As the number of cases of sexual abuse of kids continue to add up by cross-dressing perverts, Will "Mr. Woodhouse" Kavanaugh and other wokes continue to shriek that only "transphobes" complain about the pedophilic terrorizing of children by the current screwl system.
Consent and choice are no longer sacred to the kook fringe, shrieking demon left. Only evil is.
As the image above makes poignantly clear, parents can opt kids out of the Pledge of Allegiance.
- But they cannot opt children out of being sexually harassed, groomed, and corrupted by nothing-but-filled-with-lies-and-deceit total degenerates in drag, in satanic rituals dubbed "Drag Queen Story Hour."
- They cannot opt them out of participation in pride-in-their-shame parades, in which many have complained of being forcibly exposed to illegal porn that then goes uninvestigated.
- There exists no option to preserve kids from the brain rot that is Common Rotten-to-the-Core. None.
- Planned Adrenochrome Harvesting can still come in and promote promiscuity, even to pre-teens, and sell them abortions before they're even pregnant! With impunity! And kids can't opt out of these events without suffering the consequences!
- The aggressive brainwashing of gender confusion on kindergarteners, which is child sex abuse that wokes defend zealously in their degeneracy, as there is little difference between the mind a "woke" and the mind of an all-out cho-mo, is not something parents are given a safe way to opt their children out of. ONE DAMN WAY OR ANOTHER, the system will ALWAYS betray your kids to sex abuse! Physical, or psychological! Or both!
- Anti-white lies and propaganda, via the dripping-evil and anachronism-laden, ludicrous filth known as the "1619 Project," is being pushed on kids as mandatory indoctrination. With severe penalties for kids who bring evidence of actual history contradicting the narrative! And as you've guessed, no provision given to opt out!
But the Pledge of Allegiance? Oh, TOTALLY! America is being run by demons, who lust for its destruction.
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