The Bookstore is a fairly new setup structure for this blog. However, options are being explored for moving it to an actual official HTML web host. For-profit e-book content would probably be marketed through Barnes and Noble first, then Amazon if successful. However, the free content would most likely be moved to the new Dozerfleet website. The blog here would be reduced in capacity. The Dozerfleet Labs blog's download content would also be relocated, possibly to the same new website.
There is some exploration as well about the possibility of relocating the Dozerfleet Channel to Rumble. Too much political interference in the affairs of YouTube is making it dangerous to rely on YouTube as a sole video host. While most Dozerfleet video content at present is not political enough to drive most to a state of panic, recent developments by Merrick Garland and other ne'er-do-wells influencing the FBI have compromised that agency's integrity to the point that woke extremists now can flag literally any minute thing they don't like as "right-wing extremism," which has already led to hundreds of thousands of users' personal liberties being infringed via criminal acts of entrapment and doxxing. This is unacceptable. Secret police tactics like this have no deserving place to exist on any single square inch of this planet, and certainly have no place in a free society!
This isn't to say that all YouTube content would be disappearing. Currently, all pre-existing YouTube Dozerfleet content would remain where it is. However, future videos would be moved to another service. Videos on the new service copied over from YouTube would have to face a litmus test for audio permissions, to ensure that there's no tracing or copyright issues.
The following videos would be safe to transfer:
- Disney / Dreamworks / Dozerfleet/ Fox / Nest Princesses, in the World of Mad Max, per Wonder AI
- 3/13
- All My Ducks are Pekins
- Gates Demi!
- She Said (But She's From Clown World)
- Penguin on Drugs
- The Blue Face Film Strips
- Trailer to The Sims 4: Oughties Big Rapids Living Stuff
- Kings in the Corner
Ciem: Ash Cloud: Making the Forfica would probably be re-made, to remove references to a certain someone. The trailer for Purge-Flare: Stickin' It to Pencil may need a new soundtrack. The Gerosha Chronicles, According to AI may have to be replaced entirely with smaller bit videos per story section. Otherwise, that video won't get duplicated outside of YouTube.
Old live content would not be transferred over.
No one should have to live in a world where a monopoly gets to control all of someone's business, spy on them even off-platform twist their words, and send in the SWAT team over a mere difference of opinion. But that's what the world is coming to. Because the not-self-controlling preferred Moloch to Christ. So the world is becoming Hell. If Google can't purge the hell minions, then reduced dependence may be a necessary future move, even if relocating ANY Dozerfleet content would be a major inconvenience.
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