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Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Uncovering lost wiki treasures Pt 8 - Hobby Lobby in 2012

In many ways, the Biden era just feels like a steroid-pumped version of the insanity of the Obamination's first usurpation. A third usurped term for Obama, the Man of Lawlessness.

Back in 2012, it was a weird time to be alive - but less weird than 2023. At least in 2012, no one was overtly threatening to steal anyone's gas stove, nor make eggs unaffordable!

But before the likes of Hobby Lobby and Chik-fil-a were browbeaten into submission by the Beast of the Sea, by way of its army of diabolical NPC minions that would come to be called the "Woke" movement, there was a time when activists came to the defense of these companies - back before it became far too dangerous for such activists to be seen in public.

In 2012, it was still possible to set up a booth in a public area in support of those being threatened by the mob with cancellation - without fear of being subjected to mob violence, false arrest, false imprisonment, etc. Then, college campuses started perverting justice. Any whose booth didn't kowtow to the woke mob, could be assaulted with impunity. Police were to stand down, while those who didn't kowtow were shown what happens to they who won't conform.

Then, some college campuses went so far as to have police arrest the victims of mob violence, since "this wouldn't have happened if they weren't pushing such unacceptable / 'istophobic' (by Trotsky's definition) rhetoric"! The very spirit of what a university was supposed to be was then brazenly violated, with FIRE suing campuses left and right to no avail. It escalated to thought policing of students who didn't engage in any activism, as well as campuses flat-out denying students permission to set up particular booths unless those booths kowtowed woke ideology. Either spread "the Message," exhaustively, or suffer the consequences! Not even most churches demanded their members publicly display that level of enthusiasm for their message to such an obnoxious degree! Wokeism had become a cult.

Alas, that cult's thirst for power wouldn't be sated on the college campus. It soon spread to the public square, violating even the most basic tenets of freedom: including that the public square belonged to everyone!

This started out slowly at first, with college students being the primary targets for harassment if they didn't convert to the woke cult. However, then the election of Trump happened. This drove the American left into an absolutely insane frenzy, especially when a vindictive Trump decided to break the first rule of Epstein Club: You don't talk about Epstein Club!

This culiminated in 2020 the unwarranted assault and battery by a deputy in Michigan of a constitutional lawyer named Katherine Henry, followed by her being illegally kidnapped, and her child threatened. The message that Tyrant Whitmer and her cronies were sending was painfully obvious: no public dissent of the Democrat Party coup is allowed!

Rewinding the clock a bit

But there was a time in 2012 when small inklings of sanity still prevailed in the public square; when such brazen demonic subhuman reversion to barbaric feudalistic evils as was demonstrated in the abduction of Ms. Henry was not the normally-expected response to be met toward public display booths on public land.

When Chris Rose in Florida did what he did in October of 2020, he wasn't even at the event that the event managers were complaining about. Yet, they reee'd, and had him arrested, because they were butthurt by his sign's message. Police complied, though charges were eventually dropped, dismissed as utter nonsense. In 2012, the whole Chris Rose arrest affair would have been nigh-unthinkable in Florida, to say nothing of Michigan.

On Friday, October 12th of 2012 between 1:15 and 3:30 PM EST in Lansing, the Lansing Chapter of Hobby Lobby Appreciation Day culiminated nearby to a Hobby Lobby store. It was inspired by Matt Baker, who instigated the national operation via Facebook, in an era before Facebook would've banned him for even trying.

The event known as "Hobby Lobby Appreciation Day" was in response to threats by communist lowlifes who supported the Obama regime, who threatened to entice massive boycotts against Hobby Lobby unless they abandoned every last drop of their faith-based principles, and started pushing and even paying for their employees - including male ones - to acquire abortafacients. This included abortafacients that had previously been banned from the market due to the high risk of patient death, but which found new life due to sexual anarchist demon-possessed lunatics going to war to have these killer drugs brought back.

A "buycott" to counter the boycott threats was formed. While not as organized, the mass patron event was conducted so as to mirror the largely successful Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day event of August of that year.

History building up to event

Birth control became mandatory, in a move to destroy the church

It began in January of 2012. Never before in history did a promiscuous woman think it was literally everyone else and their dog's job to pay for the equipment she needed to conduct her deathstyle. That is, not unless she were then subsequently involuntarily committed to a mental institution, as she should have been! Leave it to Democrats, however, to seek to mainstream the spread of mental illness.

The traditional Loose Goose, unless otherwise seriously mentally ill, always understood that she had to pay for birth control out of her own pocket - if at all.

