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Friday, September 30, 2022

Corando nearing completion

Corando's "Don't Lose Hope" is in the process of being remade. The remake book is nearing completion. Sheet music is the next step, for the new song, so that it can be performed in real life. Once that step is done, editing the main feature will only take about a week, and the piece will be ready for publication.

It seems almost unbelievable that it's already almost October, and therefore, it is almost time to resume making the remake of Blood Over Water. This will commense as soon as "Don't Lose Hope" is officially in the can. Per the slated schedule, this will be followed immediately with Sorbet, Volkonir 2008, and Kahoopiliana. Once those works are finished, work will begin in Sniperbadger, and then on Path of the Ming-Cho. Path may be a short story, overall, since it never had much thick plot to begin with.

Completion of these works will mark the end of the main Dozerfleet Comics official free releases. Some minor cartoons, like some Centipede in the Spider-Verse parodies, may get released as well. After that, emphasis will switch to Dozerfleet Literature. Ciem: Inferno is the top work slated for novel production once the remaining machinomics are finished. Followed immediately by Anarteq: Guardian of the Soo. With Kahoopiliana and Sniperbadger in the can, however, those works may then be followed up with their immediate sequels: Ash Cloud and Tropic Mercenary.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Progress update on Corando and Blood Over Water

After completion of a story pack related to the 2022 remake of Corando's "Don't Lose Hope," being remade as a book, almost all wiki side work is now complete. Work can now resume on completing the actual book.

Once this comic is finished, and a trailer for it is possibly made for YouTube, the remake of "Corando" will be considered in-the-can. Archiving will commence, and this will be one more classic project re-made and off the project queue. Intentions are to follow it up by immediately beginning production on Blood Over Water, utilizing the materials available via Dirty Laundry to reconstruct it.

There could be some delays, due to Hurrican Ian. However, Dozerfleet staff intend to move at the fastest possible speed to get the remake of Blood Over Water completed, to make room for the completion afterward of Sorbet and Volkonir 2008. These works, once finished, will conclude the Big Rapids Saga.