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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Where will character and project data go?

Introducing the new Dozerfleet Database, at SlimWiki!

In-depth data will go here, and in Plottr. Since the brand is on a tight budget right now, only the free plan for SlimWiki is currently being employed. This prevents public views of data. However, data affirmed for public view, which will be pulled from the toxic "woke" site Fandom, will be added at staff discretion to this blog. Look for pages or posts related to this.

On SlimWiki, the Dozerfleet Datbase gives a mission statement for why it chose to leave Fandom, in more detail. That is copied here:

Why SlimWiki?

The Dozerfleet Database wasn't built in a day. Nor will its rebuilding be done in only one day. However, there is a clear reason that the decision was made to choose SlimWiki as a farm host. There are actually many reasons for this, and most of them have to do with's ideology-driven mistreatment of its userbase. This page will explain.

Not negotiable

Before it was known as the Dozerfleet Database, it was known as DozerfleetWiki. Dozerfleet's mission is multi-fold. It is a Christian-run, Young Earth-affirming, all-mankind-of-modern-times-descended-from-Noah-affirming, no-compromise on foundations entity. God created the world, and the rules it runs on. Science, real science, affirms the Creator. Laws, including biological reality, are not subject to the whims and desires of infantile-demonic, delusional men. Gnosticism is an extremely dripping-evil lie, in all its forms. Therefore, laws of mankind need to reflect and reinforce laws of God - not seek to supersede, override, nor destroy them. Therefore, Dozerfleet seeks to affirm, rather than undermine.

A stark contrast

Dozerfleet also pursues the use of entertainment to demonstrate that holding a position like this doesn't need to be doldrums boring. That solid entertainment can be used to convey a worldview based on the above facts. This, in the midst of a sick, divorced-from-God culture that is growing increasingly, even violently intolerant; of not only the same said God, but of anything even remotely objective, rational, fair, level, equal, etc. "If they hate you; know they hated me first." - John 15:18

Ride of the Three Bulldozers

The brand received its current name in May of 2006, after being inspired by a vision of a man who ran a shop in a quiet Slavic town called Veskinsaya.

All the locals lived in harmony, of all backgrounds, united around a church with a minister who was not a pushover, nor corrupt. Veskinsaysa seemed like a paradise. Until the God-hating communists rolled in. They learned of this not-quite-paradise on Earth. Their souls, darkened by all the realities they chose to reject, had a seemingly allergic reaction to the idea of Veskinsaya's very existence!

The uncompromising shop owner, Ivan Wilinski, was among the first to be targeted by the invaders. They murdered the town's minister first. It was a sadistic bloodbath of kidnapping, torture, and murder, filled with demonic shrieking. That was their "joy"! As for what came next...most who have ever played a Far Cry game will notice a similar pretense.

One by one, the fallen minister's warning fell on the informed residents of where to retreat to. However, the Betovski Caverns would only sustain the population for so long. But it would give them a way to mine for metals that would be needed.

The invaders began chasing villagers away, killing and imprisoning whomever they could. Any who, in cowardice, would defect to their cause, were spared - but on probationary terms, and were still second-class citizens.

Ivan was to be hunted down for his uncompromising stance. But he managed to escape to a nearby forest. An old man in the forest took him in as an apprentice, showing him a secret underground bunker. Ivan was trained in hunting, combat, scouting, and in recruiting scattered Veskinsayans. The old man died of a heart attack, but not before properly instructing Ivan on what to do next.

Ivan knew he needed to give Veskinsayans a symbol. Righteousness through faith needed to prevail over this dark rebellion that had seized the town - and was slowly destroying it with unsustainable, infantile-demonic self-indulgence by the leaders of the occupying forces. To overcome this, a path needed to be cleared. Thus, Ivan was inspired.

After several attempts to capture him were met with shotgun blasts to the face and booby traps going off throughout the forest, the communists tried to burn the whole forest down, all to find the bunker and kill Ivan. They were met with a torrential rainstorm - an act of the God they rejected. They were never able to find the bunker.

Ivan and the other Veskinsayans finally had their resources for war. They were finally ready. Leading the charge, Ivan had three bulldozers converted to tanks. The infantry followed behind, as well as other artillery in hijacked construction vehicles. The residents were willing to burn the town to the ground, if need be, until every single one of the invading occupying communist horde had paid for their crimes. The night was a massive epic of bullets, blood, and fire.

The next day, no one could find Ivan. Rumor has it, he returned to the bunker, never to be seen again. The town would never again let its guard down regarding the evil ideologies of the world that bring only destruction. Against the selfishness of the human heart. And the need to never entertain such evil; but instead entertain that which defeats it. To seek significance in service to God, not in exultation of self - especially not at the expense of war with the faithful! The world needed to be made to know the terrible price of forsaking the call to vigilance to preserve liberty.

