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Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Plum Bixie vs. 2020 Mulan: How do they compare?
Which female Chinese protagonist is better-written, in your view? Please leave a comment below, to pick your preferred Chinese action heroine.
![]() Zize Choi, from Dozerfleet's The Tale of Plum Bixie (2018) |
![]() Mulan Fa, from Disney's Mulan (2020) |
Origin Lowly sex slave / honeypot / assassin, working as a spy for a government she hates, and ideology that disgusts her. |
Origin Started off loving a similarly-oppressive regime, in spite being a victim of that oppression herself. |
Reaction to origin Rebels and pursues freedom and a new life, identity, etc., at the first given opportunity. Joins a liberty-loving band of hillbillies. Libertarian. |
Reaction to origin Becomes a willing stooge of said regime later, to spread more of that oppression to others. Fascist. |
Views on individualism Believes in the individual as something of value, and that without that, a collective is not worth having. |
Views on individualism Views the collective's leaders as more important than anything or anyone else, and otherwise, values the collective above the individual (except for herself), until the individual is nothing (unless they're part of the elite.) |
Emotional state Initially motivated by jealousy, pain, resentment, victimhood, and an insatiable bloodlust. Later motivated by love, and even later motivated by pain and guilt. The Implacable Woman. |
Emotional state Initially motivated by pride, arrogance, resentment, jealousy, and insatiable bloodlust. Later motivated by pride. The Mary Sue. |
Arrogance Becomes arrogant at one point, faces heavy consequences. |
Arrogance Is constantly arrogant. Rarely faces any serious personal consequences. |
Empathy Witnessing the loss of everyone she grew to care about, as she proves helpless to stop the onslaught, filling her with survivor's guilt. |
Empathy Her becoming the emperor's eager stooge, feeling nothing about the hundreds of her own men she killed with her own recklessness. |
Preferred weaponry Guns, knives, arrows, bazookas, any modern weapon. |
Preferred weaponry Swords, spears. |
Phlebotinum Wolverine-like healing |
Pheblotinum Magic kung-fu that runs on Chinese Midichlorians |
Meta origin Injected against her will. |
Meta origin Born awesome. |
Experience and training Trained for years to be a honeypot / asssassin under MSS tutelage, in spite being the butt monkey for her boss. Was given no choice. Only friend for years was Mingmei, who was also being given credit for most of her kills. Thrust into the Idaho situation against her will. But chooses to side with the locals. While a quick learner, she still has some weapons taught to her by locals. |
Experience and training Joins the military with almost zero prior training, is already better than everyone else at everything. Everything cool was her choice. |
Inspiration The Deputy / Judge from Far Cry 5 and Far Cry New Dawn. |
Inspiration Skin swap of Brie Larson's Captain Marvel. |
Peers A fellow spy, one of the few that isn't a total jerk to her. They get separated, and this friend gets assigned to other adventures. |
Peers A witch, who envies her for being accepted for the same reasons the witch was made an outcast from society. Who has a change of heart and dies to help Mulan. |
Call to adventure Resigned to the call. Didn't ask for it; but accepted it, begrudgingly. |
Call to adventure Jumped at the call. |
Inner moral conflict Am I doing the right thing for the right reason? Am I really a hero, or just a bitter mass murderer? Yes, they had it coming. But did that justify me being the executioner? Is being a violent killing machine really all I'm worth? Is this really my only way to prove to the world that I'm not just some stupid whore, like my supervisor tried to paint me? That asshole! |
Inner moral conflict Why can't everyone already see how awesome I am? |
Mental health PTSD, PTED, selective mutism, develops split personality / schizophrenia. |
Mental health Narccissist |
Huli Jing Gets a mask of one, but keeps her "Plum Bixie" spy alias, in spite the bixie and huli jing being two very different mythological animals. In spite this, she develops a mindset when on missions more in common with that of a nu gui, similar to the Japanese onryo. However, she doesn't dress the part of one. She leaves that to the onryo impersonator Anda Hirano, known in the west as the "Extirwraith," the female counterpart to Extirpon. Who, while less powerful overall, is Tug-immune, something Extirpon cannot claim. |
Huli Jing Would more likely have been called one of these, rather than a "witch," if locals wished to demonize her. Gets an unexplained phoenix spirit familiar out of nowhere, without concrete explanation, presumably as a stand-in for Mushu the Dragon. |
Christianity Converts eventually. Becomes more serious about it after marrying Amado Marcones. Is healed emotionally by devotion, but still struggles with guilt over her history of murder sprees. |
Christianity Lived in a time when missionaries to China were almost unheard of. Would've had little chance to exposure to much outside Confuscianism. Played by an actress that celebrates the CCP's sadistic mistreatment of ethnic and religious minorities. |
Outcome Lives tolerably ever after, some time after having to be hospitalized for her deteriorating mental state. |
Outcome Lives happily ever after, logic be damned. |
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Dozerfleet Labs goes on hiatus.

