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Saturday, April 10, 2021

Cagegirl leaving the brand

Due to a loss of regular contact with Adam-00, and a general shift in direction for both, the decision has been made that Cagegirl will no longer be associated with the Dozerfleet Comics brand at any level.

It was fun, using the wiki to promote Adam's best story he'd ever told, and then getting to propose Percolation Warriors plots that would feature Xira in them. However, it's been decided that Xira isn't essential to Percolation Warriors, and can be cut out.

As a result, the Sturthrom rating system is being retired at Dozerfleet, as it only applies to Cagegirl characters. All others use the Gold Bar System, which is modeled off of and roughly analogous to the Marvel Power Grid.

Fans of Adam-00 and his work can still find Cagegirl plenty of other places, by doing fairly basic searches. (Warning: not all his related art is safe for work!) However, Xira won't be teaming up with the Percolation Warriors, nor the Camelry, in Camelorum Adventures. Panels of this team-up on DeviantArt are no longer canon to the Dromedeverse.

The trans-supremacist site Fandom is temporarily requiring the Fandom fork of the Dozerfleet Database to remain open; though the Sturthrom system and all Cagegirl material will leave there first. Information on Camelorum Adventures will be amended as soon as possible, and the "Cagegiggles" episodes will get altered plots, to remove Xira and Nasradeen from the plot. Non-canon artwork on DeviantArt may remain up for the time being, but don't regard it as canon.

Adam-00 made no special request. The brands simply grew apart, and keeping Xira at both companies would prove legally and commercially difficult to manage moving forward. So it was decided that the two entities are better as separate and distinct.

Removing all mentions of Xira from the Fandom fork will take time. However, she will be noticeably absent on the Miraheze fork.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Dozerfleet Database back in a big way!

While it's undoubtedly the case that the SlimWiki version is not adequate for public view, Dozerfleet is now on Miraheze. The transfer to this platform from the "woke" mess that Fandom has become will take some time. Please be patient.

With a return to proper MediaWiki, comes a slew of other challenges. For starters, the wiki is no longer interested in being an exact copy of Marvel or DC Databases. This is reflected in the new logo and icon.

Here is how this will be reflected in design:
  • Characters will still get a universe designation. However, only alternate reality versions that have truly proven influential will get a separate article.
    • Prime Candi will still be distinct from Cataclysmic main timeline Candi. Despair and Classic Candis will still be separate entities. Comprehensive Candi will still be a separate entity. However, Gaming Canon Candi won't be considered a separate entity from Cataclysmic Candi. Crossover Candi will be a separate entity though.
    • This logic will be applied to other characters, such as Extirpon. It'll no longer be necessary to give his M:AA fanfic universe clone a separate article entry.
    • Since the original Navyrope inception never was made, only Cataclysmic and beyond Navyrope incarnations will get an entry.
    • The Gray Champion will get an Earth-G0 article. However, Hea Pang's past as "Heeshwa Pwong" can be condensed to a footnote for the Cataclysmic Gerosha incarnation.
    • Just because a character may have existed in a prior universe, doesn't guarantee them sufficient notability to warrant an article dedicated to their existence in the work. Unless they are sufficiently outstanding, they will probably just be a name on a character list. There is no need to waste time trying to imitate Marvel's inefficient methodology.
  • Legacy characters and mantles will still require disambiguation. "Ciem" has been a title shared by Candi Flippo-Levens-McArthur, Tanya Woven, Michelle Winston, and Dana McArthur-Spanz, not counting the times Tabitha Pang dressed up as Ciem for Halloween when she was young. So the different incarnations of Candi, as well as the times Tanya, Michelle, and Dana carried the mantle, will warrant explanation. The Gray Champion, likewise, will require disambiguation, since the mantle didn't always belong to John Domeck.
  • Characters' preferred (or most common) legal names will still be used, though women who experience a name change post-series (usually upon marriage) will have their new names explained in the article. Mantles and codenames are of secondary importance.
  • Ferris State coverage will be scaled back. There's no need anymore to devote a separate article to every facet of Dozerfleet at Ferris, given this was over a decade ago, and has no future, as Dozerfleet Productions has moved to Florida.
  • LCC articles will be mostly limited to discussion of whatever can't be published to the blog, due to copyright concerns.
  • Tri-Sola coverage will be scaled back, and focus only on what the blog can't.
  • Support for Adam-00's Cagegirl is being dropped. Camelorum Adventures will be retconned to leave her out. This will affect Percolation Warriors, as the final edition won't include Xira or Xera in it.
  • Geography won't be as strict to follow Marvel Database standards. It'll be assumed readers are not idiots.
  • Fewer spoilers. The new layout will aim to spoil a lot fewer details about works that have yet to even be outlined, let alone published. This will prevent plot leaks about plot points that haven't yet been finalized.
  • More links on MediaFire and the blog. The blog should be for links to published material. The wiki should be about project history, first and foremost.
  • Not every project before 2001 deserves its own separate article. Some of those early ideas were too juvenile or underdeveloped to warrant a whole article dedicated to them.
  • Only exceptional Every Ape songs will get their song entries listed. The albums of lyrics will still get article; but actual songs will have their lyrics moved to the blog in time.