Yet, while Ivan saved Veskinsaya for everyone but himself, and was never seen again, those three bulldozers survived the night. Statues were erected in the rebuilt town square, not of Ivan, but of those three bulldozers - a symbol of the town's determination to make war on all satanic ideologies, lest what happened before happen to them again. Those three bulldozers in one sculpture...became known as the Dozer-Fleet.

Brand wiki history

Dozerfleet Productions got its first wiki in January of 2007, on Wikispaces. It migrated over to Wiki-Site in May of 2008, when Wikispaces became less friendly toward free-running, private entertainment wikis. Wikispaces became a big business venture officially in 2014, allowing free wikis only for educators. By 2018, it became even more restrictive. Around 2011, Wiki Cities, an offshoot of Wikipedia aimed at commercialism, became renamed Wikia. Dozerfleet relocated to Wikia in 2011, when Wiki-Site began having countless server issues.

For many years, admins on Wikia had free reign to discuss a vast array of diverse topics. Local wiki admins from all backgrounds were allowed a voice, and could sink or swim on the merits of their ideas and the merits of their brand-building. But then, 2016 happened. By 2021, it was time to find another host farm.

Spiritual Wars

The Fandom Menace

Note: staff. Not the similarly-named YouTube channel

Wikia was hijacked by the cutthroat ideology of the "woke" Twitter mob. One which became radically, increasingly, rabidly anti-straight, anti-white, anti-Christian, and anti-anything that the Democrat Party at the time disfavored. Wikia was rebranded as "Fandom," with a motto of "we bring joy."

Fandom became rabidly pro-Gnosticism, pro-"trans" ideology (to the point that trans-folk who regretted their reassignment surgery were labeled "traitors" and "phobes" for having regrets!), pro-sex predator, black supremacist, pro-Satan, communist-loving, etc. One of Fandom's top staff members, going by the alias "[redacted for time being]," was the most strict about cracking down on anyone who would not tow the line of Fandom's new ideological push for purity - inspired by Twitter's similar acts of hostility toward those who wouldn't adopt its satanic bent, nor adhere strictly to this bent in a puritanical fashion.

Wanting a clear definition of "transphobia," so that users accused of it by other users could be allowed a means to defend themselves from unfair accusation, was itself declared "transphobic." Why? Because with Gnosticism at the root of woke ideology, the elite declare themselves to have "special knowledge" that makes them psychic. They know what you mean and what's in your heart better than you (or God) do! And to want to argue contrary with them, is just "further proof" that they're "right"! This is the logical fallacy known as kafkatrapping.

Somewhat more level-headed self-mutilators might argue that this extreme false dichotomy thinking being pushed by the wokes is "completely unhinged," and doesn't represent their views at all. But those more level-headed gender-benders don't matter to the woke mob! Only the unhinged crazies "matter"!

And it wasn't just trans-sexual ideology. Literally ANY woke ideology sacred cow was given that same preferential treatment!

  • Want to argue that the Phoenicians had an alphabet a thousand years before the first proper Caucasians were ever even identified, and that learning to read is therefore, if anything, middle-brown supremacy-affirming, not "white supremacy"-affirming? That just "proves" that you're a "white supremacist"! Because knowing your history better than the anti-intellectual woke mob, is also "racist"! Because reeeeeeeeeeee!
  • Want to argue that a woman planting a car bomb to assassinate her ex is just as disgusting and wrong as a man cutting a woman to ribbons for trying to leave him? You believe in such logical equality of the sexes, that "makes" you a "sexist"! Reeeeeeeee!!!

Those of a favored category could do no wrong - unless they defected. Unless the power-hungry woke psychopaths could no longer use such individuals as human shields. In that case, wokes were the first in line to plunge a dagger right into the throat of these defectors from deviance, if not decapitate them outright!

Therefore, asking "where is the line?" is declared a violation of that "line." It is literally impossible to have a rational discussion, or any equal and fair treatment of classes, with such an irrational mentality as that! Especially since they make it "against site rules" to debate staff members' dogmatic views on subjects!

But that's the entire point. The entire thing is about power-hungry, self-worshiping, demon-possessed psychopaths lusting for absolute, God-like power over all existence. For them, boundaries - including boundaries of logic - are "bigoted" against them, and not allowed to be acknowledged! But bigotry is somehow "okay" - when they do it!

Equality isn't enough for these psychotics anymore. They want "equity," by which they mean absolute power and control, and zero accountability!

