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Friday, February 26, 2021

Grand Ledge location signing off

Dozerfleet would like to thank all faithful followers of the brand for staying tuned. There may be some disruptions, as the studio is moving to another state. Beginning March 7th, Dozerfleet Productions will no longer be in Grand Ledge, Michigan. Details on the new location are pending. Dozerfleet Main is signing off soon. Dozerfleet Mega Portable and Dozerfleet Ultra Portable, as well as Dozerfleet Mobile, will remain in operation in the mean time, until Dozerfleet Main can come online again.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Dozerfleet Database getting a facelift

The database has, since 2011, faithfull documented Dozerfleet projects past, present, and pending / future. However,'s new software is...not without some glitches. As such, plus the nature of some content hosted there being what it is, it has been deemed essential to future operations that some content on the wiki should be moved to the blog. Also, the front page will require simplification, in order to meet Fandom's new limitations.

Further complicating matters, source editing doesn't work very well in Firefox, requiring Microsoft Edge to be used for editing pages effectively. With that, here are some other changes pending:

  • The Tabber feature doesn't work well on the front page. The "Explore the Gigaverse" feature will have to be redone as touchable tiles beneath the "trending characters" tile interface.
  • "Trending Characters" will be simplified. Characters' text will get a colored shadow based on universe listing.
    • Silver and Blue for Gorillaverse
    • Blanched almond and sea blue for Gerosha
    • Light brown for Mackleyverse
    • Bright magenta for anything related to Adam-00's Cagegirl comic
    • Red and yellow text shadows for Eccentriaverse (Volkonir and Bison) content
    • And orange an navy blue for Dromedeverse.
    The main panel will be a simplified black, rather than every single character getting a universe background by color.
  • MainPage/ComicsCenter has been declared obsolete.

    Published comics have their project pages, and their download pages on the blog. They also can be given a category of two. As more actual works are published, the list of actual published works makes the "works that once were" and "tie-in works by others" sections unnecessary.
  • The Content Creators directory will now be a separate item of structure.
  • New audio project content will be referenced in the front page newsfeed slider. There will be no need for a special wiki section anymore called "Music Center." Its contents will be moved to this blog, under the Dozerfleet Records banner.
  • Book News has been moved to this blog, under Dozerfleet Literature. There is no longer a special need for it on the wiki.
  • In time, Video Center will be removed. This blog, under Dozerfleet Studios, will take over that role.
  • Interactive Center is already gone, as that has been replaced with the Dozerfleet Labs blog.

The Facebook page and its related newsfeed have also been phased out. A link to a pending MeWe page is being considered.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Gina Carno did nothing wrong

The infantile-demonic NPCs can't tolerate the fact that Gina Carno exposed their hypocrisy. They call everyone else a "Nazi" who disagrees with said Tide Pod zombies. Meanwhile, they act just like the real Nazis did, by way of dehumanizing and calling for the complete personal destruction of any who think differently!

Historically, Carano's comparison is completely fair. But to the Tide Zombies; her saying that genocide begins with orchestrated cancel campaigns and with dehumanizing of targets, and with media spreading messages so neighbors are not allowed to live in peace with each other? Well, that means THEY are the Nazis, not those they hate! That cannot be! Reeeeeeee!!! So their response? Get her fired, and dehumanize her!

While reaching for more Pods to devour, they proved her very point!!! "And so they became futile in their thinking..." - Romans 1:21

The Bison is an ijoju

The term "ijoju," or "ijō-jū" (異常獣,) is the correct term for what the Bison effectively is in the Eccentriaverse. He may have many kaiju traits; but he lacks the enormous size to be considered a proper kaiju. Even the Eel Thing is just barely large enough to be considered a proper kaiju.

Now, if you ask his surviving victims, they'd say the Bison borders on being a yoju (demon beast, 妖獣 ) instead! But...that's just their opinion.