As usual, the NPCs are out in force to defend the latest Marvel movie, ready to burn any "witch" that dares point out any flaws in the film. Because woke narcissists cannot accept that they are terrible writers.
YellowFlash2, on YouTube, recently posted a video about how one YouTuber and TikTok vlogger, a black woman no less, found the treatment of men in particular in Wakanda Forever to be a
For having the gall to suggest that the film had any flaws whatsover, Courtney Michelle went from celebrated "strong, independent wahmen" to a witch that needed to be burned, in a matter of mere minutes!
The Chinese Communist Party, which has a vested interest in using woke idiocy to spread degeneracy to all corners of America, and not allow anyone to be redeemed from its stranglehold, saw to it that she was banned from the publisher immediately, citing "hate" speech! (Translation from Bolshevik BS to normal English: speech the party hates.)
YellowFlash and Courtney Michelle weren't the only ones to note that things with Wakanda Forever were not adding up. The Critical Drinker gave his two cents on what didn't quite work with the film here:
When the Mouse sees profit margins dry up; it doesn't care that some of it may have had to do with misaimed marketing or Tide zombie fans telling white viewers that they "weren't welcome" to watch the movie! Oh no, they insist that "the Patriarchy" (one of their favorite non-descript boogeymen) is to blame!
And failing that, they then say that the opinions of white critics - solely because of the color of their skin - "doesn't matter"! How utterly racist! But then, even that isn't good enough!
A BLACK woman comes out and states that parts of the film make no sense - and they trip over each other in an effort to silence her, so that no one may hear what she has to say! Because the only message you're allowed to hear, is how black women love the movie, because...reasons. Literally any dissent is squashed like a cockroach, immediately and with extreme prejudice, by these narcissistic totalitarians!
But the woke assclowns aren't done assclowning. On Facebook, they are now trying to run the script that you either like a movie (that you may not have even been made welcome to watch!) because you are dictated to that you must, solely because it has Marvel's logo on it, or else your only possible reason to not like it is because you're "part of the patriarchy!"
NPCs are blind to their own cringe!
Ciem v. the Tide Pod eaters
So, in response to one Mr. Champagne on Facebook, insisting that the "only reason" for anyone at Dozerfleet to not like Wakanda Forever is because it lacks a white male protagonist, it's only fair to remind him that Ciem: Inferno is in development here!

Note: The AI made her neck a bit longer than it should be here, but minor detail.
The picture here is of Candi Flippo.
Her father (Stan) was white. Her mother (Shalia) was Indo-Persian black.
They both died when she was 7. She was raised by an adoptive white older sister with various health complications, who also has extreme genophobia. Her father was experimented on by aliens, resulting in her developing powers themed after a centipede.
When not raised by her older sister, she finds herself in joint custody with her godfather, a chubby, reclusive inventor from Japan.
Her older half-brother, Darius Philippine, is half-alien. He's also in charge of a government bureau given oversight over lab-created mutations like herself (SCALLOP). He's a bit of a jerk, one that wants to turn her into basically a Black Widow-type assassin. However, her godfather wants her to be essentially more like Spider-Girl.
She has two triplet sisters whose centipede abilities never manifested. One (Miriam) became a hacker, and the other (Marina) became a rock star.
Candi makes it her goal to honor her parents' legacy, by protecting it from the creations of a space alien mafia (the Hebbleskins) that is obsessed with taking over / destroying Gerosha (Boonville), Indiana.
She's far from being the pompous, arrogant, know-it-all Mary Sue that Riri and Shuri are in Wakanda Forever. In fact, if anything, she could use a little more self-esteem!
She has a white boyfriend (Danny Loffin), who is one of her only sources of solace in a world gone mad.
Alas, when she gets put in an impossible legal situation, she sacrifices her freedom to protect her godfather from malicious prosecution, brought on by some insane, unconstitutional new (f)law dubbed the "Kirby Act," which was Tom Kirby's anti-centaur bill, hijacked and on steroids.
Female importance ≠ blank check for arrogance
While she feels Darius having her railroaded into Madison Juvenile (the story is set in 2015, before Indiana sent the girls to LaPorte) is overkill, she uses the time in prison to look for opportunities to self-improve. So she can be a better Ciem. She makes the most of a crap situation.
She knows when and where she screwed up, and is willing to make amends for her individual share of what went wrong. Candi doesn't believe in "too big to fail, too big to jail." And she certainly knows better than to assume herself to be in that category!
Feminine and beautiful ≠ lacking flaws
She also learns to be a little less prejudiced. When she first met Amirah, she assumed only the worst. Later, she learns that Amirah had been traumatized regularly through her life, through repeated betrayal at the hands of authority figures.