Dozerfleet's position on Fandom was simple: extreme, unfair attacks by any category against any other, would be weighed on a case-by-case basis; and unwarranted acts of aggression by any side would not be permitted to continue.

This position was deemed "unacceptable." A user can thus be labeled an ist-ophobe of any stripe, according to [redacted staff member name], for any reason, including none. And if the accuser is of a protected category, then the accusation is allowed to stand, lack of evidence be damned. The accused must be punished. Against site rules to debate or discuss!

Bear in mind, this goes in direct contrast to the mission to stop local wiki admins from banning members in bad faith! But when farm staff does it, it "doesn't count" as "bad faith," even when it plainly is!

This means that even gay / trans-whatever individuals themselves who do not have a warped vendetta against anyone, will be thrown under the bus the second that they argue that they themselves don't actually feel offended by the individual that [redacted] or other militants are attacking!

But if you're Christian, then literally any bigoted attack against you is "okay"! And you must not be allowed anywhere to run or hide! Solely because of your beliefs!

If you're white, literally any bigoted attack against you by another "race" is okay! So implies [redacted]. And self-defense is "against site rules," and "disruptive." But the libelous initial attack is *somehow* "not" disruptive!

When codified into staff actions, it ceases to be merely hypocrisy. When they put their attitude in writing in e-mails to silence users who file complaints, it becomes an in-writing blatant double standard!

If you argue in favor of the boy in Texas who wants to stay a boy and live with his father, and against his psychopath mother that wants to chop his pecker off and force him to pretend to be a girl, then you're "transphobic" for declaring the psychopath mother to be a psychopath, and for saying that what she is doing is what it so plainly is - child sex abuse! So says the staff at Fandom!

They'd rather endorse the equivalent of child rape, than admit that the mom in that case is out of line; because they assume that's what you need to say and do, to advocate for actual trans-identity individuals!

Never mind, they're at that point not even advocating for the child's choice or desires; but blatantly against them, to entertain the sick mother's delusions of grandeur and fame-seeking! So they're only "pro-choice," when that choice violates God's created order. When it affirms said order, then the subject's choice is to be made null and void, because they're somehow "too stupid" to know what they're "supposed" to want!

The biggest "virtue" signalers in the world...are usually narcissists who don't have an ounce of any actual virtue!

So while Fandom doesn't allow child porn on their site, for fear of losing advertisers and getting raided by the FBI, they are all the same pro-sex-offender, pro-perversion, rabidly anti-any ideology that has a problem with it, anti-white, etc. To mention that sex offenders have abused drag queen story hour to violate probation and seek out new targets? Acknowledging news events like that which actually happened makes you a "phobe"! Anything to protect their precious denial, and live in a fantasy world where alternate sexualities can do no wrong!

But it's not enough to simply throw abusive and defamatory labels around against local wiki admins who don't tow the ideological line. Those (totally unfair and discriminatory) labels...have consequences!

Admins who advocate on behalf of farm-staff-abused users, are subjected to abuse themselves!

This includes not being able to protect their wikis from vandalism! Not being able to revert abusive and vandalizing posts by retaliatory, juvenile-petty staff. Being blocked sitewide from making edits, leaving messages, leaving comments, managing one's own profile, making wikis compatible with new rule postings, or even having access to the site diagnostics panel! Blocks can arbitrarily range from 2 weeks to infinity!

It's clear that with Soviet gulag policies like this in place, Fandom is intent on becoming just like Twitter.

After all, Twitter violated anti-trust laws to destroy its rising rival Parler. Thus, it tried to lock its users in, punish them for everything and nothing if they weren't "woke" enough, demand strict worship from users in a "my way or the highway" frame of mind - and then tried to burn down the highway so no one could escape! Effectively trapping everyone in an oppressive prison state, holding users as hostages!

That's how the site "Prison Planet" got its name: exposing these Nimrods! To the Gnostic globalists, the entire world is just a giant prison; and they are entitled by virtue of existing to be the warden! Which means, they want the world to function as if only one giant prison building. No competing facilities. Not one square inch for which someone may flee to in order to escape. No such thing as refugees, or exile. And pure evil!

Fandom now sees Twitter's model as "bringing joy" - to the sick f*ks at the top of the food chain, at least! But if you don't pander to them ideologically, then that joy need not apply to you.

Fandom staff themselves have become the very "toxic moderators" that they once warned admins not to be, and to prevent taking hold on local wikis! If you're called "gay" for no reason, you can complain. If you're declared a "homophobe" for no reason - you get NO chance to appeal! Because it matters more to these fakes that they appear to be "fighting bigotry," amongst fellow members of their out-of-touch-with-reality social club, than that they're actually securing real, objective standards of justice! DEVILS!!! This blatant censorship is out of control!

