With multiversal singularities in the Dozerfleet Megaverse experience the same event millions of times, or do they only experience it once?
A very good academic question! Gerosha time is like a ball of rubber bands, to some extent. Sometimes, some of the bands can be snapped right off the ball, and made useless. Others will be bent a little, but will then default back to their place on the ball, until strained too far, and then they break off for good.
The Proto Geroshas, Gerosha Prime, Despair Gerosha, Classic Gerosha, and Comprehensive Gerosha are all considered essentially apocrypha now. They're archaic timelines that have no practical use, apart from describing the greater narrative prose of the works that were set in them.
This means that Cataclysmic Gerosha, first drafted in 2012, is the main literary canon that is considered essential Gerosha "reality." Because of this, all the branch-off timelines from Cataclysmic Gerosha, namely the Gaming and Crossover universes, are trying their hardest to revert back to being identical to Cataclysmic Gerosha.
The Gaming Universe never truly breaks apart from Cataclysmic Gerosha; it rather merely adapts the concept of Cataclysmic Gerosha for video games. The minor details for gaming notwithstanding, Cataclysmic Gerosha is still mirrored nearly identically. Small changes in narrative can occur based on player choices; but with one or another event always trying to snap the Gaming Universe back to defaulting to Cataclysmic Gerosha canon. Character appearances may vary from true G7 canon; but only on account of game resource-related conveniences.
The snapping point for Earth-G7.2.1, at which point it becomes permanently divorced from G7, is Xironooti and Mogabir's invasion. Even the Marvel invasions in Percolation and Percolation: Legends only changed reality for a small number of characters' lives.
This was by design. Therefore, even though G7.2.1 was still technically a separate reality from G7, Cherinob experienced the events of G7.2.1 and G7 as if it were all happening only one time, in the same universe. Her experiences didn't vary in any significant way until after the snap-off point. So from her perspective, each event that happened to her in G7, happened only that one time.
Given she has extremely limited free will, due to her mode lock within the Volition Dilemma Paradox following the War in Heaven, it wouldn't pay for her to try to relive G7.2.1 events having learned anything from G7, so as to try to make "better" decisions.
Also given the fact that Marvel never authorized these crossovers, nor authorized the Centipede in the Spiderverse crossovers, the canonicity of these works is highly disputable. Even so, multiversal singularities don't seem to be harmed by deviations in canon to the same extent as multiversal constants or radical variables are. Rubber band time has a way of course-correcting measures, as a check and balance against the Butterfly Effect.
In a similar fashion, while G7.2.9 Tanya Woven never gives up being Ciem due to having actual superpowers caused by Spiderverse-induced time travel shenanigans, her role and tenure as Ciem actively in the field remained very limited. After moving to San Antonio, she still spent a lot more of her time as a civilian than as a superhero. So for most intents and purposes, her G7.2.9 life mostly snaps back to obeying the logic of her powerless G7 and G7.2.1 selves.
It's true that serious damage was done to G7.2.1's temporal reconciliation process with G7 due to Xironooti and Mogabir's invasion. Because originally, Rappaccini was never meant to find a way out of his reality. In similar fashion, Tabitha Pang and her friends were never originally meant to join a team called the Percolation Warriors. Main G7 continuity shows what every character's future would be like without this.
Not destroying Rappaccini's demonic bodyguards during the Great Battle for Little Rock was about the first time that Cherinob experienced any Gerosha history in any way significantly differently from how she experienced it at any prior point in time.
It's also noteworthy that outside of her native trilogy, Cherinob is seldom relevant to anything else prior to Swappernetters. Her involvement risks breaking the rubber band ball further. Therefore, stories that require multiverse logic pre-Percolation Warriors take pains to eliminate or minimize her role.
It's also noteworthy that the Divergency takes effect after the Ascension of Christ. So there can be only one Jesus, dying and rising once, for ALL. To have him have to be crucified a trillion trillion times in different variant timelines would cheapen the significance of his sacrifice.
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