Discovering one of the guards is the supervillain Drop-In, and also one of Amirah's tormentors, Candi admits she'd misjudged Amirah. She goes to Amirah to help her, and to convince her that they need to work together to expose Drop-in. After all: Amirah's antics had discredited her to the warden. But Candi was respected. If they worked together, they could expose the bad guy!
In-turn, Candi's example convinces Amirah to treat others better, and to not be a bully, to not continue the cycle of cruelty that turned her into the monster that got her sent to Madison.
Notice what's missing?
- No nonsense "down with the patriarchy" hysteria.
- No hating on "whitey" baloney! Everyone is equally capable of being good or bad.
- None of this "all men are bad" malarkey!
- And no Mary Sues either!
Skin ≠ morality
Sure, there are white villains. But their being white is irrelevant. There are also space alien villains. Black villains. Hispanic villains. And it isn't their skin color making them bad. That would have been Marxist stupid talk. It's their rebellion against God that makes them evil.
Having a vagina ≠ automatic supremacy
Candi is unusually strong, but she's not strong enough to routinely take on powerhouse monster baddies like Lava Tigre without assistance. Instead of the universe bending over backwards for the sake of girl power, she plans in advance to get the help she knows she'll need, so she can tag team when needed.
She fights smarter, because she knows the universe WON'T bend over backwards for the sake of a girl power moment!
That the magic flower that gave T'Challa the panther powers is somehow able to make Shuri into an even better Black Panther, just 'cause wahmen, causes the entire MCU take to feel insincere, and unearned.
Female empowerment ≠ obligatory emasculation
"Don't need no man" is self-beclowning. Granted, Miriam is less desperate than Candi to have a boyfriend to feel loved, but even Miriam knows when the enemy has her hopelessly outclassed. She isn't too proud to admit it either!
Sure, Chris Kennal finds the damaging by authorities of his van and his Purge-Flare equipment somewhat humiliating. But it was other men that did this to him, because they mistook him for Extirpon. Which was partially Chris' own fault, but still.
If he didn't need Miriam to fix his equipment and van, and find new supplies, Chris would likely have shot Miriam dead for knowing who he was. Miriam apporaches him humbly to ask for his help, in spite her online arrogance. She knows that Gerosha is screwed if she doesn't convince the Purge-Flare to help her!
Even when Miriam gets Candi back, Miriam knows it would be asinine to cut Chris out of the plan ex-post facto! Candi and Miriam get their glory moments when dealing with saving the town, sure. But at no point do they dare entertain the notion of doing so at Chris' expense. At no point do they have to steal thunder away from the Purge-Flare, just so Ciem and Sniperbadger can shine. At no point, does Chris have to be humiliated, just so Candi and Miriam can revel in extra glory.
Meanwhile, Wokevel feels obligated to show a world where M'Baku is treated as wrong and dumb, and all other men besides Namor as weak and dumb, just to prop up the women of Wakanda. Because we can't have women that are strong and smart, unless we reduce all the men to ineffectual drooling eunuchs!
The problem stems from the Bolshevik worldview that Disney has embraced. Literally everything becomes a game of zero-sum economics. They don't know how to have strong women, unless they have weak men. And it's an all-or-nothing zero sum game with them! They don't know how to have any good black characters, unless all white characters are bad!
While Candi and Miriam do have their own serious character flaws, especially their compulsive fornicating with their boyfriends, they both somewhat remember that true strength of character ultimately lies in God, and in agreement with his precepts. They both remember that without that, physical strength can be undermined. They also know that adherence to certain higher order moral principle is what makes someone good or bad, NOT skin color, heritage, economic status, or any other shallow thing that collectivists and materialists value.
In conclusion
Ciem: Inferno shows how diversity can be done right! Meanwhile, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, was all about the Woke Message, and was all about pushing Marxist zero-sum economics in regards to race and gender, logic be damned!
This is both the very reason that Courtney Michelle has every reason to criticize Walt DiSatan and Wokevel over pushing illogical zero-sum fallacies, and needless emasculation of men; as well as the very reason why China was so intent on going after her: because Evil Pooh desperately needs to keep America stuck on Bolshevik stupid, so that it will be too weak to resist future colonization!
Babylon wasn't conquered in its prime. It was conquered after sufficient demoralization. Rome wasn't defeated in a day. It eroded from within, due to adoption of proto-Marxist fallacies (and out-of-control immigration due to corruption.)
These are lessons modern America desperately needs to learn; though China is hellbent and hellbound on keeping that lesson from being learned!
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