In a desperate saving throw earlier this year, the last surviving copy of any version of the original script for 2008's 3-13 was finally recovered. It has recently been scanned back into existence within digital media, meaning that work on the film's editing can soon resume. Once this and Kings in the Corner are both on YouTube, the Dozerfleet Studios division can finally have its blog section fleshed out properly - with actual content to display!

Getting the Dozerfleet Studios tab fully online has moved higher up on the priorities list for this year, along with finishing the Chrome Kite and other Swappernetters Sims 4 packs for DzMD, as noted on the Labs blog. With Dozerfleet Studios back online, work can resume on the timelines for The Gerosha Chronicles, leading to resumption of Purge-Flare: Stickin' It to Pencil. From there, Blood Over Water can be written, and pave the way for the long-anticipated Ciem: Inferno.

The Journey to Batuu Sims 4 game pack released this year has indicated that a Tiemess the Jithy Knord short is possible in the near future for 2021. It would be a total continuity reboot from 2005's Star Flops: Curse of the Medium Side, but would likewise also be a short story.
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