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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Even LaVey would reject Clown World

As one recent Bible class study revealed in Florida, Clown World has managed to infiltrate even the Church of Satan. While it's founder in America may have first defined it, he was very much a fan of Ayn Rand, creating his version of self-serving atheism in the robes of mock-religion to still have a bent on political philosophy and self-autonomy that is pallatable even with most modern secular Libertarians. And even modern Christian Libertarians of today would say that he wasn't completely wrong on the rights of the individual!

But LaVey made many mistakes. The first, was placing his initial faith in man, not God, then blaming a God he no longer claimed to believe in for the fact that the men in his life had personal failures...which the Bible frequently warns would be the case! Second, and even more telling, was Anton's assumption that the Devil he used as a symbol for his atheistic / pantheistic outlook on life, didn't actually exist. He was quite literally damned wrong on that one!

Not only does evidence of a literal Devil pop up all the time; but the hands of dark spirits on global society are more evidently at work today than they have been since the times of Genesis 6! No, they don't bother running around in red jumpsuits anymore. That's Hollywood. The Devil today is more like Ares in the 2017 Wonder Woman movie. He figured out long ago that by simply whispering the suggestions, and preying on natural anxieties, he can get mankind to self-destruct, whilst barely needing to do anything else.

Your own mind fills in the blanks. But if the frail human mind is so vulnerable against the whims of an extradimensional being that exceeds the limits of human comprehension, and only reliance on an even greater higher power can provide any meaningful immunity, then that puts old Anton's notion of being the full master of one's own fate right in the circular file of complete nonsense.

Yet, it was when the self-styled, the Freemason upper echelons, and others began to see how unprofitable Anton's libertarian streak was, that a sort of satanic version of the Great Schism occurred. Western society had found a way to do what seemed impossible in Jesus' day: turn the Devil against himself! Or so it thought!

See, a stubborn faction of Anton loyalists remains, enough to feature a woman identifying as part of this twisted "church" making a YouTube video that featured in this Christian Bible study as an example of Libertarian Satanism. While the evil that it is should not be ignored by Christian families, it is important to understand that this older Libertarian Satanism is hardly the kind that you see trying to vie for world domination today.

While the form that is, still isn't on par with the madness that is the Hollywood theme park version of satanism, which is evident in everything from The Exorcist to a throwaway plot coupon to explain away the possessed animatronics becoming the villains in Willy's Wonderland, that doesn't mean it's to be ignored. In fact, it's in some ways even more dangerous than its more-official, libertarian, Randian cousin.

So what constitutes this neo-satanic, neo-many-other-things, unholy cocktail that has come to devour much of western culture? One that can acknowledge that demons are real; and it serves them anyway, and doesn't care? Where is all the witchcraft today, if quidditch now happens only in really silly movies?

That new cocktail, ultimately, is Globalism. And it's merely a reconstruction of all the evils under Nimrod and the Tower of Babel. It's taken thousands of years to properly reconstruct itself; and many false starts. But it has finally arrived. It has crossed so many forbidden lines, even by Anton's standards, that even Warren "Rappaccini" Buntine in The Gerosha Chronicles would deem it "low-brow"! And this is the Thanos-like villain that orders the seemingly completely senseless destruction of Louisville and Cincinnati, killing hundreds of thousands in mere days!

This unholy witch's brew, a form of Authoritarian Satanism, has a few recognizable ingredients:

  • Ultra-liberal, compromised churches that were once Christian, until they abandoned the actual Bible in favor of left-wing causes and diatribes.
  • Original Babelism
  • Canaanite religion revivalism, which includes the return of Moloch, Baal, Asherah, and others by any other name.
  • Secular Humanism
  • Southern Democrat KKK occultism
  • Neo-Nazi-style occultism
  • Neo-pagan Earth worship
  • Freemasonry
  • Eastern mystical occultism
  • Cultural Marxism
  • Social Darwinism
  • Neo-Feudalism
  • Nihilistic Hedonism
  • Mystical Hedonism
  • Gnosticism
  • Badi-Mataism, an occult sect of Hinduism that is obsessed with diseases and vaccine cults
  • Several other isms that are too many to mention on this list.