Alas, the demonic neo-Bolshevik neo-feudalist brood of vipers around the world couldn't leave well enough alone. They needed total global bootlicking obedience unto only them, ever. Which meant absolutely no system could be tolerated to exist which brought with it detachment from wordly concern. Not even partial detachment could be tolerated!

Any religious system which had the gall to state that the totalitarian state these globalist devils sought to implement was not the be all and end all of the point to human existence, was therefore deemed a threat. Systems which did demand never-questioning state obedience once the state worked a certain way, like Islam, were given a free pass. But the Fulan Gong in particular was targeted for extinction. Second only to that, was the Invisible Church. Christianity in its purest forms.

Obama and company initially supported ISIS, and for one specific reason: to exterminate the Coptic Syrian Christian Church. They failed, but managed to destroy countless relics and proofs of the validity of ancient Christian teaching. They drove the church deep underground. Next, they sought to wipe out the Russian Orthodox Church. While less pure, it proved a much harder adversary to bury. By then infiltrating the Roman Catholic Church via Francis, the global cabal felt it had sufficiently cut the legs off the traditional church enough to delegitimize American Protestant churches, preventing them from offering credible resistance.

However, there was no Great Idolatry of Trump in 2012. Protestant America wasn't ready to lie down and die, to make way for the Beast of the Sea. So the useful idiots of the Beast were put to work, around the clock, in an effort to murder it.

The Man of Lawlessness knew he had an ally in the Epstein cabal of child-raping spirit drinkers. And that included the Pelosis. They plotted and schemed a fascist means of undermining religious liberty by demanding that the church, moving forward, as required to ask the Devil for permission before obeying God.

Through Obama"care," a provision existed which mandated that businesses - no matter how small or privately-owned - must spend millions of dollars providing "free" birth control to the masses - logistics be damned!

Any business that didn't, or couldn't, was to be fined $1.3M per day for non-compliance, regardless of the reason (being too small to have that kind of money was not an excuse!) Obama further threatened that any business was incapable of throwing away millions of nonexistent dollars on pumping deadly drugs into pregnant women risked being seized by the feds and taken over. Fascism by definition!!!

And that's when Sandra the Flukeworm showed up. At the time, the most selfish woman in the world, possibly second only to Amber Turd or QE2.

Rush Limbaugh at the time correctly identified her as "a slut," though the party line at that time was to hang on her every word. This led to attempts to have Rush canceled, for blaspheming the name of Saint Sandra of Sexual Permissiveness, as evil had to be called good, and good had to be called evil. All who didn't kowtow to the party line would become outcasts, even among old friends, as NPCs of every stripe made posthaste to devote themselves to the doctrines of demons, as predicted in 1 Timothy 4:1.

In reality, what she was calling for was sexual extortion of the masses, which made her a robber! So if anything, Rush wasn't being harsh enough! Alas, the drooling imbeciles in the city of Farmington, MI were among the countless who got on the hate-on-Rush bandwagon, and would hear nothing of how evil Sandra's proposals were - because the party said otherwise! Groupthink won out in eastern Michigan, spreading to the west side of the state gradually, until 2020s Michigan became a total moral cesspool.

Sandra proved to be a useful tool of propaganda for the Man of Lawlessness and his cabinet to push their agenda. In a fake hearing before (only Pelosi,) Sandra falsely testified against her own school, defaming the school and propagating the myth that skanks are entitled to have everyone else pay for their "life"style - no matter how expensive and inefficient a government program for something like that might prove to cost!

Churches were the first to be targeted; as Obama the Man of Lawlessness, mass murderer of the Coptics, had the same wicked heart as the mass murderer Plutarco Calles of Mexico in the late 1910s.

The Catholic Church in particular was told to "drop dead" when it protested the loudest. The WELS remained ambivalent about cooperation, leaning toward siding with Catholics.

The LCMS responded with open defiance to the Man of Lawlessness, and to his act of tyranny. It openly sided with the Catholic Church, realizing that an attack on Catholicism on an issue as fundamental as the propagation of something which inherently spreads sexual anarchy and blood poisoning to every community it is visited upon; is ultimately an attack against all Christendom itself!

But as the Man of Lawlessness did the bidding of the Beast of the Sea, the Beast of the Earth was not far behind. The Church of the Apostates, liberal churches that wear a guise of being Christian but which sell out to godless policies and whims of Secular Humanism at every chance given, came out in force to lay full-scale assault on the Invisible Church that remained faithful to the Divine Jurisdiction.

When the Earthly Jurisdiction had joined the Accursed Usurper, they decided that the two jurisdictions were two "kingdoms," and ruled that this meant it was okay to pretend to serve the Divine Jurisdiction on Sunday; but that it was necessary to subvert it in favor of the Accursed Usurper having violated the Earthly Jurisdiction every other day of the week.

