Winter Horrorland is a compilation of parody tunes of popular Christmas and Hanukkah songs. Most of it is focused around the Horrorday Gang, a band of Nordreichdunni enforcers in The Gerosha Chronicles who enforce the will of Krampus around the world.
While Krampus and his minions primarily limit themselves in terms of whom they target, and don't target their victims indiscriminately, they don't always ensure that survivors understand the reasons for their victims being targeted. This has led to rumors that they do kill indiscriminately.
However, as they get better at their craft, the Horrorday Gang are seen less and less often. They maximize efficiency with hunting down despicable targets, causing the world to see them as violent antiheroes / antivillains, rather than outright villains.
This album focuses on them early on, when they were still generally assumed by the public to be pure evil.
This album's lyrics have been moved, in protest of blue-and-pink-haired YouTube fascists unfairly and unlawfully targeting Every Ape songs.
Further reading
Click here or on the Database icon to learn more about this album from the Dozerfleet Database.
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