Later this month, Dozerfleet will begin moving content to the Miraheze fork, as well as continuing to move content about projects to the SlimWiki fork. The Fandom version will be reduced to basic information about Dozerfleet divisions. All other content will be removed from Fandom.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

JoJo's Bizarre Wiki left Fandom, and so can you

Get woke, go broke. When history, individuals with personal medical / psychological testimony, etc. don't conform to the Soros narrative, the NPCs deny these individuals a voice, and even retaliate with violence! When you give them a voice, those phobic about their potential loss of power label you "phobic," and try to cut out your tongue! Meanwhile, all manner of demonic evil is praised and glorified by the leftist "woke" NPC Pharisees. They are the very crowd Isaiah tried to warn everyone about! (Isaiah 5:20)

They've tried to silence Bob Miner on Facebook for no reason (apart from protecting child trafficking rackets from his scrutiny), they've declared war on anyone who wants to hear any video with Trump's voice in it, they've disabled the IP address of the Dozerfleet founder on Fandom, rendering that version of the Dozerfleet Database inoperable and vulnerable to vandals, they've tried to get Parler shut down...they've been going after everyone, with all the hysterical ferocity of the White Witch of Narnia, upon the first sign of spring!

Yet, Fandom's abuse of users isn't just based on its embrace of satanic ideology. It's not just an ideological war to suppress truth - spiritual or scientific - with extreme hypocritical intolerance. It's more than that. They also are obsessed with having one-way-street traffic flow...of funding! You cannot run your wiki on their farm for profit. Period!


  • They have gradually throughout the years been taking away room for wikis, to make room for their trash woke blogs and pop culture self-worship stupidity.
  • They've been flooding pages with ads, and making it impossible to navigate or read anything efficiently, with or without an ad blocker!
  • You now get fewer and fewer actual features, and are expected to be thankful that they are taking features away from you!
  • They replaced a parser that worked just fine, with a new one that is broken on most browsers. Complaints were met with excuses, not fixes. With no option to ever go back!
  • If they decide, in the midst of their heretical Gnostic delusions, that you are guilty of any kind of "wrongthink," then even addressing you with basic customer service professionalism is asking too much! They get snide, sneering, contemptuous, and rude! If you possess "wrongthink," then you're not even human!

It isn't just a war of ideology. It's fueled by a pride in evil, a gluttony for attention, a lust for all that is perverse and deadly, a sloth when it comes to earning money honestly, an envy for the throne of God, a wrath for those who won't play along...and an absolute greed for that sweet, sick cash from the entertainment megacorps and the woke cultists running them!