They called this "serving the Two Kingdoms," but it was really them choosing to make the State, in rebellion against God, the "superior" god. They had chosen the Golden Calf. Imbecilicly, these Churches of the Apostates in America had repeated the folly of far too many churches in Nazi Germany, almost verbatim! The literally Satanic irony of it all was completely lost on them!

Ozombies and their Nazi connection

The Church of the Apostates wasted precious little time in helping Secular Humanist / Satanic enemies of the Invisible Church to identify and target any and all opposition to the State and its wicked agenda. Homosexual Marxist radicals, Jihadists, and every other shade of evil imaginable, descended upon said Invisible Church in lawless fury, knowing the State would make excuses for their abuses at every turn. This happened in near-identical fashion to what happened in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, yet happened on American soil. The Brownshirts had returned!

Perverting the Two Governances into the Two "Kingdoms," Hitler employed the word "kingdoms" - far too open to theocratic misinterpretation and therefore a word that Martin Luther refused to use in his writings - and Hitler used it to create his own Church of the Apostates.

The church institutions that sold out to Hitler were merciless, paying lip service to God on Sunday while aiding and abetting the state in exterminating Jews and true Christians on Monday. Obama decided to rekindle some of that spirit with his own minions. One of the only churches in Nazi Germany that refused to capitulate was the Church of the Lutheran Confession, a forgotten and unsung hero of WWII.

After the Marquis de Sade was executed, his disciples decided to employ his propaganda. Anyone who opposed their barbaric cruelty towards their murder and rape victims was accused of being an "irrational bigot" for opposing brutal rape and murder. These followers of de Sade, the Sadeans, became the origin of the terms "sadism" and "sadistic."

The original Sadeans eventually moved from France to Germany, becoming a core component of the Nazi Party. The Pink Swastika consisted of manly gays mostly. They would target more effeminate gays for execution, not only as a way of establishing dominance, but also as a way of eliminating those they felt were Stalin sympathizers. This would later get twisted by American academia as all gays having been "victims" in WWII, so as to fool gullible students into not exploring the real history of militant homosexuals' love of tyranny.

Hitler employed the Pink Swastika for many missions, noting they were willing to deal out to those on Hitler's hit list a brutality that could not be asked of just any Nazi soldier. The Pink Swastika therefore became one of Hitler's personal goon squads, sent out for missions not even the SS and Gestapo dared attempt due to the horrifying nature of given commands.

After WWII, the Pink Swastika invaded the US. In order to take advantage of the myths being propagated by Alfred Kinsey and his diabolical minions, they decided to scrap their true name in favor of more benevolent-sounding names. From there, they'd campaign to give themselves an illusion of cultural legitimacy.

They capitalized on the black civil rights movement, and tried to paint their ruthless aggressors as "victims" of "oppression." After several decades, US media fell for it, and began expanding the myth. The Pink Swastika became two organizations: GLSEN and NAMBLA, only pretending not to be one and the same. From there, they spawned countless satellites and fronts, such as GLAAD, and became the LGBTQPIZON Mafia, or "Crooked Rainbow," that they are today. They later merged with the Woke movement, with the trans-everything mob becoming the most militant wing, as part of a Transhumanist push to erase gender boundaries to achieve "transcendence" of humanity into some demonic delusion of a pagan utopia.

The Crooked Rainbow on Obamacare

Teaming up with Marxists and other Third World evildoers, the Crooked Rainbow went back to their Pink Swastika roots in their instigation of violence against conservative Christians who protested Obama's policies.

On more than one occasion, peaceful protestors in American streets were physically assaulted by rainbow radicals. When blood started being spilled, reports were made to police. And police chiefs who'd sold out to Obama's wicked men decided by-and-large to stand down these assailants who made the Church bleed. It became one dimension of many in which the nation would turn its back on decency, allowing for a sort of homofascist tyranny to develop that could do whatever it pleased, terrifying its opposition and invading the privacy of opponents' homes. Often, without fear of reprisal from the State!

Militant and demonic sodomites, such as activist Jerry Blackburn, went out of their way to join the Church of the Apostates in condemning and threatening any institution that did not 100% comply with the evil and unconstitutional bill known as "Obamacare" - no matter the reason!

On threat of busted kneecaps, Chief (In)justice John Roberts of the "Supreme" Court decided to ignore every provision of the US Constitution that was explicitly violated by Obamacare, claiming contrary to the bill's advocate's own claims that the bill "must" be viewed as a "tax." From there, he made up a provision out of thin air that a president can executive-order a new tax out of thin air as he sees fit.