It's official: all pending releases of Dozerfleet Labs content not yet published, are being saved for 2021. It's been quite a year for the Labs division, which can be read about in detail from its dedicated blog.
For the remainder of 2020, the other divisions will be focused on, as content needing a new home is added to this blog. Stay tuned, to see it as it comes!
Friday, September 25, 2020
The real life Wilma Menka is at it again
This whole system needs reform. After dealing with Barbara Ritter (CPS), Sheri Roseau (GAL), and the STATE'S army of kidnappers, I've never met anybody more evil!
They just make up stories, and twist the truth. Example: a cattle prod, to CPS, is an "ANIMAL TAZER"!
THEN, the drama queen therapist says: "OMG, did it knock you unconscious, you poor child!"
In the REAL world, the children are laughing their arses off! How many of us farm kids haven't "ZAPPED" each other? At age 52, you hit me with a cattle prod, I smile! It brings back good memories. One day, when I was 16, my dad and I "tagged" each other all day long! I'm still laughing about it now, with a smile on my face. I still remember the look on my dad's face, when I "ZAPPED" him on the arse when he was bent over picking up some wood!
That old US Marine came unglued! I was running for my life, laughing! Fast-forward to Marxist Barbara Ritter, and that is "CHILD ABUSE"! Something needs to change; because NO family should have to endure Barbara Ritter's compulsive lying Bolshevik Regime!
Our children are NOT safe from busybody predators like her! After 2.7 years; not even a letter to - or from - my children, and the child predators are saying "the reunification plan was a failure."
I have read of stories very similar to this that happened in the SOVIET UNION!
— Bob Miner, Facebook, 9/25/2020
"For the lusting of after wealth is a root to all manner of evil."
— 1 Timothy 6:10
Barbara Ritter, the disgustingly evil and corrupt CPS agent in Dickey County, is only enabled by a police force (lesser magistrates) and judges who refuse to do their duty against her wickedness; in spite the fact that they repeatedly condemn it in word ("that's f*ked!"), but not in action.
In the pursuit of federal money, even the lawlessness of tampering with mail and child abduction, and outright lying to courts, is tolerated in Dickey County!
Barb's fictional counterpart, Wilma Menka, eventually finds herself on the receiving end of the Horrorday Gang's wrath in The Horrorday Gang. The story pack for these characters, for The Sims 4, can be downloaded now from DzMD.
However, it's going to take real Americans defunding CPS, and holding Congress and the higher ups responsible, before the Clinton-era program that funnels all this money can be properly shut down. The Devil's children here, namely Barb and her Marxist ilk, respond only to whatever stimulates their brains to produce dopamine in the moment: sex and money. Such is how the mind of a complete degenerate works.
While there is no proof that Bob Miner's kids are being molested yet by their fosters; the state of North Dakota would tolerate even that, if only to keep their scam going to defraud the federal government of more money!
Such as that are the same ilk who put the Janczewski family's lives in danger in Rose City, Michigan, in the early 2010s. So greedy was that school district, that they put a price on the life of a child!
Why must more Americans form militias, to violently overthrow this tyranny, if defunding alone doesn't stop it? Simple: because if destroying the money train alone doesn't kill the tyrants' appetite for tyranny, then they're doing it for the sadism. And sadism from a tyrant can only be stopped, with the sadist's own violent demise!
This, is how Jefferson's Tree works!
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness...
— the Declaration of Independence
When a sufficient number are motivated by perverse sexual gain, not even cutting off their dishonest flow of money will be enough to stop them. For those who are discouraged when it proves no longer profitable, they must still be charged for their constitution-breaching trespasses - and face severe penalty! But for they who will not cease and desist, neither on principle nor on practical grounds, they must be shown no quarter. You must purge the evil from among you.
Now, some may be wondering if there's another reason. One more Dozerfleet-related. And that's an easy answer. In Earth-G7.0, this thing called the Marlquaan results in Krampus, Jerry the Psycho Reindeer, Luca the Snowmobster, Perchta, the Tomte, and the Straggele being able to functionally exist in that timeline. And when Chad Estahm, based on Chris Estes, isn't simply satisfied to use lies to kidnap children and defraud federal tax money, he goes for full-blown satanic rituals, dark lord worship, human sacrifices - and trying to appease a dark lord by enslaving Yuletide monsters of lore!
The single biggest difference between Estes and Estahm; is that even Estes isn't a big enough idiot to invade northern Greenland, all to enslave Bad Santa to murder his own brother with! Even Estes would realize that to be an insanely stupid maneuver!