Attack of the (Actual) Fascists

Much of this extremism has its roots not just in Twitter, but in the Obama regime - as well as its puppets, the unelected "handlers" really calling the shots under Biden / Harris. Given the violence in Alleghan County, MI toward constitutional lawyers by prosecutors acting in bad faith to armed-rob an election away from the duly-elected Trump (misguided as his supporters may have been), it's safe to say that what happened in November of 2020 constitutes a violent coup. The members of this coup, are now putting pressure on the Navy to stage their own version of a Spanish Inquisition on sailors. Those not singing the praises of BLM, in spite BLM's blatantly political nature in what should be an apolitical component of national defense, are to be weeded out!

The brutal enforcement of the woke cult's ideology on the armed forces, and antagonism of patriot militias combined with willful ignorance of foreign actors of malevolent intent against America, has already led to a significant weakening of the navy's capacity to be effective at much of anything. Worse, it represents the establishment of the woke cult as an official state religion, AND the prohibition of the free exercise of any faith that won't capitulate to it!

Congress alone should make national laws, per the constitution, NOT the executive branch! And if Congress is forbidden by the 1st Amendment to establish woke cultism as a state religion, then by extension, the executive branch likewise has NO LEGAL AUTHORITY to do this!

Fandom joining forces with woke cultists who've hijacked most social media platforms that also violate the terms of their Title 12 protections with reckless abandon and no concern for civil or criminal consequence, feels emboldened by hijacked corporations who've given in to the cult. This represents the corporate end of this crony cult nightmare. But after it staged a successful violent coup of America in November of 2020, to armed-rob an election with impunity, and put in a movie studio pretending to be the Oval Office a geriatric puppet with severe cognitive issues, it now has its illegitimate government wing.

Therefore, amongst illegitimate rulers, cult-seized corporations, hostile foreign invader interests, and social media / Silicon Valley anarcho-tyrants, America's foreign and domestic enemies now run the show. Ordinary Americans are being attacked from four different directions, not counting the spiritual dimension of the W axis - where the Dark Thones plot against them. This not only endangers the nation, but every nation dependent on it for anything. America's destruction, would take down a good chunk of the planet with it! The effects would be felt from Brazil to Seychelles, from Congo to Greenland, and everywhere in-between, at minimum! And the demonic CCP running China would have it no other way!

They want globalism. A return to the folly of Nimrod at the Tower of Babel. The curse inherited by all of mankind; for obeying Nimrod instead of God. The lust to resume the failed experiment of Babel, come Hell or high water! Adopting in America a sort of Mussolini-style fascism, is only a stepping stone on this path. Only, they don't call it Babel anymore. It's called UN Agenda 21.

Revenge of the Sickos

Given its satanic nature, blood rituals and shedding of innocent blood is a desperate need. Pedophile cannibals are part and parcel with the deal of Agenda 21. One man, Donald Trump, was not okay with this. While his overall ideology was hardly that of the Christian America of a bygone era, evangelicals and others were quick to support the man out of desperation to defeat a return of the dreaded Clintons - whose getting away with mass murder and global war crimes had become the stuff of legend.

Inexplicably, the fraud systems put in place to ensure a Hillary win failed. The Agenda 21 fanatics were beside themselves. Their full measure of hatred and intolerance for laissez-faire Americans was impossible to hide anymore. They made absolutely certain that in 2020, they'd not only punish Americans in every way possible for 2016; but would also make certain that the fluke that was 2016 couldn't ever happen again!

Spiteful, vindictive, lawless, anarcho-tyrannical, they made absolutely certain that only Biden could win the nomination, and that Biden would then be pressure-cooked into choosing Kamala as VP - the woman that almost nobody wanted! From there, stirring up hatred for Trump became priority #1. Nothing was too ridiculous or unhinged, so long as it achieved the goal. Anyone with an honest Biden ballot wasn't voting for Biden; they were voting against the idea of Trump embedded in them by lying legacy media.

To stir the pot even worse, groups like Q confused truth about the pedophilic nature of the DNC and its UN Agenda 21 allies with outlandish claims about how Trump would be the messiah of conservatism, to encourage activist groups to keep silent and do nothing. Groups like the Sons of Liberty / You-Can-Run-But-You-Can't-Hide International, sounded the alarm; but complacent voters were too lazy to heed the warning.

