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Friday, April 2, 2021

Updates from Bob

The news from Bob Miner keeps getting more and more interesting. Judge Narum in North Dakota is just now getting suspicious about all the attention that various state workers and contractors are paying to every little thing Bob does (or doesn't do)!

Finding more and more of Barb's claims and calls to action against Bob to be entirely without merit, the case for taking his children away into various foster homes is rapidly falling apart.

The foster mom of Bob's daughter, for example, was caught in a lie, trying to claim it's a "crime" for Bob to set aside inheritance for his own daughter! The woman has been committing actual abuse of the daughter, and putting the daughter on drugs. But that...doesn't matter to state workers like Ms. Ritter, who gets paid to keep the Miner family ripped apart, and has vowed to keep the family from reuniting, court orders to the contrary be damned!

Her making such a vow should be de-facto grounds for a contempt-of-court conviction; forgery of documents and false testimony notwithstanding!

How she avoided total public humiliation after digging up Bob's back yard revealed not a single one of those fictional dead babies to be there; is a testimony to the unreliablity of the local papers to report with any diligence or integrity! So quick were they to follow false leads about Bob's alleged-by-pure-prejudiced-conjecture involvment with nonexistent "white supremacist" groups in the area, a fantasy in the twisted psychopath mind of Ms. Ritter; but how slow they are to report the continued unlawful harassment of the Miner family by so-called "law" "enforcers"!

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