Calls for Roberts' resignation were immediate, but the Sea Beast and his minions circled the wagons to protect Roberts from any reprisal for his criminal act of sedition against America.

Along came a restaurant

Along came July of 2012. Dan Cathy of Chick-fil-A stated that he saw "nothing wrong" with traditional marriage. While not attacking sodomite desecration false marriage in particular, he merely stated he didn't have a problem with natural marriage. However, the LGBTQPIZON lunatics had been having a field day with extorting businesses into not only endorsing the war on marriage, but in waging a full-scale assault on traditional marriage wherever it could be found!

To hear the CEO of a restaurant chain, on his own time, say anything to the contrary of General Mills and Starbucks' diabolical message about traditional marriage being "bad for business" was simply intolerable to the "tolerance" crowd, so they began forming mobs against Chick-fil-A.

Slander, libel, harassment of patrons, vandalism, arson threats, death threats, etc. "Their feet are swift to shed blood" (Romans 3:15) proved all-too-true. Chick-fil-A was threatened with boycotts the nation over because it dared to have a CEO who didn't openly attack traditional marriage. Mayors at several cities were quick to try to (unconstitutionally) ban the store from doing business in their cities, accusing the entire chain of "mass homophobia."

In response to the madness, groups rose up, under the leadership of Mike Huckabee, to sponsor a "buycott" event to mass-patron Chick-fil-A. Set for August 1st, "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day" became an immediate news sensation. Its success led to convulsions and foaming at the mouth for militant members of the demonic rainbow - who couldn't fathom how their criminal activity could be hindering the cause of "tolerance," such that so many would still be willing to eat at a store they tried so hard to defame into oblivion!

The Muppets then decided to step in it, destroying what little credibility Jim Henson Studios had left. They even went so far as to steal money from Chick-fil-A, and use that stolen money to help GLAAD hire goon squads to terrorize Chick-fil-A stores with! Then, they couldn't fathom why so many angry Americans cheered when Romney "threatened" Big Bird!

Suddenly, Hobby Lobby

Realizing that the Mifepristone Racket mandate risked bankrupting the store chain, as well as it supporting evil, Hobby Lobby corporate decided to sue the federal government over the provision. The Obama regime immediately responded by trying to punt-block the lawsuit, bribing and arm-twisting judges into wanting to dismiss the lawsuit (even though that's illegal.) When the lawsuit went through anyway, Team Obama ordered the store to "drop dead."

If it defied the measure, as several churches had, then Hobby Lobby risked being penalized $1.3M PER DAY for non-compliance, thus leading to risks of a government takeover. Jerry Blackburn and other butt destroyer activists started calling for boycotts, and for acts of terror against the store chain, in an effort to destroy its business and reputation for having the gall to defend its right to exist against Obama's overreach.

They used the word "fascist" inappropriately, accusing the store of being "dominionist" and wanting to stop women from being able to get birth control. Nothing could be further from the truth. Any Hobby Lobby employee is free to, when off the clock, walk across the street to the pharmacy or gas station, and purchase all the birth control she so desires. Still, the dripping-venom-from-the-mouth blood libel against Hobby Lobby, committed by Jerry Blackburn and the Prolapse Mafia, remained impenitent and undeterred by facts.

Where's Huckabee when you need him?

Due to many who saw how wicked the Beast of the Sea's heads (Obama and militant Islam), and how wicked the Beast of the Earth (false prophets, apostate churches, homosexual militants) were, and how horrifying their assault on Hobby Lobby truly was, a grassroots effort formed to defend the store chain from extinction and persecution.

The grassroot members tried to get Mike Huckabee to form a Hobby Lobby Appreciation Day that was similar in nature to Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day. Alas, Huckabee never bothered to get back to anyone about it. He didn't see the point in defending a specialty retail chain store for (mostly) women's decor. This is because Hobby Lobby's market is mostly for feminine wanted items; but not things that will be inherently high in demand. Being a restaurant, Chick-fil-A sells a commodity that is highly-desired, and even needed, to a limited extent. Huckabee didn't care about arts and crafts; but Obama waging war on a part of the food supply was a bridge too far.

Frustrated, the few faithful who still opposed the Beasts decided to take matters into their own hands.