Dozerfleet's founder supported Darrel Castle in 2016, and urged others to support Don Blankenship, and his war on UN Agenda 21 and on the alphabet soup mafia of corrupt officials in the bureaucracy - which were turning American justice into a completely sick joke. A man who was determined to go after these lowlifes with high-ranking badges - men that Trump often overlooked, or foolishly trusted. Again, the warnings fell on deaf ears.

After a violent coup in November, a fake insurrection theater was staged in January - in which no Democrat officials were seriously harmed, all operated by leftists like BLM and Antifa. Confused conservatives thrust into the middle of the haze were then blamed for everything by legacy media.

Conservatives who were nowhere near the kabuki theater staged event were also blamed! All typical Lenin / Stalin tactics. America had fallen to a variation of the Russian Revolution, with the new Bolsheviks being equally as scum-baggy as the old ones, a few even taking orders from Jinping Xi himself!

The war was on, to ideologically harass and destroy any who were not on board with the rise of the New Babel, for any reason! The newfound hostility toward patriot militias was clear: "Execute Order 66."

An Old Hope

All free, deserving-to-exist nations in all of human history, were neither founded nor preserved by weaklings. All nations that were once mighty then fell, did so after growing separated from God, and lacking any objective morals. Patriots must network with each other, master apologetics, and not concede any ground to anything that is false. The woke cult needs to, unfortunately, be responded to with as much ferocity as they show, or more, if it is to be defeated. You cannot peacefully coexist as honeybees, with murder hornets.

Unite around what once worked

Q wanted to keep American patriot and conservative rights groups docile and inactive, assuring them that Trump would take care of everything for them. Theories about swamp-draining, storms, was all nonsense. The pedophile racket threat was and is still very real. The Trump solution? A total farce. As the Sons of Liberty put it plainly, "God sometimes gives you, that which you're willing to fight for."

Eternal vigilance

The loss of vigilance, and a carefree go-along-to-get-along mindset, doesn't work when faced with PURE EVIL like the woke mob! Getting back to reclaiming ground from them, and defending it jealously, is critical. As Gerard Butler's Leonidas so screamed in the trailer for 300: "Give them nothing! But take from them, EVERYTHING!!!" Except, holy war defined in the Book of Joshua goes further: the Hebrews were warned not to seize anything for themselves from Jericho; but to destroy it completely, save for Rahab and her family.

When Achan didn't heed this warning, those under him didn't want to miss out on greed. So they undermined the war effort when dealing with Ai. This turned ugly, until Achan was dealt with. Only then, as a concession, God allowed Ai to be plundered, not just burned / massacred. Against the Amalekites, the worst of the worst in Canaan, no plunder was allowed. As the book of 1 Samuel made clear, things didn't end well for King Saul when he ignored this warning.

What does this mean for American patriots? It's not always enough to want to keep the institutions of entertainment, government, etc. that the enemies of all decency have established. They need to be replaced with deserving, quality alternatives. It's not always enough to live and let live.

For the infantile-demonic feel that rule never applies to them! Therefore, they are the necessary exception to "live and let-live."

To think one's responsibility begins and ends with voting for a Republican president, is to put an already-dirty Band Aid on a raging cancer!

The centralized statist ideology needs to be slaughtered completely, and its illegitimate institutions burned to the ground, its paraphernalia completely destroyed! Its priests of Baal left squealing like pigs in a slaughterhouse!

Because if they are not, they have demonstrably throughout history always gone for everyone else's throat, in due time! They are anti-life-itself! They are the real-world Thanos. It is imperative to not let them have one drop of power or influence, anywhere! Because since power is the only thing that matters to them, in the end, they will never deserve to have it!

Get woke, go broke

Due to the nature of neo-fascism in corporate America, "too-big-to-fail" giants like Twitter, Fandom, Facebook, etc., tend to be able to get away with using woke cult ideology to excuse their long train of abuses against sane, normal human beings. For now.

But several other companies have imploded due to trying to implement the same. Many of these companies so alienated their own former user base with woke madness, that they've gone bankrupt. Yet, in the midst of their Romans 1-style "powerful delusion," it's "never" their own fault!

It's only ever always the fault of the victims of their abusive behavior, that they are going broke. How dare anyone not want to stay on their train! There *must be* something "wrong" with you for jumping ship! To stand up to them, they call "arrogance," but are blind to their own! This is the deadly legacy of Gnostic heresy.

Cut the lines

One of Trump's biggest failures during the violent coup in November of 2020, was not issuing criminal prosecution directly against ALL criminal behavior by Democrats in every district! Instead, he tried to go to the Supreme Court - which had stabbed him in the back - and sue to get the results challenged! Violent seditionists don't care that you're suing them!

