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Monday, March 29, 2021

Equity is of the Devil

The Woke mob of today knows absolutely no limits to degeracy, malice, abuse, hypocrisy, etc. They wish to be the "new gods." And become devils every day in the process.

No one can acknowledge the existence of sex offenders who dress in drag, though they are many, without being labeled as "blanket transphobic."

You can be be deplatformed, denied a chance to defend yourself, snidely treated to unprofessionalism and lack of decent customer service, the list goes on.

If you have a policy of equal treatment regarding sexual issues - no one may needlessly instigate drama against anyone else on the platform - that's not good enough to the Woke mob. You must let homosexual militants and trans-whatever folk have free reign to abuse others without penalty, or else!

Equality isn't enough anymore. Now, they demand "equity," which they define as "we get to do whatever we want, even to you, and you don't so much as get to have an opinion on it!"

Because this crowd now controls, Dozerfleet as of this day is abandoning their platform. Their top staff are the very "toxic moderators" that they are telling local admins to protect local wikis from! And no admin is allowed to say: "Hold on a minute!" It's "against the rules" to have a different worldview from the staff, or even to protest how different views are treated!

Fandom does not "bring joy." It brings sadistic glee to the depraved few, dancing on the corpses of those who don't adhere to Agenda 21 groupthink, and brings threats and suffering to anyone outside the groupthink whom they haven't killed yet.

The attempt being made now at an exodus is voluntary, before matters get worse. The Dozerfleet Database is now officially offline, though it won't be until late April at the earliest that its online corpse may be removed. One particularly sure of himself staff member is making certain of that. HtraEarth Wiki is seeking to come down as well, given its inability in several years to generate a fan base.

The author of that series has moved on in life. But will the staff respect his wishes, or will the snide one deny that man, solely for being loosely associated with this brand?

Girls Incarcerated Wiki is begging to be placed up for adoption. This has been voluntarily requested since before the Woke Mob took over Fandom. So far, no success. But Dozerfleet staff no longer has the time to give to nurture that site. It needs a new manager.

Mighty Moshin' Emo Rangers will be once more placed up for adoption, for the same reason. It was adopted back in 2017, before Fandom got "woke" and started deserving to go broke, partially to promote Volkonir Meets the Power Rangers.

Dozerfleet is moving away from online wikis, intrusive ads on those wikis, being at the mercy of woketard degenerates who refuse rational discussion and want only violence against traditionalists, long wait times, broken servers, broken parsers, bad customer service, etc.

Updates will be submitted here more often. Don't trust the online Fandom wikis anymore - they are being abandoned by official staff. The woke vultures will no doubt swoop in to vandalize - possibly with Fandom staff approval. As in the Days of Noah. Every non-argument they make that it is "phobic" to disagree with them, along with the ensuing threats they make; only proves how rational disagreement with them really is! But they never veer away from the narrative!

Let the name of that wicked platform rot. It will bring about that end to itself, in time, as have countless other "woke" platforms and publishers - whose Gnostic delusions are their destruction! They believe they have secret knowledge, to read into the minds and hearts of others intentions which weren't there, such that they are entitled to judge it, as if they were God! Nothing could be further from the truth!

Time to go full-blown Matthew 10:14-15 on them!

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