Most Dozerfleet content that isn't a novel set in the Dozerfleet Megaverse, on the Dozerfleet Literature end, is free content. As such, Dozerfleet Labs is also intent on issuing 99.9999% free content. Until more practical means exist to make something worth charging over, Dozerfleet Labs will likely stay a mostly if not entirely free content provider.
That being said, donation options are not out of the question. While one has yet to be decided on, PayPal is in consideration. Dozerfleet is not planning, however, at any point in time, on getting a Patreon account, and here's why:
1. Patreon in run by Tide Pod zombies
If you dare question any part of the narrative of life that BlackRock and the corporations it controls want you to believe about life, if you so much as express doubt about action taken in the name of some radical political cause that Patreon likes, etc., then your failure to cheerlead that cause enough, puts you in the same category in their twisted mind(less) as being a "Trump supporter," a "white supremacist," and all the other insane, overused slurs they can think of.
Long story short, they will deplatform you for "wrongthink." You don't even need to outright oppose a particular cause in general. But if you question if a particular action taken by an activist in the name of that cause is logical, let alone ethical, then that's the "same thing" as literally being Dylan Roof!
"Yet, they hated the light, and hated transparency, and loved darkness, for their deeds were evil." - paraphrased form John 3:19
2. Patreon is a social credit trap
Being run by Tide zombies, the platform is all about luring users into a trap that is a backdoor to America adopting Chinese social credit, where anyone's wrongthink, or even failure to express "correct"think to the preferred degree, can be met with disproportionately harsh punishments, as well as hefty persecution in areas of life where it is absurd and unjust!
This is demonic, and the demons need to be sent back to Hell! Chinese social credit is not a system that deserves to exist in any spec of any universe, let alone in China itself, let alone in America! For Patreon to be in favor of it, is the site damning itself.
3. Patreon presumes the right to spy on you
If it could get away with it, the site would hire secret police to stalk / spy on platform users in their everyday offline lives. Why? To find so much as even one single example of "wrongthink" being expressed, as an excuse to deplatform said individual! Alas, the site doesn't yet have the blessing of courts to stalk its users offline to look for excuses to punish them offline. But it does the next-worst thing: spying on every single damned thing you do while online. Looking for anything you say, and putting the worst imaginable construction on it. And then punishing you, often without a meaningful chance to appeal the decision.
After all, when woketards decide what you meant, and you don't get to say you didn't mean what they say you mean, even when plain evidence is on your side, then they win. Because it's about what they want, truth be damned!
The site affirmed its position in this diabolical deed when it banned Sidney Watson. What was her crime? They wouldn't even tell her! Alas, she has posted videos questioning modern feminist logic, and questioning the modern chromosome significance defilement mafia's agenda to create "pregnant men." She posted NONE of this activity on Patreon. Yet, Patreon saw fit to act outside its jurisdiction, and punish her for having the "wrong" position on hot button issues, on sites that were not Patreon.
Likewise, even as the gene rape jabs were killing those who got them left and right, creating orange blood and weird nanoparasites that actually grow larger in formaldehyde, rather than dying in it, Patreon also went on a crusade to ban anyone critical of the jabs!
The only thing here that needs to be banned, are Patreon themselves. And the jabs. And the demonic "trans" movement, run by lying sociopaths preying on the mentally ill.
Patreon also ree'd up a storm when she pointed out how silly it is to call math "racist." So either agree with Clown World, and hasten the anti-science lunacy and degeneracy of the most degenerate of America's lowest common denominator, or not be allowed to make money? A company with that attitude doesn't deserve to even exist!!!
So what's the point of ever using Patreon at all? There are only two reasons Dozerfleet has to even visit that wretched site:
- TwistedMexi's T.O.O.L. Mod (until they ban him for having an "offensive" username, because they're flaming idiots.)
- Weerbesu's UI Cheat Options mod
The Sims 4 needs those to be truly useful for machinomics. That's it.
Dozerfleet has been putting off the financial side as long as possible, because content with influence and purpose has always been the goal, regardless the dollar signs. A time may come when placing price tags on certain future items grows inevitable; yet there is always going to be a longing for a free section to occur.
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