Cutting the internet lines at polling centers wasn't enough. Frequency jammers needed to be in place! AT&T violated election law, and criminally conspired with the Vatican and Dominion to tamper with election results in Georgia. WiFi at poll centers is illegal! But the anarcho-tyrant infantile-demonics don't care about election law, unless it suits them.

Patriot militias knew a lot of this would happen, regardless of the law. But where were the frequency jammers, to disrupt illegal WiFi transmissions by Dominion machines? Nowhere. Why? Because "Trump had a plan," according to Q. This dropping the ball meant absolute disaster.

The Nimrodians Strike Back

Now that more and more groups not a part of the cult have come to realize just how real the danger is; they're amping up to save the republic - before it's gone forever. Before liberty is dead forever! But are they too late? Any progress made, will be met with violent retaliation. The cult of infantile-demonics, much like the Transformers: Fall of Cybertron video game version of Megatron, scream that they "will not be denied!"

Return of the One Nation Under God

Patriots restoring sanity will be a very long, extremely ugly battle. America may have to endure 70 years of Hell on Earth, before it gets right. At which point, it will take cues from Russia, which already had its 70 years of the same. The captivity of Judea under Babylon / Media / Persia...lasted 70 years. Certain patterns are hellbent on repeating themselves in the cycles of history.

The switch, and mission of Dozerfleet

Real world politics tried to crush Dozerfleet as a brand. It only lent further authenticity to the mission. Dozerfleet Productions wants to be a part of creating a culture worth having. And will support those with similar goals. Entertainment - what we fill our minds with - is only one dimension of the battle. But it's Dozerfleet's specialty.

Fandom has cornered much of the wiki market, and is increasingly demanding wikis be a part of a fascist corporate trust of groupthink. Dozerfleet will not yield. But where it is denied freedom of speech in a land that once acknowledged this right which comes from God, via the satanic platform known as Fandom, it has found a new voice through a quiet little place called SlimWiki, which does not harass or abuse it.

The Battle for Veskinsaya hasn't happened yet. We are still in the Forest Exile phase. But the initial Fall of Veskinsaya is happening right now. Veskinsaya is a metaphor for what America once was - and was supposed to be. The devils that took Veskinsaya, are the same devils incarnate that have hijacked America, and corrupted nearly 97% of all its institutions.

Since the Fandom platform is now the very toxicity it once claimed to oppose, Dozerfleet will carry on its mission elsewhere.

The greater Dozerfleet network

Dozerfleet once had, in no particular order:

  • A Photobucket account
  • A Wikispaces wiki
  • A Wiki-Site wiki
  • A Wikii wiki
  • A functional Fandom wiki, modeling itself after Marvel Database
  • A related wiki for promoting ME Gerke's HtraEarth: The Unseen Purity
  • Management of the official wiki on Fandom for Mighty Moshin' Emo Rangers
  • Management of the official wiki for Netflix's series Girls Incarcerated
  • A main blog on Blogger
  • A labs division blog on Blogger
  • A message board on Proboards
  • A series of Tumblr blogs
  • A Facebook page
  • A LinkedIn page
  • A Twitter account
  • A MeWe account, with pending business page
  • A Mod the Sims account
  • A YouTube channel: Dozerfleet Studios
  • A OneWay account
  • A Flickr account
  • A MySpace page
  • An Instagram account
  • A DeviantArt account
  • etc.

