There aren't yet quite enough images to piece together a proper Eccentriaverse walkthrough; though most of the essentials are already in place. A Dromedeverse walkthrough is just about ready, though the Trapezoid Kids have yet to be remade with AI.
As the Database still waits for news that it can be rebuilt on Miraheze, priorities have shifted to completion of Corando's Don't Lose Hope. After this, production can begin on Blood Over Water. Ideally, the latter can reach completion by some time in February. An Eccentriaverse AI video can then be pursued in March, when Volkonir 2008 production is set to resume.
Completion of all such Volkonir-related comics and videos will then allow for proper for-profit Volkonir literature to be written at any time. However, research on the Bozeman area may have to wait until at least the following year. There are plans tentative in May of 2023 for a trip to Lewes, Delaware, to study the area for The Trapezoid Kids, Grillitan Diner, and Camelorum Adventures. Such a tour would ideally be followed up by one of Bozeman, and one of Captain Cook, Hawaii.
A tour of the Philippines is doubtful, as is a tour of North Bay and Yellek for Anarteq: Guardian of the Soo and Experiments and Offspring. It would depend on how crazy the regime is feeling as to whether or not it would even be worthwhile to enter.
Travel to Shanghai and Hong Kong for Extirpon 2, The Call Him...Black Rat, and Little Shanghai Hornet seems very unlikely, as does travel to Tokyo or to Baton Rouge for Mukade: Reinvention and The Bison Reborn.
Ideally, Blood Over Water and Volkonir 2008 can both be completed before journey to Lewes becomes an issue. Release dates for the Eccentriaverse and Dromedeverse AI showcases will also be contingent upon how well the video does for the Gerosha showcases.
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