Because of this, soulless companies like Disney will do just fine on Fandom's platform. But if you're not the sort of name willing to or able to make them the big bucks with your site's traffic? You don't matter!

Dozerfleet is not by any means the first nor the last platform to suffer from Fandom's policies on basically everything. Yet, Fandom has consumed much of the "free" MediaWiki farm market, for a reason: intimidation! The message is simple: "You can't make it without us!" This is reinforced by big companies that were doing fine without it. They get wikis on that farm, and reinforce the idea that you "need" Fandom to succeed!

This isn't so different from Facebook; which has dug its claws into basically everything. With a simple message: "You can't make it in this business world, unless we get to be a part of it!"

This psychological racketeering and extortion by Big Tech, however, is causing a backlash to form. Consumers who are able to, are switching to other platforms as quickly as they can find decent platforms. The web was always meant to be the Wild West, and a bastion on liberty to oppose megacorp soul-sucking. Those trying to force it to become a tool for soul-sucking, are finding that the only place they aren't being met with much resistance, is in the increasingly Mao-like modern China! However, in America, there have always been voices who have little patience for tyrannical nonsense!

Featured in today's post, is JoJo's Bizarre Wiki.

Back before the NPCs and woke evil Pharisees took over Fandom, it was known as Wikia. In those good old days, the go-to wiki for all things Jo-Jo's Bizarre Adventure-related was flourishing. But it wasn't meant to last. After getting mistreated by staff one time too many after the name switch on the farm, JJBWiki decided it was time to pack their bags. They weren't allowed to leave Fandom entirely. However, they made the old Fandom wiki obsolete. No new developments would occur there. Instead, they'd only keep around to patrol against vandalism.

Dozerfleet intends to downsize articles, or delete some unnecessary ones enitrely. Content is moving to this blog, the labs blog, or SlimWiki. The bare bones will remain on Fandom, and be patrolled for vandals. Otherwise, it'll remain a dead husk. Likewise, HtraEarth wants off of Fandom. And the Emo Rangers and Girls Incarcerated Wikis will have to be placed up for adoption.

If JJBWiki has proven anything, it's that you don't need to be on Fandom. If you run the brand, you don't need to run the wiki for it on their platform! You don't have to feed the Beast of the Sea, nor its minions!

So here's a hat tip to JJBWiki, for demonstrating that no one needs to kneel before the Zod that is modern-day! Let the soulless remain, and cannibalize each other's money. The rest...will walk in the light of truth (hopefully)...without the rackets!

Friday, April 2, 2021

Updates from Bob

The news from Bob Miner keeps getting more and more interesting. Judge Narum in North Dakota is just now getting suspicious about all the attention that various state workers and contractors are paying to every little thing Bob does (or doesn't do)!

Finding more and more of Barb's claims and calls to action against Bob to be entirely without merit, the case for taking his children away into various foster homes is rapidly falling apart.

The foster mom of Bob's daughter, for example, was caught in a lie, trying to claim it's a "crime" for Bob to set aside inheritance for his own daughter! The woman has been committing actual abuse of the daughter, and putting the daughter on drugs. But that...doesn't matter to state workers like Ms. Ritter, who gets paid to keep the Miner family ripped apart, and has vowed to keep the family from reuniting, court orders to the contrary be damned!

Her making such a vow should be de-facto grounds for a contempt-of-court conviction; forgery of documents and false testimony notwithstanding!

How she avoided total public humiliation after digging up Bob's back yard revealed not a single one of those fictional dead babies to be there; is a testimony to the unreliablity of the local papers to report with any diligence or integrity! So quick were they to follow false leads about Bob's alleged-by-pure-prejudiced-conjecture involvment with nonexistent "white supremacist" groups in the area, a fantasy in the twisted psychopath mind of Ms. Ritter; but how slow they are to report the continued unlawful harassment of the Miner family by so-called "law" "enforcers"!