What happened

  • - Photobucket went premium, prompting the switch to Flickr.
  • - Wikispaces self-destructed its business model, due to sustainability issues.
  • - Wiki-Site evaporated. Possibly, terrorists near Israel blew up the server.
  • - Wikii evaporated.
  • - The Fandom wiki has been all but abandoned now, in favor of this one. More and more content will soon be deleted from that wiki, and imported to here, beginning in late April of 2021.
    • ME Gerke's frustrations with Fandom have led to his request to have the HtraEarth Wiki taken down. This will not be an easy process, but the wiki has no desire to live there. There is no "community" there. Only woke vultures and reckless vandals, and admins who aren't allowed to do their jobs due to the sadistic and discriminatory woke network staff managing the greater wiki farm.
    • Fandom's refusal to support a widget for MeWe on par with its widget for embedding Facebook page content, was a telltale sign of its motive being ideological, racial, sexual discrimination (and DNC-and-foreign-corporate-and-foreign-government-endorsed censorship. Globalism having no regard for boundaries whatsoever. Because being told "no" is "bigoted," when they are the ones being denied absolute control!)
    • While SlimWiki doesn't have a MeWe widget for Dozerfleet either, it's due to the company's smaller, less-bloated design focus, not due to choosing sides in some out-of-control ideology war of its own making, like what Fandom has done.
  • - Dozerfleet intends to put the Emo Rangers and Girls Incarcerated wikis up for adoption. It can no longer afford these distractions from its main mission, nor its need to set up publication schedules for its not-yet-published material. Ideally, Plum Pictures will adopt Girls Incarcerated Wiki, making it an official company wiki.
  • + The main blog on Blogger is where all not-for-profit publication pursuits are to be published. This is staying up (for now.)
    • With proper marketing for the for-profit ones, which will seek out a publisher that hasn't been compromised by the woke mob and its criminal corporate zapping antics yet.
    • This gives Dozerfleet staff proper level of control against outside hostiles.
  • + The Labs blog is for the Dozerfleet Labs division, which focuses on publishing toys (like game mods) and tools, rather than more user-passive media like books and video. This one, for now, remains intact.
    • Anything especially interactive, is in the Labs division.
  • - The Tumblr versions of these blogs have been phased out. The Wilinski Forest blog about socio-political developments has also been removed from Tumblr. It could get resurrected elsewhere, such as its mission being on MeWe.
  • - The Proboards forum is gone.
  • -The Facebook page was deleted, in protest of Facebook's absurdist woke censorship policies.
  • - Twitter was abandoned in 2012. Again, for absurdist censorship.
  • + The MeWe content is still under development, and may see more content arrival - and links across the Dozerfleet Network.
  • + / - While the Mod the Sims page is still around, it's seldom active. New submissions of such content are to Dozerfleet Labs now.
  • + / - The MySpace pages are a ghost of their former selves.
  • + / - The Flickr account is seldom used.
  • + DeviantArt is still around. For now. Some contents may be removed or revised there.
  • + / - OneWay is a new development being pursued, just in case MeWe ever gets "woke" and goes broke.
  • + The Instagram page is still around - for now. It has about 80 followers. About the only venture in the network more popular is the Dozerfleet founder's personal Facebook page, which at one point had over 400 friends and about 80 stans.
  • + / - The LinkedIn page is currently inactive.

Once fully cleansed of the slave chains of toxic Agenda 21-advocating social platforms, Dozerfleet will be moving more into a get-everything-published phase. This will still be part of Ivan's time in the bunker, before the Great Battle.

The wiki's focus

  • This wiki's focus is not so much to focus on the crusade to preserve liberty and freedom from the evil forces of woke vultures and their Agenda 21 puppet-masters directly. That will be the job of the main blog, the OneWay page, and the MeWe group, once set up properly.
    • Publications will use literal mention, or fictional metaphors. But won't be directly a patriot recruitment call, nor a news service. Dozerfleet doesn't have a talk radio venue - yet.
  • The wiki is not here to provide MediaFire links for free-release publications either. That's for the blogs on Blogger.
  • The wiki is not here to build a massive fan following. That's for the blogs, as well as the Instagram and MeWe pages.
  • The wiki's focus, is to provide descriptions of projects and characters in projects, their history, development, etc. It's a history log of the development of publications.
  • This wiki's focus, won't be to provide all sorts of logical timeline and family tree mapping for works. That honor now falls to the Dozerfleet founder's private license offline software package of Plottr.
    • However, the offline Plottr database will function as a sort of production bible, which will guide the way content is submitted to the wiki.

Content will be trimmed down. SlimWiki isn't bloated with features the way most MediaWiki-operating sites are. Character and project pages will have very-simplified lists of content in them.

Again, logging the progress of projects is more important here than putting on a big show with presentation. That's best reserved for the blogs, and productions themselves.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Equity is of the Devil

The Woke mob of today knows absolutely no limits to degeracy, malice, abuse, hypocrisy, etc. They wish to be the "new gods." And become devils every day in the process.

No one can acknowledge the existence of sex offenders who dress in drag, though they are many, without being labeled as "blanket transphobic."

You can be be deplatformed, denied a chance to defend yourself, snidely treated to unprofessionalism and lack of decent customer service, the list goes on.

If you have a policy of equal treatment regarding sexual issues - no one may needlessly instigate drama against anyone else on the platform - that's not good enough to the Woke mob. You must let homosexual militants and trans-whatever folk have free reign to abuse others without penalty, or else!

Equality isn't enough anymore. Now, they demand "equity," which they define as "we get to do whatever we want, even to you, and you don't so much as get to have an opinion on it!"

Because this crowd now controls, Dozerfleet as of this day is abandoning their platform. Their top staff are the very "toxic moderators" that they are telling local admins to protect local wikis from! And no admin is allowed to say: "Hold on a minute!" It's "against the rules" to have a different worldview from the staff, or even to protest how different views are treated!

