Per This article here, the Sons of Liberty hit back even harder this time!
Mitch McConnel has recently stated his disdain for Americans that want America to succeed, saying he'd rather see a full Democrat sweep than "have so much as even one MAGA candidate" get in.
Bear in mind, Trump is controlled opposition. A false messiah. However, the false dichotomy mindset of men like McConnel is deliberate. They don't want ANYONE to NOT be a part of their global order experiment in pure, dripping evil! So if you support ANYTHING which interferes with their satanic experiment, then you are a "MAGAt" and a "Trumper" by default, no matter your actual affiliation or values!
McConnel's remarks are noteworthy, because they signify his eagerness to usher in a Uniparty. The Uniparty is both the next step in a great evil, and also a backhanded admission that George Washington was right to fear the development of a party system!
Per the Constitution, political parties shouldn't exist at all. They're illegitimate. Period! As Adams pointed out, a nation "obedient unto God" is the ONLY nation for which the laws and precepts of the American Republic are suitable to govern. "It is wholly unsuited to the governance of any other."
And since the modern church won't clean house on false teachers, it has led to impotence in the church, apostasy in the church, and the emboldening of evildoers outside of the church. For they can't see the destruction that's plainly all around them, nor how it is a part of divine judgment. Therefore, they have no fear of God. So what higher order of longing, or fear of consequences, should stop them from pursuing a path that would lead to even more destruction, if it bears even the slightest hint of a promise of getting them what they desire in a moment?
The Uniparty is an admission that the duopoly of Republican and Democrat has become a bigger sham today than it ever was before, though the Founders would argue it was a sham from Day 1!
Therefore, it has become more imperative than ever for those with any sense to them to take the fight to evil in a straight and direct sense, and not rely on political parties for results. Not ask a system to do your job for you, when you know full well that system is too compromised to do anything other than the opposite of the job for which it was once intended!
When a tonsil is compromised, you have to cut it out! Same thing with a government system that has been compromised by the very gangsters it was originally set up to squash!
Yet, those who are most able to act, don't. Too busy sipping martinis, staring at fake wooden parrots, playing bingo, and attending pool parties. Meanwhile, the lost youth struggle to live paycheck to paycheck in a massive racket set up to guarantee their failure. And the very elderly with the most clout to stop this madness, will instead actively further undermine the youth resistance to tyranny, because of the utter blasphemy of those youth to admit the obvious: that the system is rotten, and needs to be cleaned out!
This is why judgment begins with the church. But also, with those who fail to act to resist evil, or help the youth who long for a sense of direction to know how to act in a time to act. Or, those who actively sabotage the youth resistance!
In the eyes of Heaven, the last of these are the truest to blame for all the evil in the world. But especially in America! Because enforced inaction is ultimately enforcing a surrender to evil as the only option, that it may never fear accountability!
Because of this, men of evil continue with evil acts; and with perversion of the legal system, that their evil acts may pretend they are excused!
Many fail to hold accountable those "Republicans" they trusted to do something, but who were instead useless grifters. As such, these Republicans become as much part of the problem as the Democrats they were supposed to challenge. And it's because of this critical moral failure of Republicans, and of what they're willing to tolerate, that Democrats have any power to do any evil thing whatsoever!
As Bradlee Dean often states, and this is paraphrased:
"If the so-called 'right' did the right thing - as God defines it - for the right reasons - as God defines them - every single time; there wouldn't be a 'left'! The Left would never get the chance to exist, for its apostasy from God would be squashed out immediately!"
Therefore, the idea of an "Omnipotent Left" is a strawman, created by those who have preferred to do nothing in the face of evil, that their own inaction should pretend to be excused.
Take away the euphemisms and understatements in the quote in this article. Democrat and Republican, according to Supreme Law, don't actually exist. You have those who desire evil, and those who enable evil through inaction. Period. What you're left with is this:
- Evildoers removed Jesus from an American platform. No one in the assembly of said evildoers did anything to stop it. No one from outside of it dropped the hammer on them, declaring that they have made themselves illegitimate, and then enforced the implications of that illegitimacy.
- Evildoers support the killing of infants, even four months after birth. Over 70 million innocents have been butchered, organ harvested, or their blood turned to adrenochrome, since Roe Vs Wade, a decision which itself was illegal!
And too much of the church urged congregants to do nothing, when those celebrating this baby murder escapade should have been hanged publicly in the streets for it! Until their eyeballs were eaten by crows, and their guts spilled out like Judas'!- Wicked thieves who believe in the diabolical system of feudalism supported slavery, Segregation, Jim Crow laws and founded the KKK.
Those most poised to punish them for these evils, did nothing - or even actively sabotaged those who would have otherwise done something! For there was always an excuse, usually money, fame, or reputation.- Neo-feudalist subhumans opposed civil rights before 1865 and 1965.
