Written on January 8th of 2012 by Michael J. Hayes.
The night star quietly stood guard;
Its strong light illuminated a simple scene.
For today in a dreary, lowly manager;
A child was born.
A child to whom none deserved to stand.
For they all deserved death eternal;
At the mere will of that child.
We are the same, even though we may feel worthy.
You lie, but not as passionately as your neighbor!
You curse His name, but say you are not as bad!
You may hate; but pride yourself that you at least are not Hitler, Saddam, or a common murderer!
You may not worship idols per se, but you do worship things - or people!
Realize, that eternal death faces your last breath!
EXCEPT for that child;
BECAUSE of that child;
THROUGH that child;
For, from eternity, that child ''saw'' your sin!
He saw the bloody sin-soaked clothes your wear;
He saw the family and friends you devastated.
He saw the fear and worry your sin has wrought.
He came down to take on human flesh;
To live the life you live.
However, He did it perfectly - without stain!
Then, in the ultimate passionate sacrifice;
He took your cross!
Mocking, befitting of the sickest criminal!
Carrying of the cross;
Nails ripping through His hands and feet;
The crowing of His head by those who knew no better;
The forsaking of a Father of a sin-sick Son!
On the third day HE came forth;
Showing doubters His scars!
Teaching others the history of His life;
To show that death had no power over Him!
To announce in bold relief your forgiveness!
To return to the Father;
Your eternity to prepare.
He gives to you the undeserving;
His life of perfection, for your utter depravity!
He gives you the new clothes of forgiveness for your rags!
He alone supplies the grace to repair relationships!
He softens the pain of life and give your hope.
He gives you a vision beyond that star!
To the eternity He won for you.
© 2012 Tri-Sola Poetry. Reprinted with permission.
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