Clips for the miniseries can now be viewed here. The photocomic can be downloaded here.
The question becomes: if Oughties Big Rapids Living Stuff can qualify for an IMDB page, then why not Blood Over Water? Well, it's technical; but it mostly comes down to nit picks regarding IMDB's specific rules.
- Most new IMDB entries prefer that the film still exist, in its original format, verifiably, with verifiable information ready for its time of original release.
- If the film (or miniseries) has been banned from public view for any particular reason, then IMDB wants evidence that it was available once upon a time.
- Moreover, an additional clause in IMDB's rules states that the deceased work had to have been originally intended for release to the box office, a major commercial TV station or cable network, a major streaming platform (like YouTube or Vimeo), or some other venue that is widely publicly available.
- If that isn't the case, then the work must still exist on a public venue in a form recognizable to its original medium / format at the time the entry to IMDB is made.
- If the entry is to be made posthumously, then the work must have been originally intended for public broadcast, verifiably.
The specificity of these clauses in site rules, unfortunately, disqualify Blood Over Water from receiving an entry. And for two big reasons:
- The work was removed from YouTube before an IMDB entry could be made, partially due to Chris' irrationality and TDS on Facebook, and partially due to a copyright dispute over the soundtrack. Therefore, it was defunct as a video online before an entry to IMDB could be submitted.
- YouTube was not its original intended destination.
Nor was it ever intended in its original form for a box office release, nor to Fox, NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, nor any of their affiliates. Rather, the miniseries' original target audience was Bulldog Television, the educational access cable channel connected to FerrisState.tv that is specific to Ferris students on campus.
IMDB rules state that PEG channel programming "doesn't count" for its platform. So without a version of the videos still on YouTube, IMDB's official stance is that it "doesn't exist, never happened."
Here at Dozerfleet, we know better. But just because it no longer qualifies for an IMDB page, doesn't mean that information on the old miniseries is lost forever. Because of the photocomic, it now qualifies for a listing on ICDB! And even if somehow failing that, it still has entries on All the Tropes, and of course, the Dozerfleet Database on Miraheze.
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