- Moral cowards who were butthurt over losing their free lunches opposed voting rights for Blacks in 1880.
- Warmongers supporting the criminal lowlife Woodrow Wilson also backed his heinous actions that provoked German aggression, leading to US involvement in WWI, as well as pretended the attack by Germany was "unprovoked" - a lie still pushed in many history textbooks! This criminality led to 115,516 dead.
- The same vermin as above supported Franklin D. Roosevelt, another reprobate, and even tried to have him hailed as a political messiah! He was far from it!
They made life absolutely miserable for anyone who disagreed, while the church that should have rallied resistance back against this anarcho-tyranny mostly chose to either go along with it, or ignore it.
This culminated in FDR antagonizing Japan needlessly, all to pander to the pure evil that was Stalin, leading to Japanese retaliation, leading to US involvement in WWII. In that madness, 418,000 Americans died. The war claimed 60 million lives total.- Adamantly refusing to learn their lesson, droolingly stupid America tolerated Harry S. Truman's madness and lawlessness. This led to the illegal involvement of the US in the Korean War, which claimed nearly 5 million lives!
- Beating their chests with one hand while drooling and uttering "duuuurrrrrr" from how stupid they became, Americans supported the never-declared Vietnam War, to steal titanium ore. A move sponsored lawlessly by JFK and LBJ. In that madness, 58k Americans died, many of them forced into conflict in a war they never agreed to fight, for a cause that they couldn't morally defend. Senseless human sacrifice.
- Child molesters and wannabes supported sexual corruption of minors piss-poorly disguised as "education" for elementary children, and pushed for gender "equity."
The church didn't immediately see these monsters to the incinerator. Rather, many churches foolishly gave high congregational positions to these very same said predators, to condone that which Christ explicitly condemned!- Countless willfully ignorant Americans supported Gray Goo Cyborg Venom, which has killed hundreds of thousands, with more dying every single day. The current exact number of deaths is unknown.
- The lawless supported defunding police, and the burning down of police departments. When the church had a responsibility to rally the militia to fulfill its constitutional duty, in the wake of the disintegration of unconstitutional police departments, the church did no such thing!
- The greedy, the willfully ignorant, the corrupt, the envious, and the pigheadedly evil supported "Black Lives Matter," a homicidal Ponzi scheme developed by a band of extremely wicked women who were envious of the mansions of others, and willing to scam an entire nation for the chance to buy a similar mansion and life of luxury for their own depraved selves.
The message they pushed was the polar opposite of MLK's “I have a dream” speech.- Those seeking excuses for their own sexual reprobation supported the demonic LGBTQPIZON, as well as the gender manipulation games that have led to thousands of children kidnapped, slain, poisoned to death by hormone blocker drugs, or organ harvested. In the eyes of God, everyone who has glorified the Crooked Rainbow, has the blood of innocent children on their hands! Especially if they are in the church!
This goes triple-fold for Michigan, in which the church urged believers to sit back and do nothing about election theft, leading to the tyrant governor in 2022 seeking to enshrine in the state constitution a "right" for her and the state to do whatever they please to children, denying parents any rights!- The same seeking excuses for their own sexual depravity, support men in women's sports.
- The nithings most prone to profiteering off the worst of drugs, want the legalization of drugs that do the most harm.
- All those suppressing the truth in unrighteousness in their own hearts support the removal of God in all public space.
- Shameless, treasonous opportunist psychopaths support open borders, as well as the legalization of 11 million criminal alien invaders!
- Said same psychos support sanctuary cities for criminal alien invaders and gangsters.
- Election thieves support licenses for foreign criminals.
- They who revel in killing innocent children, don't want psycho killers like themselves to have to face the death penalty.
- Said same devils support the theft of store property, up to $1,000! No one takes a pickaxe to them for this!
- Degenerates support redefining marriage out of existence, while many churches play along!
- Those guilty of all the heinous actions above support shutting down free speech for any who would dare challenge their wickedness, even at the expense of making colleges a dangerous place to be!
- Election thieves oppose same day voting, as well as proof of ID, in spite the constitution explicitly requiring these very things!
- The wicked oppose preaching truth from the pulpit if it should have political implications or ramifications against their evil; yet support the pulpit being hijacked for the explicit promotion of their evil - especially at the political level!
Alas, the church has allowed these evildoers to weaponize the IRS to enforce this very same perverted standard!
Along the way, they encourage the pulpit to promote Margaret Sanger's darling genocide program, and all the money laundering to corrupt officials that goes with it!
The American church must realize the imperative to change course. Its inaction, sabotage of good men of action, surrender to evil, and pretending all is well for those who do nothing in the face of evil, is leading to its sins finding it out. (Acts 20:21). If the officer does nothing, the bank robber continues robbing banks. It's that simple!
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