an artist wishing to showcase how "American-Japanese fusion" can be a good art style.
  • The two Candis have very different family dynamics too. Candi Levens has a large family with its own complex mythology. Starline's Candi rarely has anything to do with her parents whatsoever.
  • Candi Flippo-Levens has higher sexual mores than Candi Jane. While the former does have a very voracious sexual appetite, she's willing to keep herself chaste until in an at least somewhat-monogamous relationship, if not outright married. She doesn't aspire to one night stands. Even with Donte, Candi waits until they're practically engaged before finally succumbing to temptation. With Denny, she was able to save herself for marriage. By contrast, Candi Jane borders on being a "femcel," frustrated that no one will have sex with her, and not particularly bothered by what relationship she has with said man before said encounter. While Earth-G7 Candi isn't quite as morally upright as Earth-G5 Candi, she retains her emphasis on serial monogamy; turning down offers from Warren Bozil and Jack Mercreek in spite having lust for them. She is adamant about keeping herself only to the man she's dating / married to at that moment, whether it be Danny Loffin, Tyrone Menster, or Donte McArthur. She entertains a crush on Paul Driveway, but it never leads to them doing anything inappropriate. Candi Jane...cannot be guaranteed to have such modesty.
  • In Earth-G5, contraceptives actually interfere with Candi's centipede powers, as they use hormones to trick the body into thinking it's already pregnant. Later incarnations do away with pregnancy completely stealing powers away; but Candi Flippo generally doesn't believe in them, in any incarnation of the character. Candi Jane claims to have "always been safe," implying she uses them almost religiously.
  • Candi was touched by Denny putting her before himself, but only bonded with him the way she did based on having been previously misled into believing that Donte was dead. The shock at learning he was live, stripped of his powers, given cancer, and being held prisoner by the enemy after they faked his death to fool the world, and being saved for some epic public execution reveal later, shakes Candi almost to her core. By contrast, Candi Jane's more shallow criteria for men ensures that even if Alex were an ax murderer, she would have fallen for him.