Fandom does not "bring joy." It brings sadistic glee to the depraved few, dancing on the corpses of those who don't adhere to Agenda 21 groupthink, and brings threats and suffering to anyone outside the groupthink whom they haven't killed yet.

The attempt being made now at an exodus is voluntary, before matters get worse. The Dozerfleet Database is now officially offline, though it won't be until late April at the earliest that its online corpse may be removed. One particularly sure of himself staff member is making certain of that. HtraEarth Wiki is seeking to come down as well, given its inability in several years to generate a fan base.

The author of that series has moved on in life. But will the staff respect his wishes, or will the snide one deny that man, solely for being loosely associated with this brand?

Girls Incarcerated Wiki is begging to be placed up for adoption. This has been voluntarily requested since before the Woke Mob took over Fandom. So far, no success. But Dozerfleet staff no longer has the time to give to nurture that site. It needs a new manager.

Mighty Moshin' Emo Rangers will be once more placed up for adoption, for the same reason. It was adopted back in 2017, before Fandom got "woke" and started deserving to go broke, partially to promote Volkonir Meets the Power Rangers.

Dozerfleet is moving away from online wikis, intrusive ads on those wikis, being at the mercy of woketard degenerates who refuse rational discussion and want only violence against traditionalists, long wait times, broken servers, broken parsers, bad customer service, etc.

Updates will be submitted here more often. Don't trust the online Fandom wikis anymore - they are being abandoned by official staff. The woke vultures will no doubt swoop in to vandalize - possibly with Fandom staff approval. As in the Days of Noah. Every non-argument they make that it is "phobic" to disagree with them, along with the ensuing threats they make; only proves how rational disagreement with them really is! But they never veer away from the narrative!

Let the name of that wicked platform rot. It will bring about that end to itself, in time, as have countless other "woke" platforms and publishers - whose Gnostic delusions are their destruction! They believe they have secret knowledge, to read into the minds and hearts of others intentions which weren't there, such that they are entitled to judge it, as if they were God! Nothing could be further from the truth!

Time to go full-blown Matthew 10:14-15 on them!

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Meet the Blacklight Streakmates

This short-lived gang has its own backstory in the Centipede and Fire Saga, and is being documented in Plottr right now.

Members included:

Asha Antust Diamond Ozin Ebony Katoolidge

These bad girls mostly tried to support their families and each other, via mostly acts of petty theft and fencing. They were involved in narcotics trafficking as well. However, things did get out of hand in their dangerous neighborhoods from time to time. They assisted various male members of the Blacklight Streakmates, many of whom died when the male juvenile centers were attacked by Korsicht's forces.

There may have been more, but these three found themselves at Madison Juvenile, back when it was still operation, inside the Earth-G7 timeline. The only one that ever gave Candi or any of the staff at Madison any trouble, was Ebony, who suffered from Oppositional-Defiant Disorder.

Yet, the one who was there the second-longest was Asha, due to her arson charge and lack of ability to find sponsors. What led up to the fire was complicated; but blaming Asha was seen as the easy road to quick cash for the local DA. Asha's list of charges for more minor crimes was large enough, that she had a difficult time defending herself from arson. Asha was also the first to be sent to Madison, arriving in November of 2013 - almost a whole two years before Candi Flippo arrived!

While none could pin any murder charges on Ebony, she was convicted for desecration of a corpse. She was transported to Madison a whole month after Asha. Ayrshire native Ebony's stubbornness and defiance got her stay at Madison extended over and over again, until she became one of the ill-fated to die at the hands of the Screwworms invading Madison Juvenile during the Battle for Madison. She survived several Anitos, only to fall at the hands of Korsicht himself.

Asha, from Nyesville, was finally able to get her mess sorted and get released in February of 2016 - right around the time Candi miscarried her daughter Angie. This was also a month before the events in Kahoopiliana.

Diamond, from Winslow, was the least violent, and most resourceful. She managed to avoid drawing negative attention to herself until her greed caught up with her in October of 2015 - where she found her missing gang sisters. She was convicted of jewelry theft and fencing, after getting sloppy in covering her tracks.

She was tempted after what happened with Amirah to join the Last Legs that Candi formed. But in the end, she remained loyal to the Blacklight Streakmates - even if she found Ebony's attitude off-putting. Diamond was en route for release, but ran out of time. The Anitos sealed her fate. She died protecting Ida Gahtit from the Anito Squad.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Dozerfleet back online

Dozerfleet is back, everyone! Now located near the Villages in Florida. It may take a while to get things up and running again completely; but progress is being made toward that end.

Due to a less-reliable WiFi connection, most Dozerfleet work will be worked on offline, and then published online when ready.