Hobby Lobby Appreciation Day

Facebook planning

Shortly before October, Matt Baker of the Facebook group "Support Hobby Lobby" decided to found an event dubbed "Shop at Hobby Lobby Day," and recruit as many nationwide supporters as possible for encourage a Chick-fil-A -level mass patron event for Hobby Lobby. "Hobby Lobby Appreciation Day" became an alternate name for the event. There was a debate on Matt Baker's site about which day was the day for the event. The Dozerfleet founder chose to set the date at October 1st, since that would correspond with Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day being on August 1st. Some wanted October 3rd to be chosen, to correspond with the debates. Others still said October 12th. That date corresponded with October 10th-12th, which in 1994, was the founding of Way Early Productions, one of the predecessors of Dozerfleet Productions.

Since there was nobody at the national level willing to take on Lansing, the Dozerfleet Blog sponsored the Lansing Chapter; and the Dozerfleet founder became its manager. Unable to make it to the Hobby Lobby just off of Saginaw St. in Lansing on October 1st and 3rd, the Dozerfleet founder went to Hobby Lobby on October 12th.


After days of promoting the event on both the Dozerfleet Blog and Facebook, the Lansing Chapter of Hobby Lobby Appreciation Day contacted Hobby Lobby of Lansing's store manager about where to set up a table for Appreciation Day. Right outside the store at 5801 W. Saginaw Hwy. in the Delta Center mini-mall was determined to be the best location. The card table purchased December of 2007 at Wal-Mart of Big Rapids was set up with some literature, and the event was on. The Dozerfleet founder was there from 1:15 PM EDT on October 12th until 3:00 PM.

The table contained one sheet with URLs, another sheet with QR codes for URLs, and a title card. Other literature mentioned that Hobby Lobby needed the most support possible from patrons to offset the costs of suing the tyrannical HHS mandate. The first 20 pages of Hobby Lobby's lawsuit were also printed out, explaining in graphic detail exactly why the store had a need to sue the government. A clock was set up along with the literature, so as to track how long the event was and determine a good time to shut down the display.


For the first half-hour, most passers-by completely ignored the setup. Lack of a chair for the event led many to assume it was a donation drive, rather than an information table, in spite stating it was an information table. The first lady to pay attention was unaware that Hobby Lobby was entrenched in a lawsuit with the government, and was interested to learn more about that. A second, elderly lady, passed by. The instant she heard that the event was organized on Facebook, she refused to learn anything else; stating that she "doesn't like Facebook."

Around 2:12 PM, two more ladies stopped at the booth. They asked for a copy of one of the URLs written on scrap paper, so they could research the lawsuit for themselves online. Another one stopped and asked for info around 2:19. While not willing to read the literature, a random man showed up around 2:23, curious to know what the event was all about. Once he knew the gist of it, he moved on. A small crowd showed up around 2:25, consisting of all women, but around three or four.

They all showed interest, wanting to copy the URLs to view at home more information on the issue. At 2:39, a man who stopped and asked what the information table was about was dismissive of it, saying "Romney will win and it won't matter." The ignorance of his statement is daunting in hindsight.

Around 2:49, a gal and her boyfriend stopped at the table. They took pictures of things with their camera phones, so that they could go home and do their own investigation. Another curious lady took a picture of the URLs with her phone at 2:54. Another couple at 3:05 PM said they'd be willing to spread the word to everyone they knew about what Hobby Lobby's troubles were.


Around 3:30, the event drew to a close. The Dozerfleet founder drove his grandmother home, as she was one of many who went to Hobby Lobby that day to support it. They watched Atlas Shrugged: Part I on DVD, in preparation for seeing Atlas Shrugged: Part II at NCG Cinemas. The film's similarities to how Obama became known to run things was downright eerie. It didn't take long to understand why the Academy hated those films: they got a little too close to showing the Club Epstein mentality to the entire world for what it was!


While the event was largely ignored by media, individuals who stopped at the information table were generally positive in their reaction to the event.

They wondered why the event didn't get more media coverage. They also wondered why it was that Mike Huckabee didn't get involved. The store manager himself commented on how he wished Mike Huckabee got involved. Turnout helped the store's business, but not by much.

It was in Lansing, with a Democratic Virg Bernero as the mayor, in an Obama economy, in a slow time of year, on a Friday afternoon; when only so much business boost was even possible.

News that the event was happening perked interest as far away as the Philippines, where locals said they would have gone if there were a Hobby Lobby in their country. Even though that country has a lot of birth control in it, Filipinos generally don't like the idea of a government forcing business owners to pay for everyone else's birth control all across the country.

Even with all the corruption in that nation, they are smart enough to know that is a bad idea. They cannot fathom why anyone in the US would be in favor of such an oppressive Statist measure.

The Facebook group "Support Hobby Lobby" grew to over 900 members after the event, continuing operations long after the Appreciation Day ended.


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