Recently, the Babylon Bee posted yet another fantasic piece of satire, in which Baal himself decided that Balenciaga was too over-the-top, even for him.
His counterpart in Cherinob 2, Belay, is all about timing, and ritual precision. Hence why he's none too pleased that Krystal Travin's meddling forces Astirnah (Asherah) to improvise while freeing him from his Penditulum. He wants to create an Abdygalis Shard to hasten the arrival of Armageddon, and damn as many souls to Hell as possible. Kritchobol (Veles)'s failure in the first Cherinob story only further ensures that the Abdygalis Shard that was almost harvested in Romania gets destroyed by Boris Heminski, leading to a desperate scramble to create a new one.
Not only does Belay desperately want this artifact; but so does Rappaccini of the Society of the Icy Finger! Granted, Rappaccini wants it so he can combine an Earth Abdygalis Shard with the Metheel Abdygalis Shard, given to him as a gift from the Hebbleskin Gang, but also with the Phaeleel Abdygalis Shard.
Once he gets his hands on an Earth Shard, Earth-G7 Rappaccini already knows where the Phaeleel Shard is. The problem is, finding a Parakoid Phexo that has an adequate genetic sequence to unlock the vault without an override. Meaning: Rappaccini needs one of Keet Kabo's feathers.
Therefore, Keet has to avoid being in the battlefield during the Second Great Battle for Dephinapolis during the events near the end of Sodality: Vindication; lest she be captured, and her feathers used as a key. With the three Shards of Three Worlds, Rappaccini would create a new miniature Abdygalis, consolidate most Marlquaan power unto himself, become a veritable demigod, and unlock Earth-G7 to the Multiverse.
Earth-G7.2.1 Rappaccini, meanwhile, would be able to unlock the ability to traverse the Multiverse on a whim, as opposed to being at the mercy of the Percolation Wave.
Since Belay is already a multiversal singularity, the Percolation Wave is of no consequence to him. All he cares about, is hastening the Reconvergence, and hastening Armageddon.
Now, Belay is all for everything Balenciaga is on the hook for. However, he is also a devil of timing. He wants schemes done right, to ensure they have the best chance of being pulled off.
To that end, Belay (Baal) wouldn't totally oppose the actions of Balenciaga; but he would take issue with the timing of their release in an ad campaign.
The West has not yet softened up to pedophilia enough for Belay's liking as of the early 2020s in Earth-GØ. Therefore, the scheme risks falling apart due to premature overexposure. He wouldn't condemn what they're doing so much per se; but he would take issue with their timing and their presentation.
He may not be enough of a liar to pretend in public to distance himself from Balenciaga entirely. But he would look at their premature overexposue, and say: "Idiots!"
Astirnah would begrudgingly agree. As much as devils hate patience as a virtue, they themselves understand its value regardless. She's for pushing sexual perversion every bit as much as Belay; possibly even moreso. Yet, she also understands that without something like the Chrome Kite in control, in which not nearly enough teachers are on par with Gina Swinton, going this all-out on BDSM fetishizing of children is too far, too soon.
Even Frotchimar prefers to be sneaky; and to let youth corrupt one another in secret! This is why he disguised himself as the heroic Fred Chimpton, and tried to gain Tabitha Pang's trust.
To empower himself to achieve his own ends, Frotchimar needs to find a certain number of young women associated or destined in some way to be associated with the Sodality Church or the Sodalities of Gerosha and / or Florence, and convince a certain number of them from more than one generation to engage in premarital penetrative sex - whether oral, anal, or vaginal.
He was able to wreak absolute havok on the Flippo triplets. He successfully led Hea Pang astray. He also corrupted Jissika Sundue, Pam Marcones, Stephanie Barrin, Mingmei Cheng, Sadie Klink, Celia Winehart, Sarah Ruben, Krystal Travin, Siaja Tiktak, Alison Ligash, Amirah Rose, and dozens of others; to say nothing of what he was able to do to the men in their lives! And whichever women he couldn't corrupt directly, he directed as much energy as possible to making them targets for predators. Zize, Tiffany, Dolly, and others found themsleves on the receiving end of that.
Yet, even Frotchimar generally limited the antics of those he swayed, so they'd seek out bedrooms - or other places where they'd have privacy. Victims of Frotchimar's sway were seldom under 14 years of age, and most of them were no younger than 16 or 17. And even then, putting children in photos next to BDSM gear was unthinkable!
In the end, Tabitha would've been the grand prize. He came close, several times, to convincing her and Jordan Sterlie to do the deed. They'd shared nights alone unsupervised, naked under the cover in each other's arms. They'd teased the prospect a few times. They'd made out. They'd put their hands where they shouldn't have. But in the end, they didn't commit to anything penetrative. And when Tabitha realized the extent to which Frotchimar was manipulating her, she hard-refused to continue! She snapped free from his control so hard, it even shook Jordan out from under Frotchimar's control!
Most demons would have fled at that point. But Frotchimar was so invested in Tabby, he attacked her instead. This only resulted in him getting sent back to Hell forcibly and painfully, getting blasted with Cherinob's nuclear scream to the face! The two teens, breaking free from Frotchimar's control and destroying his power, were then comforted.
Even for Frotchimar, however, Balenciaga as pushing it!
About the only devil low enough to be an open and self-outing cheerleader for Balenciaga, would be Riptchokal - Lord of the Peeping Toms. Yet, even most of the demon world considers him a joke!
Devils would only be so bold as to let minions of theirs such as Balenciaga parade such insanity this publicly, because they sense the world is becoming sick enough and apathetic enough that they can now cross such lines - right out in broad daylight - with no immediate backlash. Just a mere single decade ago, this would have been unthinkable! Those prophecying that it would happen, if lesser evils went uncorrected and unpunished, were branded as lunatics! But here we are.
Even the devils in Hell are shocked that Balenciaga could be so bold! And they've been inspiring evil of every kind for thousands of years!
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