With no Marlquaan or similar BEP in our timeline of reality, the Horrorday Gang cannot truly exist in the same capacity in our world. So even if Estes were that stupid, there'd be nothing for him to collect!
As such, Krampus isn't coming to Forbes in 2020. So there's no one like him coming to rip the real-life Wilma Menka to pieces.
When agents of law turn their back on rule of law, and lawlessness and corruption reign as anarcho-tyranny in the land, God usually doesn't act in his own miraculous ways until he sees that the residents are themselves willing to fight for their own freedom.
"Pray like everything depends on God; but work like everything depends on Man."
— St. Augustine of Hippo
It's simple: North Dakotans need to be Krampus in the stead of a literal one. Only, they aren't taking the kids away from parents. They are taking their kids back, from a state that never had any right to those kids in the first place!
The misuse of state authority to engage in kidnapping and trafficking of children, in every sense, deserves to be a capital offense! Deuteronomy 24:7 was not joking that eradicating them is a necessary "purging the evil from among you"! The offenders deserve to see only one thing: the steamroller coming for their eyes, as they are tied to the pavement, helpless, unable to escape it!
The cowardly Marxist scumbags need to be removed from office, charged, convicted, and executed. PERIOD!
Yet, if these Clinton-era programs are not repealed, then money grubbers from out-of-state will come in to repeat the experiment anew! Corrupt office holders must be stripped of all possibility of "legitimate" monetary gain from this endeavor, so that they cannot even use money as an excuse to keep doing what they do!
In our Earth, Earth-G-Null, there is no Horrorday Gang. And even in Earth-G7, they don't act to save anyone, until it becomes part of their revenge for their kingdom having been invaded! So citizens, dispose of the garbage yourselves! If you try and convict them, and then their executed remains are too foul and accursed even for vultures to pick at, that's just fine! I'd say rocket their remains to Venus; but that'd be way too expensive.
Don't pull a Niemoller, and wait until it happens to you! Bob was first targeted, because some imbecile thought his beard "looked like a white supremacist beard"! If that flimsy an excuse can be used to paint a hit piece full of lies to the local paper, send a goon squad to raid a man's property without a warrant, kidnap his children, and turn the family's lives upside-down, and refuse to do right by the family because doing wrong pays better; then don't think for one instant that any family is safe!
If these predators have to, they will straight-up lie out of their asses to take your kids away, and get paid to do so! And the state of North Dakota plays along, because there's money in it! In 2013, The Richest found North Dakota to be the 7th most corrupt state in the union - one worse than even Michigan! In 2018, it ranked #1, according to Max de Haldevang at QZ. In fact, as Scott Shackford noted in May of 2019, the state had to set tighter rules on its officers, to keep them from abusing their power to commit wholesale robbery of citizens! That includes of their children and wives, like what Estes got away with (so far)!
What does corruption like that consist of? It consists of women like Ritter assuming that an entire Facebook profile of Bob's dedicated to proving what a lying criminal she is, is "proof" of her lying accusations of him being an abusive monster! That the courts enforce her word without solid evidence, and blow off attorney statements of objection! That literally anything Bob does to prove his innocence, is just another sign of guilt! called Kafkatrapping! It is a noted logical fallacy; and one leftists are fond of using.
Currently, the traffickers that tore Bob Miner's family apart are crowing in their assumption of victory! Saying "the reunification was a failure" - when they took pains to sabotage its success! They arrogantly assume that no one hears Bob's cries for help. Some do. Word is spreading.
These weasels that have usurped government office will squeal like pigs in a slaughterhouse, when justice finally catches up to them. They are no better than Antifa terrorists, when they are being arrested, and break down into little crybabies that they should have to face any consequences for their malicious destruction of innocent lives and property!
The Horrorday Gang won't be there to tear the CPS criminals of North Dakota to ribbons, like they were for Bob's fictional counterpart Rob Strainer. But if Americans won't do it in this lifetime, then in the next, God will feel compelled to quote Thanos: "Fine...I'll do it myself!"
The pig slop that is the state's (non)-case against Bob can be read as North Dakota Case# 11-2020-JV-00008.
Dozerfleet takes a strong stance against state corruption.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Because he's the Medium Side!!!
It took almost 7 years, but Tiemess the Jithy Knord is finally possible in The Sims 4! Details pending soon on the Labs blog.
3-13 back in the system

In a desperate saving throw earlier this year, the last surviving copy of any version of the original script for 2008's 3-13 was finally recovered. It has recently been scanned back into existence within digital media, meaning that work on the film's editing can soon resume. Once this and Kings in the Corner are both on YouTube, the Dozerfleet Studios division can finally have its blog section fleshed out properly - with actual content to display!

