Written in May of 2008 by Michael J. Hayes.
The young man stood in front of his dresser—
Not unusual in his routine, controled life.
Yet today was different —
Today, he was torn.
Gleaming in front of him —
Was a Purple Heart.
Reward for his sacrifice —
Evidence of the love he had for his country upon entry into service —
Shortly after 9/11.
Yet, he was in tears -
As his country was torn apart!
Wondering, if his sacrifice were worth it —
Wondering, if it were but a waste!
Upon that, he fell on his knees —
His tears falling, all around him!
He felt like Isaiah in the temple —
Ruined, and afraid!
Yet, at that point, he saw it —
The crucifix on his wall!
The perfect sacrifice —
Reminding him of the bitter suffering and death of his Lord!
He was still unsure —
Unsettled about his own sacrifice!
But the Lord's was clear -
Without a doubt!
And He, brought peace.
The soldier could not change his past —
But his future was forgiven, and free!
In Christ's tender loving care.
That afternoon he hung up his metals —
Including the Purple Heart.
He nailed them to the cross —
A reminder that when doubt came, that it was all seen by the Lord.
It was all forgiven —
And His sacrifice brought the soldier peace, in spite his misgivings.
© 2008 Tri-Sola Poetry. Reprinted with permission.
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