Where this new Satanism differs from LaVeyan Satanism, is what's most telling and chilling:

LaVey (Libertarianism gone mad) Globalism (Clown World)
Which matters more? The individual The collective
Groupthink Is a bad thing. You're "weak" if you do it. Is the only acceptable thing. You're a traitor / terrorist / ist-ophobe if you don't do it. But it has to be groupthink to our script, or it doesn't count.
Philosophical root Randian "Objectivism" Neo-paganism and Marxist narratives
Views on rape It goes too far. Mainstream (currently):
It only "counts" as "rape" if a white cisgender male does it.

The pleasure of the results are all that matter. To act like consent still matters is "bigotry."
Views on adult-child sex Come on, man! That's twisted, even for us! Mainstream (currently):
It goes too far.

All your kids' genitals and minds are belong to us!
Science If science says what we want is a dumb idea, we have to weigh the decision. Mainstream (currently):
Claim to "trust the science," and urge others to do so. But in reality, the agenda must come first!

You stand between me and what I want! Reeeeeeeeee!
Ayn Rand Had a lot of reasonable ideas. Is one of the most despicable fools to ever live!
Fox News Christian-friendly to a degree we don't like; but sometimes they make good points. Reeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
Neighbor disagrees with you They're idiots. Whatever. They must never be able to hold a job again! They must be canceled, and now forever live in fear! Reeeeee!!!
Apologies If you honestly screwed up; own up to it. Don't expect forgiveness though. I'm never wrong! Reeeeeeee!!!
The "right to offend" If I really want / need to say something, then screw who gets offended! And this applies to everyone. What my peers say is the only group that is acceptable to offend, I can and MUST offend at every opportunity! What they say to me is not okay to offend intentionally; I must virtue signal my intentions to never offend them no matter what!
Human sacrifice What? No! LOL! Of course we do! We'll just claim they're subhuman, and that makes it okay!
Child trafficking That's messed up! Our "right" to do what we want to them supercedes their feelings!
"Overpopulation" Let nature clean up after itself. It always does anyway. Not my problem. Quick, we need to decide who's expendable, lest the Earth turn against us for all our crimes against it! We also need to know whom to fleece over this, so we can get rich! We need to follow the Georgia Guidestones, and figure out how to reduce the population by at least 15%!
Money Useful; but greed can be dangerous. We should have ALL of it! You should have NONE!

This list could go on; but it's clear to see that the cancerous tumor that was LaVey, has itself developed a cancer, which has spread to the main host that LaVey was a parasite to! While LaVey's experiment was warped, and never okay in the first place, it created the foundation for its own hijacking; by an even more-evil spirit that not only will do everything in its power to atomize families and minimize the Christian Church in society; but which seems to have adopted authoritarian views specifically to replace LaVey's, and to produce a new sort of satanism that is somehow even worse than the original flavor!

Then again, just look at the list of issues. While they still claim he doesn't exist; they have made an unwitting Deal with the Devil. And now, their kids are creating a world that is quite the opposite of the one LaVey imagined he was building - while still managing to be made of pure evil!

The Bible study, first released by Northwestern Publishing in 1997, fittingly quoted Jude 13 to describe all flavors (but especially Clown World):

"They're wild waves of the sea; forever foaming up their shame. They're like wandering stars; for whom the blackest of darkness is forever reserved."

Just like with the Christian Church of before, the Satanists who thought they'd replace it learned the hard way what happens when you don't keep the state out of the church's affairs: everything gets politicized, and extremists form. And soon, words and organizations lose their meaning, until there is only chaos. And chaos produces puritans; who do almost as much harm as good.

Just one instance of a man - through Christ - rising above himself is enough to disprove LaVey's cynicism about human nature always winning. However, he at least understood that many don't try anywhere near hardly enough to keep their more banal desires in check. They'd rather put on a show of pageantry like they're Holy Men of God, than actually put any real effort in to live a more consistent lifestyle!

While the way God made you, and Christ redeems you, will always be superior to anything LaVey preached, or even to anything secular libertarianism offers; it is important to realize that the new enemy claims sometimes to be satanist. But most often, is just a neo-pagan. And a system that panders to such as thse, is somehow even more dangerous. LaVey sought to pervert individual liberty. The new alliance of devils today, however, simply want to make you watch as they burn down everything you love.

No time like now to start saying your prayers: The world has become the Devil's playground. With NPCs in it that are so demonic, even LaVey would sooner run back to Jesus than put up with this present madness! Dozerfleet intends to expose the likes of the factions listed above, with whatever it takes.

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