Getting the Dozerfleet Studios tab fully online has moved higher up on the priorities list for this year, along with finishing the Chrome Kite and other Swappernetters Sims 4 packs for DzMD, as noted on the Labs blog. With Dozerfleet Studios back online, work can resume on the timelines for The Gerosha Chronicles, leading to resumption of Purge-Flare: Stickin' It to Pencil. From there, Blood Over Water can be written, and pave the way for the long-anticipated Ciem: Inferno.

The Journey to Batuu Sims 4 game pack released this year has indicated that a Tiemess the Jithy Knord short is possible in the near future for 2021. It would be a total continuity reboot from 2005's Star Flops: Curse of the Medium Side, but would likewise also be a short story.
Monday, September 14, 2020
Schedule reshuffling
In keeping with the bad news over at Dozerfleet Labs regarding how story pack-essential mods by Sacrificial are currently broken by the Journey to Batuu game pack for The Sims 4, the Swappernetters story packs not finished yet need to be postponed in release until the matter is resolved.
This also holds up the process of starting Blood Over Water, which affects the beginning of writing for Ciem: Inferno and all its related works. While waiting for these measures to be repaired in earnest, 3-13 will now get edited. Its release should be a lynchpin toward putting Dozerfleet Studios back on the map.
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Project progress updates
In case anyone's curious about the state of affairs with projects, here's where they're at for this blog's divisions. The sister blog, Dozerfleet Labs, will be documenting progress updates for that division's projects.
Progress so far
The main blog
- The divisions tab for this blog, and pages for each division, need more formatting changes. Most content won't be added this year to the pages; but should be available by next year some time.
Dozerfleet Studios
- 3-13 editing is to resume soon.
- Links will be included for Kings in the Corner, the Oughties Big Rapids Living Stuff trailer, etc.
- Video books of Volkonir 2008 and Volkonir Journals: Attempt #43 are pending.
Dozerfleet Literature / Comics
- Purge-Flare: Stickin' It to Pencil has been delayed in release. It should be finished by early October.
- Following on the heels of Purge-Flare, Blood Over Water is set to begin screen capturing.
- The release of Purge-Flare and Blood Over Water will clear the path for writing Ciem: Inferno.
- Ciem / Anarteq: Kahoopiliana as a comic will be worked on some time next year.
- Following the releases of the above, Ciem: Ash Cloud can then assume writing, possibly in the spring of 2021.
- Anarteq: Guardian of the Soo can be written in fall of 2021, a year from now.
- Whenever Ash Cloud and Guardian of the Soo are completed, Ciem: Caldera and Sniperbadger: Fall of the Critter Resistance can be worked on.
- Another goal for 2021 is to release a Sims 4 webcomic of The Blue Face Film Strips.
- Scourge of the Medium Side is planned for 2021, to make use of the Journey to Baatu game pack for Sims 4.
- This blog will eventually become the new home for downloading Replox: Abstract Foundations.
- Cone's Poetry Tire Swing is being planned for re-release.
- Any other Literature / Comics releases will have to wait for 2022.
Dozerfleet Records
- The Every Ape and His Brother collection of song parody lyrics will be making this blog its new home.
- Information is pending about the history of Unlisted.
- New content will be posted if / when available.
All other project information not listed here will be on the Facebook page, on the Database, or on the Dozerfleet Labs blog. This includes new DzMD releases.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Upcoming organization
This blog's main page will be for posts. Those posts will mostly be about news that breaks regarding any short story, novel, poem, webcomic, graphic novel, comic strip, machinomic, song, band info update, or video that gets released under the banners of Dozerfleet Literature, Dozerfleet Comics, Dozerfleet Studios, or Dozerfleet Records.
For-profit-generated novels will be given appropriate links. Project history for all projects is recorded at the Dozerfleet Database, along with in-depth material regarding characters, items, etc. within stories and what-not.
The upcoming Dozerfleet Literature tab will feature links to download free short stories, free poems, free anything literature-related that isn't considered a comic. The Dozerfleet Comics tab will lead to a page about Dozerfleet Comics releases of machinomics, webcomics, etc. Dozerfleet Records will get a tab for all major sound and music-related published free content. Dozerfleet Studios' tab and page will link to the YouTube or other hosts of video content releases, and will be the go-to for requesting photography or video services.
All game add-ons, software, widgets, and non-photography / video project requests are handled on the sister blog, Dozerfleet Labs.
The new Dozerfleet Productions main blog is here!
Stylization is pending; but this will be the main blog for most Dozerfleet Productions operations.
The sister blog, Dozerfleet Labs, will still be the main host blog for that specific division. This new one will be the main host for Dozerfleet Literature, Dozerfleet Comics, Dozerfleet Records, and Dozerfleet Studios. The Dozerfleet Database will remain at Fandom for the time being, to document project history.